RP Demo Presentation to FIS

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Procurement card transactions in FIS
Procurement card transactions as
RP FIS documents for
processing & approvals in AISystem
 Introductions & Logistics
 FIS Document RP
 Overview & demo
 Implementation dates
 Policy, procedures, Q&A session with
 Procard Administrators
RP – Remote Purchase
 Overview of new process
 Receive a daily transaction file directly from Visa
 Build FIS document with card transaction details: doc code RP
– doc types JP (JPMorgan Chase) and CM (Commerce)
 Set up in Sent status for processing and further approvals similar
to AP Invoice and ID (Barnes) documents
 Why doc code RP?
 Existing transaction code for JPMorgan Chase card transactions
FIS functionality
 Doc Inquiry
 PDF Print from Doc Inquiry
 Document Print
 FIS > Documents > Remote Purchase
 Auto and Change options
 FIS > Approve Documents
 Approvals / Disapprovals / Hold / Monthly sweep
 FIS > Account Inquiry
 Budget Summary, Pending Transactions, Transaction List
 Ability to drill down to document
FIS Functionality
 Worklist entry for Incomplete, Disapproved documents
 AIS home page message board for Sent RP documents
 Stale documents – 14 days
 Cardholder notes or reviewer notes field is required
 Trail docs
 Overdraft checking, budget grouping concepts
 No “reject” option
 No proportional distribution – but % and amt split allowed
 Fund end date edits, regular FIS account edits apply – all new
funds and accounts available immediately without having to call
Procard Admin as long as your RP security allows it.
FIS Approval routing rules
 SPA A05-A08; A20-A22
 Based on fund codes
 No auto approvals or disapprovals
 Asset Office A18
 LC ≠ 52 and SC-Obj = 64XX / 70XX / 71XX / 3419 / 62XX /
63XX except 6378
 Tax Office A1004A
 Merchant Country is not USA & Amount is over $100 and SC-Obj =
3533 / 3538 / 3588 / 3417 / 3565
 Social Expense Dean’s Level
 Same rules and limits as the rest of the FIS documents
 International travel 3602 does not route for Dean’s level approval on
RP documents
FIS Security
 RP Entry role
 Equivalent to the “reviewer” role in PaymentNet
 Can allocate accounts
 Can route for approvals
 Can add trail docs
 Can save as is
 Can add reviewer notes
 Includes Document Inquiry security
 Access by department – can review and allocate for ALL cards
in the department
S&P Security Form – RP Entry
FIS Security
 RP Approver role
 Need to have separate RP approval security – existing FIS
approval security does not apply to RP documents
 Document approval limits apply
 Cannot approve transactions from the procurement card under
your name
 Can approve other card transactions from your department
 No separation of duties except for your own card transactions
(cannot approve but can still review and allocate)
S&P Security Form - Approval
FIS Security
 RP Cardholder role
For cardholders to enter notes and travel details only.
Cannot allocate accounts
Cannot route for approvals
Cannot add trail docs
Cannot save as is
Cannot view others’ card details from same department
Cannot review or add notes after the transaction is complete (may
change in later phases)
 Doc status does not change
 Does not include Document Inquiry option
 Provided ONLY to those cardholders who add notes
Card Usage Policy & Procedures
 Card usage policies and procedures do not change
 Cancels / disputes / fraud charges
 Procard Administrators
 Carrie Slama –935-8640
 Sherri Whaley (Kerley) –935-5711
Production Implementation
 JPMorgan Chase transactions will be available as FIS
documents beginning Tuesday Sep 24
 No security forms to be completed for existing active users
 Sweep of unapproved transactions will be consistent with
current process. First sweep in FIS will be in November.
 Attaching imaged supporting documentation is NOT
available. It is a current project and this functionality will be
coming in the future.
 Transactions dated Aug 22-Sept 20 will be reviewed and
approved in PaymentNet. October 4 is the final sweep from
 Transactions dated Sept 21 and after will be reviewed and
approved in FIS starting on Tuesday, Sept 24.
 RP Entry login
 Approver login
 Cardholder login
Q & A session
Sample transactions
Charges on SPA funds
Charges on SPA funds
Charges on SPA funds
Sample transactions
Sample transactions
Sample transactions
Sample transactions