Transcript Lecture 3

Chapter 3: Bifurcations
Dependence on Parameters is what makes 1-D
systems interesting
Fixed Points can be created or destroyed, or the
stability of the system itself can changed
These qualitative changes in stability are called
Bifurcation Points are the parameter values at which
bifurcations occur
3.1: Saddle-Node Bifurcations
Characterized by two fixed points moving towards
each other, colliding, and being mutually
annihilated as a parameter is varied.
Other ways of depicting saddle-node bifurcations
Stack of Vector fields
Limit of a continuous stack of vector fields
Bifurcation Diagram
Treat parameter as an independent variable and plot along
the horizontal
Normal Forms
All Saddle-Node Bifurcations can be represented
by x' = r – x^2 or x' = r + x^2
Anything with this Algebraic Form has a Saddle-Node
Graphically, some function f(x) must have two
roots near one another to have a saddle-node
3.2: Transcritical Bifurcations
These are situations where a fixed point must exist
for all values of a parameter and can never be
i.e. In logistic population growth models there is a
fixed point at 0 population, regardless of growth rate
Normal Form: x' = rx - x^2
3.3: Laser Threshold Example
Consider a solid-state laser
Atoms are excited out of a ground state
When excitement is weak, we have a lamp
When excitement is strong, we have a laser
Dynamic Variable is the number of photons in the laser
field, n(t)
Rate of Change is represented by n' = gain - loss
3.3: Continued
N' = gain – loss = GnN – kn
G is a gain coefficient, G > 0
n(t) is the number of photons
N(t) is the number of atoms
k is a rate constant, k > 0
As photons are emitted, N decreases.
N(t) = N(0) – αn
Where α > 0 and is the rate that atoms unexcite
N' = Gn(N(0) – α n) - kn
3.4: Pitchfork Bifurcation
Common in Physical problems that have symmetry
Supercritical Bifurcations
Normal Form: x' = rx – x^3
Invariant under the change of variables x = -x
Subcritical Bifurcations
Normal Form: x' = rx+x^3
Where the cubic was stabilizing above, its destabilizing
3.4 Continued
Blow Up
x(t) can reach infinity in finite time if r > 0 is not
opposed by the cubic term
In real physical systems, the cubic is usually opposed
by a higher order term
X^5 is the first stabilized term that ensures symmetry
X'=rx + x^3 - x^5
3.5: Overdamped Bead on a
Rotating Hoop Example
What is the motion of the bead?
Acted on by centrifugal and gravitational forces
The whole system is immersed in molasses
Newton's law for the bead
This is a second order equation however
Mrϕ'' = -bϕ' – mgsinϕ + mrω^2sinϕcosϕ
Ignore second order term
Bϕ' = mgsinϕ((rω^2/g)cosϕ-1)
There are always fixed points at sinϕ=0
Also fixed points at (rω^2/g) > 1
Dimensional Analysis and Scaling
When is it appropriate to drop a second order
Exploration through Dimensionless Forms
Allows us to define what small is (<< 1)
Reduces the number of parameters
There is a problem with this
Second order systems require two initial conditions
First order systems require only one
Questions of Validity
Phase Plane Analysis
A first order system is a vector field
A second order system can thus be regarded as a
vector field on a phase plane
In this example, a graph of angle versus velocity
We want to see how they move about a trajectory
And what these trajectories actually look like
3.6: Imperfect Bifurcations and
An imperfection can lead to a slight difference
between the left and right
X' = h + rx – x^3
If h != 0, symmetry is broken, thus h is the
imperfection parameter
Cusp Point
Point where two bifurcations meet
Stability Diagrams
Cusp Catastrophe
Bifurcation Surface folding over itself in spaces
A discontinuous drop from an upper surface to a lower
Bead on a Tilted Wire
When the wire is horizontal, there is perfect
If the spring is in tension, the equilibrium point can
If the spring is compressed, the equilibrium becomes
When the wire is not horizontal
Catastrophic change can occur in the direction of the
tilt if it is too steep
3.7: Insect Outbreak
Example of Catastrophe Bifurcation
N' = RN(1-(N/K))-p(N)
There is a catastrophic point where predation
cannot keep population down, and the spruce
budworms spread rapidly.