Presentation on policy regarding Housing in Bangladesh

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Transcript Presentation on policy regarding Housing in Bangladesh

The Policies relating to Right To
Samiul (ASK)
Rito (BLAST)
Right to Adequate Housing• The human right to housing is the right to live
in adequate shelter in security, peace, and
• The right to housing is integrally linked to
other human rights.
• Without a right to housing, many other basic
human rights will be compromised.
Factors Determining Adequacy
• legal security of tenure, including protection against
forced eviction;
• availability of services, materials, facilities and
• affordability,
• habitability,
• accessibility
• location,
• Cultural Adequacy
Right to Housing is guaranteed under• The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)
• The International Covenant on Economic, Social and
Cultural Rights (ICESCR)
• The International Convention on the Rights of the
Child (CRC)
• The International Convention on the Elimination of all
forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW)
• General Comments -4 and 7
Commitment of Bangladesh• Article-11 of The Constitution of the People’s
Republic of Bangladesh
• Article 15 (a) of The Constitution of the People’s
Republic of Bangladesh
• Article 32 (a) of The Constitution of the People’s
Republic of Bangladesh
• The 1999 National Housing Policy prepared by
the Ministry of Land has further recommended
• Draft National Housing Policy, 2008
• Draft Urban Sector Policy, 2011
Commitment of BangladeshThe 1999 National Housing Policy prepared by the
Ministry of Land has recommended:
•to increase availability of rods and other basic infrastructure for
populations of different income levels, particularly the poor;
•to facilitate the purchase of land by the poor in locations which
are near the place of work and where communication is easy and
•to set up “urban land banks” on khas land, banks of dry rivers;
•to set up a system for easy loans through family or community
•to remove barriers for housing, mainly for poor thorough nonformal micro-credit schemes
Commitment of BangladeshThe 1999 National Housing Policy prepared by the
Ministry of Land has recommended:
•to arrange housing credit programs through public and
private sector.
•to develop housing for authorized urban settler in their
present location, and if their land is needed for other
purposes, to relocate them elsewhere;
•to provide drinking water, sanitation, and welfare services; to
promote participation of residents in maintaining community
facilities, social, physical infrastructure;
•to facilitate provision of sanitation, water and night shelters
for pavement dwellers and the homeless.
National Housing Policy,2008(Draft)
Objectives of draft National Housing Policy, 2008:
A.To provide the political, economic, environmental,
technical, moral and spiritual guidance for suitable
Housing and sustainable human settlement development
for all;
B.To harmonize provisions of this regard provided by the
United Nations Charter, international laws, national
constitutions and other key provisions of various
C.To elevate all human rights, fundamental freedoms and
the right to housing and other development showing
respect for historical, cultural and religious backgrounds;
National Housing Policy, 2008(Draft)
Objectives of Draft National Housing Policy, 2008:
D. To apply Habitat Agenda harmonizing with the national
laws, development priorities and policies without
humiliating the religious and cultural dogma and values,
cultural background, beliefs and rights of individuals and
E. To ensure all types of human rights in accordance with the
United Nations and other international charters, the
National Constitution and laws in order to1. ensure everyone's equal right to access to the
opportunities of housing, health, food and education
regardless of Race, religion, color, language, doctrine.
National Housing Policy, 2008 (Draft)
Objectives of draft National Housing Policy, 2008:
eliminate Poverty to develop sustainable human settlement.
3. ensure Economic growth, social development, environmental
protection, balanced distribution of settlement, fair use of
resources, biological diversity, welfare and rights of present and
future generations.
4. develop quality of life on the basis of Social, economic,
environmental and cultural resources, features of rural and
urban materials and ranges, style and beauty, the type of land
use, land and the density of population, communication
system, opportunity of housing and benefits of the citizens.
5. preserve buildings and the areas of historical, religious, spiritual
and architectural importance, natural beauty and environment.
National Housing Policy, 2008 (Draft)
Objectives of Draft National Housing Policy, 2008:
6. recognize and strengthen the position of family as the
basic unit of the society.
7. ensure appropriate housing and basic services and
facilities for everyone through the participation and
involvement of Public, private, voluntary and area-based
organizations, cooperatives, NGO, individuals and
8. express solidarity with the basic needs of the backward,
neglected and endangered populations.
9. initiate separate program to provide housing opportunities
for working women.
The provisions of the policy
to achieve those goals:
• The government will gradually transfer housing program to
the private sector from the public sector for the planned
development of the housing sector under the responsibility
of People and private organizations and will provide
support to strengthen private initiatives.
• The government will increase lawful ownership, availability
and purchasing capacity of lands giving priority to the
women, children, women lead family, socially neglected,
vulnerable, sick and the deprived, poor and homeless
• The government will provide land in the appropriate places
among low-income groups by giving subsidy if necessary.
The provisions of the policy to
achieve goals:
• The government will prevent unauthorized construction,
land grabbing and building-up unhealthy residents,
develop standards of the environment of already buildup slums and, in potential grounds, rehabilitate the
• The government will reduce housing demand created for
opportunity, availability of necessary goods, housing and
services in the rural area.
• The government will coordinate the housing,
communication facilities, environmental and social
benefits of urban and rural planning and management.
The provisions of the policy to
achieve goals:
• The government will inspire the Co-operative Associations,
non-profit organizations, private promoter giving various
facilities for the development of land, infrastructural
development and house-building for the people of limited
• The government will make land administration, revenue
collection, land surveying, land transfer and land
registration system modern and convenient.
• The government will ensure safe drinking water, drainage
and other basic facilities for all levels of people especially
for the poor, women, disadvantaged and endangered
Urban Sector Policy, 2011 (Draft)
Objectives of Draft Urban Sector Policy, 2011
f~m¤ú‡`i m‡e©vËg e¨envi Ges µgea©gvb AvevwmK Pvwn`v c~iY
Ges miKvwi †emiKvwi Ges Ab¨vb¨ Askx`vix‡Z¡i wfwˇZ
†mevmg~n wbwðZ Kiv|
bMi cwi‡ek we‡klK‡i Rjvavimg~n myi¶v msi¶Y cwiea©b Kiv
mgv‡Ri bvix Ges `wi`ªmn mKj †¶‡Îi RbMY‡K
cÖwZwbwaZ¡g~jK wm×vš— MÖnb Ges ev¯—evqb cÖwµqvq
m¤ú„³ Kiv;
Urban Sector Policy, 2011 (Draft)
Objectives of Draft Urban Sector Policy, 2011
b¨vqwePvi Ges ˆewPΨgq RxexKv AR©‡bi my‡hvM wbivc`
¯^Ë Ges †gŠwjK cwi‡mevq cÖ‡ekvwaKv‡ii gva¨‡g `wi`ª gvby‡li
wbivcËv e„w×i e¨e¯’v Øviv Aš—f©~w³ Ges mvgvwRK b¨vqwePvi
wbwðZ Kiv;
• mvgvwRK
• bxwZ cÖYqb Ges cÖ‡qv‡Mi †¶‡Î bvix, cyi“l, wkï, hyeK, e„× Ges
cÖwZeÜx e¨w³‡`i we‡kl Pvwn`v we‡ePbvq †bqv;
• Aciva Ges wbh©vZb Kgv‡bvi Rb¨ mgm¨vw`i bvbvg~Lx w`K we‡ePbvq
wb‡q M„nxZ c`‡¶‡ci gva¨‡g bvMwi‡Ki ¯^v¯’¨, myi¶v I wbivcËvi
wbðqZv weavb Kiv;
Major Dimensions of The Policy
b¨vkbvj Avievb †m±i cwjwm cÖYq‡bi mgq `ªƒZ bMivq‡bi d‡j m„ó
P¨v‡jÄmg~‡ni djcÖmy †gvKv‡ejv Ges D‡jwLZ j¶¨mg~n c~i‡Yi Rb¨
wbæwjwLM welq¸‡jv‡K cÖvavb¨ †`qv n‡q‡Q| (‡gvU 21wU wel‡qi g‡a¨
wbæwjwLZ welq¸‡jv we‡klfv‡e weeP¨)
Urban Land Management
Urban Housing
Urban poverty and slum improvement;
Urban Transportation;
Health and Education;
Cultural and aesthetic
Law and Order
Provisions relating housing in the Policy
 cwiKíbv Kvh©mg~n evm‡hvM¨ bMi cwi‡ek Dbœq‡bi j‡¶¨ wbæ Av‡qi
Rb‡Mvôxi w`‡K weklfv‡e gb‡hvM †`qv n‡e| GQvov cÖwZeÜx e¨w³mn
wewfbœ eq‡mi RbMY Ges wewfbœ Av‡qi Rb‡Mvôxi miKvwi †mev I
myweavmg~‡n c‡ekvwaKvi wbwðZ Kiv(5.2.7).
 `wi`ª‡`i Rb¨ wb‡æ DwjwLZfv‡e f~wg mieivn e„w× Kiv n‡e(5.5.7).
-f~wg n¯—vš—i AvBbmg~‡ni ms¯‹vi
-f~wg e¨vsK m„wó Ges wbæ e¨q Avevmb cÖK‡íi Rb¨ wewbgq;
-`wi`ª‡`i Avevm‡bi Rb¨ Lvm Rwg e›Ub
-bM‡ii MnY‡hvM¨ cwigvb f~wg `wi`ª‡`i Avevm‡bi Rb¨ eivÏ cÖ`vb
Provisions relating housing in the Policy
 miKvi Ges ¯’vbxq miKvi wbæ Av‡qi Rb‡Mvôx Ges `ªwi`ª‡`i Rb¨
f~wg Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ wekl cwiKíbv MÖnY Ki‡e-(5.5.10)
 ga¨ wbæ Av‡qi Rb‡Mvôxi Ges Avkªqnxb gvby‡li Avevm‡bi Rb¨ f~wg
mieiv‡ni j‡¶¨ miKvi Dchy³ f~wgKv cvjb Ki‡e|
weklK‡i miKvi ch©vß Avevmb evRvi m„wó, mgvRwfwËK Avevmb
ˆZwi‡Z mnvqZv, A_©vq‡bi Drm‡K MwZkxjKiY, fvovwfwËK
Avevm‡b mnvqZvKiY, wbg©vY mvg`MÖxi Dbœq‡bi D‡`¨vM‡K
Drmvn cÖ`vb Ges `wi`ª‡`i Rb¨ Avevmb Ges ew¯—evmx‡`i Dbœq‡bi
Rb¨ c`‡¶c MÖnY Ki‡e|(5.6)
Provisions relating housing in the Policy
 Avevmb I f~wgi ch©vß mieiv‡ni Rb¨ Kimn Ab¨vb¨ cÖ‡qvRbxq
Dchy³ A_©‰bwZK e¨e¯’v cÖ‡qvM Kiv n‡e| `wi`ª I ¶wZMÖZ¯—
Rb‡Mvôx hv‡`i †¶‡Î cPwjZ evRvi †KŠkj e¨_© n‡q‡Q Zv‡`Zi
wbw`©ó Pvwn`vmg~n c~i‡Yi Rb¨ miKv‡ii n¯—‡¶‡ci ch©vqµwgK
g~j¨vq‡bi c`‡¶c MÖnY Kiv n‡e (5.6.1)
 miKi wbæ Avq Avevmb FY Kg©m~wP MÖZnY Ki‡e (5.6.3)
 msL¨vMwiô wbæ Avq RY‡Mvôxi Rb¨ fvov evmvi Dbœqb‡K Drmvn
cÖ`vb Kiv n‡e (5.6.4)
Provisions relating housing in the Policy
 ew¯—mg~‡ni Dbœq‡b ew¯—evmx‡`i cybe©›`e¯—KiY I bMi
`wi`ª‡`i ¯^‡Ëi wbivcËv Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ Avievb cwjwm weavb
Ki‡e| bMi GjvKvq ew¯— Dbœqb Kg©m~wPi Rb¨ A_© I f~wg
eiv‡Ïi Rb¨ b¨vkbvj Avevb cwjwm eva¨Zvg~jK weavb wbwðZ
Ki‡e (5.6.6)
 miKvwi ms¯’v mg~n Avevmb mieiv‡n mvg_¨© m„wóKvixi
f~wgKv cvjb Ki‡e Ges wbæ Av‡qi gvby‡li Avevmb wbwðZK‡í
†emiKvix I cvewjK LvZ‡K DrmvwnMZ Ki‡e-(5.6.7)
Provisions relating housing in the Policy
 ew¯—i gvb Dbœqb I ew¯—evwm‡`i cyYe©vm‡bi Rb¨ miKvi
AMÖvwaKvi wfwˇZ Kg©m~wP MÖnY Ki‡e (5.7)
 ¯’vbxq KZ©„c¶ cyYe©›`e¯— wbwðZ Kivi Rb¨ w`Kwb‡`©kb cÖYqb
 ‡cŠi GjvKvq `wi`ª‡`i f~wgi ¯^‡Z¡i wbivcËv wbwðZ Ki‡e-5.7.3
 wbæ Av‡qi Rb‡Mvôxi Avevm‡bi Rb¨ bMi GjvKvq we‡kl AÂj ˆZwi
Ki‡e (5.7.4)
 wbivc` Ges ch©vß cvbxq Rj, m¨vwb‡Ukb, †hvMv‡hvM I R¡vjvbx
e¨e¯’vi Dci we‡kl ¸i“K¡ w`‡e (5.7.5)
Provisions relating housing in the Policy
 Avevmb, f~wg, A_© Ges miKvwi †mevmg~‡n bvix‡`i
cÖ‡ekvwagKv‡i we`¨gvb evavmg~n wbim‡b e¨e¯’v MÖnY Ki‡e
 wkï‡`i Rb¨ mvgvwRK myi¶v wbwðZ Ki‡e we‡kl e¨e¯’v (5.14.1)
 kni Ges bM‡ii we‡bv`‡bi Rb¨ cwiKwíZ e¨e¯’v Ges mylg e›Ub
wbwðZ Kiv n‡e(5.15.1)
 AbybœZ GjvKvq fwel¨r cvK© I Ab¨vb¨ we‡bv`b myweavw`i Rb¨
we‡kl e¨e¯’ MnY Ki‡e (5.15.3)
Provisions relating housing in the Policy
 bvMwi‡Ki cÖvZ¨wnK Rxe‡b miKvi AvB‡bi kvmb Ges AvBb
k„sLjv wbwðZ Ki‡e (5.18.1)
 bM‡ii bvMwiK‡`i e¨w³MZ wbivcËv Ges Aciva wb‡iva Kivi j‡¶¨
miKvi AvBb cÖYqb Ki‡e Ges wb‡ivaK e¨e¯’v MÖnY Ki‡e
Projects taken by Bangladesh to provide
Ghore Phera (Back to Home) Programme
The Asrayan (Shelter) Project
The Adarsha Gram prokolpo (Ideal Village Project)
Rehabilitation Project for 2600 shelter less family of
Vasantek, Mirpur, Dhaka
• Rehabilitation Project for shelter less family in Dattapara,
• Proposed Construction of 1,00,000 flats for Rural Poor and
Slum Dwellers of Bangladesh