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V 1.2 PB & CJ
Ver 1.1
Login & Change Password
Ver 1.1
V 1.2 PB & CJ
User Name
Ver 1.1
V 1.2 PB & CJ
Enter the Password
and Click on Login
Ver 1.1
V 1.2 PB & CJ
Ver 1.1
V 1.2 PB & CJ
Secure one image
Answer any FIVE out of
these 20 questions and click
on Save(need to remember
these answers)
Ver 1.1
V 1.2 PB & CJ
Ver 1.1
V 1.2 PB & CJ
Enter the new password
and click on change
Ver 1.1
V 1.2 PB & CJ
Ver 1.1
V 1.2 PB & CJ
Enter the Transaction
password for continuation
Ver 1.1
V 1.2 PB & CJ
Enter the new password
and click on change
Ver 1.1
V 1.2 PB & CJ
Ver 1.1
V 1.2 PB & CJ
Ver 1.1
V 1.2 PB & CJ
Ver 1.1
V 1.2 PB & CJ
V 1.2 PB & CJ
Ver 1.1
Market Watch
Market Watch can be created by selecting Market-> Market Watch Group Settings or by using Ctrl + G
Ver 1.1
V 1.2 PB & CJ
Enter the group name of your choice and click on Add new button
The group name once added will feature under “ Group Name”
By default using Options , you can make the group
Click on Save groups to save the changes made in that group .
Ver 1.1
V 1.2 PB & CJ
A new Group “ABCD” is added
Ver 1.1
V 1.2 PB & CJ
Scrips are added in this window using the option “Add”
Ver 1.1
V 1.2 PB & CJ
Added Market Watch “ABCD”
Ver 1.1
V 1.2 PB & CJ
Orders and Trades
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V 1.2 PB & CJ
Buy Order Entry can be placed by selecting Orders
and Trades -> Buy Order Entry or pressing F1 key
Ver 1.1
V 1.2 PB & CJ
CNC –Cash n Carry (Delivery)
MIS –Margin Intraday Square off (Intra-day)
NRML- Normal i.e F& O carry forward
Ver 1.1
V 1.2 PB & CJ
Sell Order Entry can be placed by selecting Orders and
Trades -> Sell Order Entry or pressing F2 key
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V 1.2 PB & CJ
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V 1.2 PB & CJ
Order book can be viewed by selecting Orders and
Trades -> Order Book or pressing F3 key
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V 1.2 PB & CJ
Pending/Rejected/Completed/Open orders can
be viewed in this Screen.
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V 1.2 PB & CJ
Trade Book can be viewed by selecting Orders and
Trades -> Trade Book or pressing F8 key
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V 1.2 PB & CJ
Trades can be viewed in this Screen.
Ver 1.1
V 1.2 PB & CJ
Fund Transfer/ Withdrawal
Ver 1.1
V 1.2 PB & CJ
By Selecting this option Payment Gateway screen will appear
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V 1.2 PB & CJ
Select the bank linked and
enter the amount
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V 1.2 PB & CJ
Ver 1.1
V 1.2 PB & CJ
V 1.2 PB & CJ
Ver 1.1
Fund Payout
Select the Bank, Segment, and
Amount and click on submit.
Ver 1.1
V 1.2 PB & CJ
This option enables to view the status of fund transfers done.
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V 1.2 PB & CJ
Enter Request type as Pay In or
Pay Out and enter the date ,
Click on Go
Ver 1.1
V 1.2 PB & CJ
This option enables to check the Derivative Margin
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V 1.2 PB & CJ
Ver 1.1
V 1.2 PB & CJ
This is the Margin required for Derivative Contracts
Limit & Margin details
Ver 1.1
V 1.2 PB & CJ
This option enables to check the Limit/Margin
Ver 1.1
V 1.2 PB & CJ
Select Show All Clients under User Option
Ver 1.1
V 1.2 PB & CJ
In Cash Margin Avail > Right click on the Amount>
RMS Cash Credit
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V 1.2 PB & CJ
Shows Amount
Available for trading
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V 1.2 PB & CJ
V 1.2 PB & CJ
Ver 1.1
Click on ‘Holdings’ >> ‘View holdings/Collateral Values’ ( Alt + F9 ) for
viewing shares details
Ver 1.1
V 1.2 PB & CJ
Able to View the shares are lying in demat account
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V 1.2 PB & CJ
Buy Today Sell Tomorrow (BTST)
Ver 1.1
V 1.2 PB & CJ
BTST shares can be viewed using this option ‘T1 Holdings’ >>
‘View T1 Holdings’
Ver 1.1
V 1.2 PB & CJ
Click on ‘Get Holding’ to view your T1 holdings
Ver 1.1
V 1.2 PB & CJ
V 1.2 PB & CJ
Ver 1.1
Right click on scrip then click
on‘ Intraday Chart’ for viewing graphs
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V 1.2 PB & CJ
Ver 1.1
V 1.2 PB & CJ
Click on ‘Historical Chart’ for viewing
historical graphs
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V 1.2 PB & CJ
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V 1.2 PB & CJ
User Settings
Ver 1.1
V 1.2 PB & CJ
Ver 1.1
Market Depth can be viewed by double clicking on the scrip details in market watch
V 1.2 PB & CJ
Scrip performance can be viewed using Market depth
Right click and select this option
to add Index value Bar on screen
Ver 1.1
V 1.2 PB & CJ
Index Value Chart
Ver 1.1
V 1.2 PB & CJ
Security or Index alert can be set using this option
Ver 1.1
V 1.2 PB & CJ
Allows to Set Alerts
Ver 1.1
V 1.2 PB & CJ
Thank You
Happy Trading
Ver 1.1
V 1.2 PB & CJ