Transcript Test 1

Match the columns to form conditional sentences:
A) I will go to Brenda's party ...
B) I will call Sam ...
C) If you went to the doctor ...
D) If you go to Canada ...
E) I would help you ...
F) If I had time ...
G) If Joe had given me his phone number ...
H) Chris could stay in my house ...
I) I would write to Phil. ..
( B ) if I get his phone number.
( C ) he would prescribe you some cough medicine.
( H ) if she came to Brazil.
( I ) if I had his address.
( D ) you will see lots of maple trees.
( A ) if she invites me.
( G ) I would have called him.
( E ) if I weren't so busy.
( F ) I would finish this task.
(--- ) I would have helped you.
Test 1
(PUCPR) - If he loses election, he _______ from public life.
a) will retire;
b) has retired;
c) retired;
d) retire;
e) going to retire.
Test 2
(UNESP - SP) - Assinale a alternativa que preenche
corretamente a lacuna da frase a seguir:
If he put it this way, everybody ________ with him.
a) would agree;
b) should have agreed;
c) will agree;
d) would has agreed;
e) agreeded.
Test 3
(UFSM - RS) - Mark the alternative that completes the sentence
"If people were honest, they ____________buy fake products".
a) would;
b) did;
c) won't;
d) wouldn't;
e) don't.
Test 4
(UECE) - Mark the best option
I'd have gone to that party if they ___________me.
a) have invited;
b) had invited;
c) will invite;
d) are inviting.
Test 5
(PUCPR) - Complete with the right alternative:
"If I ___________you,I___________a new car.
This one is pretty old."
a) am, buy;
b) was, would buy;
c) were, would buy;
d) were, will buy;
e) are, will buy.
Test 6
(PUCPR) - Fill in the blank with the correct verb form:
If I won a lottery I__________around the world.
a) traveled;
b) will travel;
c) would travel;
d) am traveling;
e) travel.
Test 7
(FCC- BA) - Complete properly:
If it __________ we will stay at home.
a) rain;
b) rains;
c) will rain;
d) rained;
e) to rain.
Test 8
(FAAP - SP) - Which is the correct form?
If George were here with us, I would feel more comfortable.
If George was here with us, I would feel more comfortable.
If George was with us, I will feel more comfortable.
If George were here with us, I will feel more comfortable.
If George is here with us, I would feel more comfortable.
Test 9
(UECE) - Marque outra forma condicional correta das frases "lf he
has money, he will buy a new car" e "If she really loves him, she'll
help him":
a) If he had money, he would buy a new car e If she really loved
him, she'd help him.
b) If he had had money, he would have bought a car e If she really
loved him, she will help him.
c) If he had money, he will buy a car e If she really loved him, she
would help him.
d) If he had money, he'd have bought a car e If she really had
loved him, she'll have helped him.
Test 1O
Mark the best option:
If the weather__________nice,we_________to the beach.
a) was, will go;
b) were, would go;
c) had been, would gone;
d) is, would go;
e) was, would have go.
Test 11
(UP - PR) - The sentence ... "lf you eat vegetables that contain
vitamin K, you will feel healthier .. in the second conditional will
a) If you had eaten vegetables that contain vitamin K, you would
have feel much healthier.
b) If you ate vegetables that contain vitamin K, you won't feel
much healthier.
c) If you have eaten vegetables that contain vitamin K, you
would have fallen much healthier.
d) If you ate vegetables that contain vitamin K, you would feel
much healthier.
e) If you eat vegetables that contain vitamin K, you have feel:
much healthier.
Test 12
(PUCCAMP - SP) - Assinale a letra correspondente a alternativa que
preenche corretamente as lacunas da frase apresentada.
"Frederick, what's the matter with you? This is the third assignment
you haven't turned in!"
"I know, Mr. Dwarf. I would have turned them in______________ but
I've been extremely busy."
"But that's no excuse. You must understand that I'll have to fail you if
you don't complete your requirements." "Yes, I know. I'll try to catch
a) when I have time;
b) if I had time;
c) if I had had time;
d) if I will have time;
e) when I would have time.
Test 13
(UNESP - SP) - If the snow cover _________ longer, it
__________the plants and will_________the water cycle.
a) lasted ... would damage ... will disturb;
b) would last ... would damage ... disturb;
c) lasts ... will damage ….. disturb;
d) will last ... damages ….. disturbs;
e) lasts ... will damage ….. disturbed.
Test 14
(ITA - SP) - Lady Astor MP: "If you (I) my husband I (Il) poison your
Churchill: "If you (III) my wife I (IV) drink it." Os termos que melhor
preenchem as lacunas I. II, III e IV são:
a) were (I), would (II), were (1I1l, had (IV);
b) was (I), would (Il), was (III), would (IV);
c) were (I), had (Il), were (III), had (IV);
d) was (I), could (Il), was (III), would (IV);
d) were (I), would (II), were (III), would (IV).
Test 15
(FUVEST - SP) - Complete as sentenças abaixo com o tempo correto
do verbo entre parênteses.
would be
a) If you had worked harder, you ________(be)
in a better position
would have met
b) If you had gone to the movies, you______________(meet)
Test 16
(UNESP - SP) - Indique a alternativa que preenche corretamente
a sentença:
"If some anti-terrorist commentators ___________ the causes of
terrorism, they___________ justifications for it".
a) accept ... also accepted;
b) don't refuse ... wouldn't refuse;
c) accepted.,. would also accept;
d) wouldn't refuse ... didn't refuse;
e) accepted ... won't refuse,
Test 17
(UFRGS) - The alternative that does not finish the sentence "If it rains
we ... " correctly is
a) couldn't go out;
b) won't go out;
c) mustn't go out;
d) shouldn't go out;
e) can't go out.
Test 18
(PUC-PR) - If the Italian tarantula had been so poisonous, a lot
of people____________.
a) will be killed;
b) would have to kill;
c) would have killed;
d) would be killed;
e) would have been killed.
Test 19
(PUC-PR) - Select the best alternative to complete the sentences
I. If they _________money, they will build a big house.
II. If you _________out more, would meet a few people.
III. If he __________his restaurant, he would have got more
IV. If she _________so fast, she wouldn't have crashed her car.
V. If we ___________a car, we wouldn't have to spend all our time
waiting for buses.
a) have; went; had cleaned; hadn't been driving, had;
b) have; go; cleaned; wasn't driving; have;
c) had; went; was cleaned; hadn't driven; has;
d) have had; have gone; had cleaned; hadn't been driven; have had;
e) have; have gone; has cleaned; hadn't driven; have.
Test 20
(CESGRANRIO - RJ) - Mark the item that shows the correct
ending to the following sentence:
"If the process happens each time we eat sugar, we ... "
a) will have dental problems;
b) would have dental problems;
c) would have had dental problems;
d) could have dental problems;
e) may have had dental problems.
Test 21
(CESGRANRIO - RJ) - Mark the sentence below that must be
completed with the same verb tense as HAD ASCRIBED.
a) If I had the time, I __________ (visit) you.
b) If I go to the Post Office, I_________(mail) this letter for you.
c) If she ___________(see) the movie, she would have told you.
d) He would tell you about it if he ____________ (be) there.
e) I could understand him if he_______ (not speak) so quickly.
Test 22
(ITA - SP) - Dadas as sentenças
1. I worked here since 1970.
2. If you had bought a car last year, it would have cost you
much less than now.
3. If I was she, I should buy a new house.
Constatamos que esta (estão) correta(s)
a) apenas a sentença 1 ;
b) apenas a sentença 2;
c) apenas a sentença 3;
d) apenas as sentenças 1 e 2;
e) todas as sentenças.
Test 23
(UFCE) - What's the relation between the two clauses in the
sentence below?
"If this dental dream becomes a reality, stem cells will be taken
from the patient ... "
a) consequence;
b) conclusion;
c) result;
d) contrast;
e) condition.
Test 24
(FMU - SP) - Complete properly.
If you ___________, we shall miss the train.
a) don't hurry;
b) hurried;
c) didn't hurry.
d) hurry.
e) doesn't hurry.
Test 25
(ITA - SP) - Choose the correct alternative:
If his father were richer, he_________ to have a car.
a) would be allowed;
b) would allow;
c) will be allowed;
d) was being allowed;
e) be allowed.
Test 26