Employment Network Application Process: Understanding the NEW

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Transcript Employment Network Application Process: Understanding the NEW

Ticket to Work Boot Camp:
Understanding the New Payments Agreement (PA)
and Request for Quotation (RFQ)
Hosted/Facilitated by: Miranda Kennedy, NDI Technical Assistance Team
Presented by: Kevin Nickerson and Mary Lynn ReVoir, NDI Technical
Assistance Team
2013 Ticket/EN Series
Disability Employment Initiative
DEI Projects at the state level and/or local level participating
LWIBs are required to become Employment Networks under
Social Security Administration’s Ticket to Work Program.
Training and Technical Assistance to DEI Projects in attaining
Employment Network status and implementing effective EN
operations is provided under U.S. DOLETA contract with NDI
Consulting, Inc. and the National Disability Institute (NDI).
Evaluation of the impact of the DEI Projects implementation
and outcomes as Employment Network will be provided
under U.S. DOL ODEP contract with Social Dynamics.
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this training webinar, DEI
Grantees and partners will have the following:
An understanding of the Request for Quotation (RFQ)
process and the Payments Agreement (PA) and how they
An understanding of the RFQ contents, what applies to
my organization, and how to submit the completed RFQ
An understanding of the PA contents and how to submit
the completed PA
An understanding of what occurs after award of contract/
Background on SSA Program Managers
Becoming an Employment Network (EN)
Review of the PA
Taking a Closer look at the RFQ
Comparison of the two options and summary
Discussion Opportunity
Next Steps
Useful Terms and Acronyms
SSA Program Managers
• Social Security Administration
• Oversees the Ticket to Work Program
• Contracts with two Program Managers
• Operations Support Manager (OSM)
• Services the Employment Networks (ENs) & State
Vocational Rehabilitation in recruitment, training,
payment, etc.
• MAXIMUS is contractor
• Beneficiary Access and Support Services (BASS)
• Services the SSA’s beneficiaries
• Booz Allen Hamilton is contractor
Before Getting Started…Must Have
1. Employer Identification Number (EIN), also known as the Tax ID #
2. General business or professional liability insurance in effect
(minimum of $500,000 per occurrence)
3. DUNS number (if you need one contact Dun & Bradstreet at 1-866705-5711 or apply online at www.dnb.com
4. Register DUNS # with the System for Award Management (SAM)
• Formerly Central Contractor Registration (CCR) system and the
Online Representations and Certifications Application (ORCA)
• Primary registrant database for all Federal Government contracts
• Enter banking information
• Update annually
• There is no charge
All ENs sign a formal contract/agreement with Social
Security Administration
This is a federal contract/agreement and the EN needs to
maintain in compliance
DOL funded Workforce Agencies have 2 Options to apply:
Payment Agreement (PA) or Request for Quotation (RFQ)
Payment Agreement (PA)
Payment Agreement (PA)
• October, 2012 - SSA released new option only for DOL
funded workforce agencies
• December, 2012 - DOL released Training and Employment
Notice (TEN No. 14-12) announcing the available PA
• Due to federal partnership between DOL and SSA, it is an
“agreement” versus contract
• More generalized and shorter than RFQ (15 pages)
• Questions can be sent to [email protected]
Important Note: The above address is the corrected one. It was revised with the
information provided by Cindy Barcells at the end of the webinar.
Part I – PA Basics
• Payments for employment outcomes achieved by Social Security
• PA is valid for 5 years.
PA Part II: Statement of Work
EN Obligations
Section 1: Qualifications
◦ State workforce agencies, LWIB, One-Stop Career Center
Operators current contract with U.S. DOL ETA Payments for
employment outcomes achieved by Social Security beneficiaries
◦ Workforce EN comply delivery of two options
1. Intensive Services Only (default option) – at minimum includes:
Career Planning
Job placement (job search, development and placement assistance)
Ongoing employment support
2. Intensive Services and Ongoing employment Support (optional service)
Staff assisted employment retention supports
Required staff positions assigned to perform employment supports
(Section 8 A. #2)
PA Part II: Statement of Work
Section 2: Assignment of Tickets
Agree to use electronic process (eTicket Assignment)
Requires the WF ENs to submit 2 files to OSM on a monthly basis.
File # 1.
Social Security Numbers for those clients who agreed to an IEP
a. The Workforce EN submits to OSM a file that shall include:
 the client’s agreement to assign the Ticket to the WF EN;
 the date and month of initiation and subsequently closure date
b. OSM will assign Tickets that are available for assignment for those
IEPs on the first of the month following the month the IEP was
PA Part II: Statement of Work
Section 2: Assignment of Tickets
File #2.
The workforce EN submits a file of Social Security Numbers that do not
have an IEP; called eData Share
a. OSM will return the file to the WF EN, showing which individuals
are Ticket Holders and which Tickets are available to assign
b. The WF EN shall contact those beneficiaries to explain the
advantages of assigning the Ticket and the potential for
employment support services.
c. The WF EN shall develop an IEP for those beneficiaries who
agree to assign their Tickets outlining the beneficiary’s vocational
goals, and subsequently, will report those SSNs in the file
described in Part II—Section 2.A.1 above.
PA Part II: Statement of Work
Section 3: IEP Requirements
Agree to use electronic process
Maintain IEPs on file at workforce / SSA may audit
Section 4: Referral Agreements with VR
◦ Signed agreement submitted to OSM
Section 5: Workforce EN Responsibilities to Beneficiary
◦ Required to explain Ticket program as noted on PA
Section 6: Workforce EN Performance
Section 7: Workforce EN Reporting Requirements
PA Part II: Statement of Work
Section 8: EN Payments
Service Options and Payment Systems
Intensive Services Only
Intensive Services and Ongoing Employment Supports
Limited to Phase 1 Milestone payments only
Must identify positions to provide ongoing support
Eligible for all possible payments
At minimum quarterly contact to be eligible Phase 2 and Outcomes
Payment Conditions
◦ Same as RFQ
Requests for Payment
◦ Prefer EN uses ePay
◦ SSA will randomly review payments, Phase 1 Milestone 4, seeking
Certification of Services statement (COS)
PA: Remaining Section
Part II – Statement of Work
◦ Section 9: Statutory Understanding and Compliance
Part III – EN Information Sheet
Information about your workforce
J: Service Option - review carefully
K: WF EN Payment System Election - review carefully
P: Signatures
Submit signed via email attachment to
[email protected]
PA: Additional Notes
Suitability and Security Clearance
◦ Not required under PA (Part III – M)
◦ SSA allows PA EN to use portal and use the Beneficiary
Note your bank account information is recorded in
SAM (www.sam.gov)
Ask the Expert
Guest from SSA: Cindy Barcells
Handling EN Contracts
To ask a question/make a
comment please click on
the “raised hand icon” OR
submit it via the Q&A
panel, both are located on
the right hand toolbar
Request for Quotation (RFQ)
Request for Quotation (RFQ)
Download and complete on your computer
Current version is dated 8/27/12
Solicitation # SSA-FRQ-12-0010L
Questions RFQ direct to:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 866-584-5180 TDD: 866-584-5181
Fax: 410-597-0429
Advised submit electronically to: [email protected]
Taking a Closer Look at the RFQ
Contains 6 parts (see table of contents):
 Part I, BPA Agreement (required to submit)
 Part II, Price (review only)
 Part III, Statement of Work (review only)
 Part IV, Contract Clauses (review only)
 Part V, EN Quotation Documentation Requirements (required
to submit)
 Part VI, Solicitation Provisions (review only)
Part I and II
Part I- Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA)
 Required to complete and submit
 Outlines terms of BPA between the EN and SSA
Part II- Price
 Do not need to submit
 Outlines supplies, services, and price
 Firm–Fixed-Price of BPA is $0- for satisfactory
performance of services provided, EN is paid in
accordance with the Payment to ENs schedule
(Part III--Section 11).
Part III: Statement of Work
Contains 12 sections- all for internal review, does not need
to be submitted
ENs obligation
Describes the EN qualification requirements (One-Stop
delivery systems under WIA deemed qualified)
Outlines Ticket assignment process
Details of IWP
Referral Agreements
EN responsibilities
Security requirements, EN Training, and EN evaluations
EN Reporting Requirements, EN payment system
Statutory Understanding and Compliance
Understanding Your Obligations (Page 7)
Inform and educate Ticket Holders purpose of the Ticket Program is
to provide individuals with the opportunities and supports they need
Go to work, increase earnings, become self-sufficient by leaving
cash benefits to the maximum extent feasible;
Provide employment support services that afford Ticket Holders the
opportunity to prepare for, obtain and retain career ladder jobs that
will realistically enable them to leave and remain off cash benefits;
Avoid even the appearance of advising or condoning the practice of
artificially manipulating one’s earnings to remain on cash benefits;
Fairly and objectively, advise each Ticket Holder on the benefits and
risks of leaving cash benefits and becoming self-sufficient.
It is unacceptable for an EN to limit its business model to assisting
Ticket Holders to engage in part time employment only.
Snapshot of Ticket Process
1. Beneficiary
calls BASS to
about ENs and
chooses EN
develop IWP
3. Ticket is
assigned and
the EN &
work on plan
4. Beneficiary
earns income
sufficient for
outcomes or
5. EN is
eligible for
To Keep in Consideration
Workforce eProcesses will:
 Streamline EN operations
 Reduce administrative burden
 Reduce paperwork involved with Ticket
assignment and EN payment process
Keep this in mind when reading the section on IWP,
Ticket Assignment process, and the EN payments
Part IV: Contract Clauses
Reviews and explains EN contract terms and
Reviews liability insurance requirements – WIA
One Stop Centers/Workforce Boards/Operators
exempt from submitting proof
Explains the EN Security and Suitability
Part IV: Contract Clauses, Section 3
Paragraph G (pg 45-54, 57): EN Security and
Suitability Requirements
Purpose of this clause is to provide SSA policies and
procedures re: background investigations
Investigations are to determine the suitability of the EN to
acquire, handle, and have access to beneficiary personally
identifiable information (PII)
EN suitability process does not begin until after the BPA is
awarded; at this time, only EN staff names who acquire,
handle, or have access to PII are required
Part V: EN Quotation
Documentation Requirements
Section 1: Standard Form 1449
Box 17a: Offeror Name, Address, Phone, and Tax
ID/EIN number
Box 17b if applicable
Box 30 a, b, c: signature and date
Need to submit 2nd page even though you will not
enter any information
Part V: EN Quotation
Documentation Requirements
Section 2: EN Information Sheet: all about you as an EN
Offeror Name = Name placed in Box 17 on SF 1449
EN Name- optional, if listed in Directory, choose local name
Get registered in SAM and check yes
EN Directory Contact Information: name provided here is the beneficiary POC
for your EN
Type of Organization- at minimum check either WIA One Stop and/or
Workforce Board
EN Employee Suitability- provide names of EN who have access/handle PII;
Bene CD is optional
Note locations and if area covered not within local phone # need toll free
For each additional or different location to be published publicly in the online
EN Directory, complete one addendum for EACH different service delivery
Part V: EN Quotation
Documentation Requirements
Section 3: EN Quotation Checklist- for internal use only,
do not submit (page 87)
Business Plan - template is provided
Beneficiary CD – best to complete this now if you plan to
use Beneficiary CD
Part VI: Solicitation Provisions
Review only, do not submit
SSA evaluation of RFQ
RFQ selection and award
Offeror will be notified of missing or incorrect
information; given 60 days to correct deficiencies
Security & Suitability Process
Applies to RFQ only
Necessary to exchange PII with OSM/SSA
Currently seeking clearance is required for ENs to access the portal
to submit and obtain information necessary for EN operations
Complete this step after awarded agreement
EN security/suitability questions directed [email protected]
The clearance is for an individual not for the EN. Keep the
clearance letter.
Seeking clearance requires multiple steps. Details are posted at
RFQ Summary
Submit Part I (pgs 4-5) and all documents
contained Part V (pgs72-86)
◦ Remember: as a WIA One Stop/Workforce
Board/Operator- proof of EN qualifications and liability
insurance not required to submit with RFQ
Obtain necessary signatures where needed
◦ Part I, Blanket Purchase Agreement, signature on page 4
◦ Part V, Section 1: SF Form 1449
◦ Part V, Section 2-T: Signatory Authority
Submit signed Part I and all completed Part V
documents to [email protected]
Ask the Expert
Guest from SSA: Cindy Barcells
Handling EN Contracts
To ask a question/make a
comment please click on
the “raised hand icon” OR
submit it via the Q&A
panel, both are located on
the right hand toolbar
PA and RFQ Comparison Chart
Length of Award
5 years
10 years
Suitability Clearance
Covered under PA
EN Services
Must choose between providing
Intensive Services Only or
Intensive Services Plus Ongoing
Employment Support
More flexible in provision of
services per individual
Payment Available
Contingent on Service Option
(Intensive Only = Phase 1 only;
Intensive Plus = Phase 1,2 and
Phase 1, 2, and Outcomes
EN Staffing
Identify staff positions assigned
to provide Ongoing Employment
Formal identification not
Use of eProcesses
Woven into the PA
Preferred use of eProcesses.
Manual remains option
PA and RFQ Comparison Chart
What do I do now?
Hang in there!
For RFQ…… help is available through SSA’s
Employment Network Contracts Team
◦ E-Mail: [email protected]
For PA…… help is available through SSA’s
Payment Agreement staff
◦ E-Mail: [email protected]
Important Note: The above address is the corrected one.
It was revised with the information provided by Cindy Barcells
at the end of the webinar.
Post-Award: Once you become an EN
You will receive an award letter with agreement number.
Keep this letter.
OSM Workforce Team will schedule an Orientation Call introducing
you to your OSM team who:
√ Handles the process for assigning & un-assigning Tickets
√ Maintains the list of approved ENs
√ Processes Ticket payments
√ Conducts timely progress reviews
√ Staffs an EN Help Desk
√ Provides training & technical assistance to ENs
Become familiar with the Ticket to Work website at:
Next Steps
Announcement of 2013 DEI Ticket to Work training series
will be sent to Project Leads via DEI listserv
EN Call” offered on a monthly basis by OSM and
Social Security Administration
“Ticket Training Tuesdays” offered by OSM on a variety of
topics relevant to EN Operations
Details about All EN Call and Ticket Training Tuesday’s can
be found at:
In today’s presentation we covered the following:
The Request for Quotation (RFQ) process and the Payments
Agreement (PA) and how they differ
The RFQ contents, what applies to your organization, and how to
submit the completed RFQ
The PA contents and how to submit the completed PA
What occurs after award of contract/ agreement
If you have a comment or
question you can:
A: Submit it to the host in writing
via the Chat or Q&A Box to the
right, or…
B: Click on the “raise hand” icon
to have your line un-muted and
ask your question/make your
Contact Information
Kevin Nickerson
DEI Technical Assistance Team
[email protected]
Mary Lynn ReVoir
DEI Technical Assistance Team
[email protected]