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Identification of
Funders and Grants
Monica Omodei
CAUL/ANDS Webinar – “Joining the Dots”
July 17, 2014
Missing Links ….
Why funder identification?
• Acknowledgement is necessary for transparency
• Using a standard global identifier would allow:
ability to subsequently validate/lookup grant identifier (for
funders who supply grant data)
discovery filtered by funder
easier reporting to funders
linking to more information about the funder
Why grant identification
• Globally unique persistent identifier will resolve to
details about the grant
• When publications and datasets are linked to the
same research grant, connections can be inferred
• Enables reporting of outputs against research grants
Funders Databases ?
• The FundRef Registry maintained by CrossRef
provides a taxonomy of more than 6000 standardized
funder names.
• Some journals incorporate the FundRef Registry into
their publication submission processes. Authors
select a funder(s) but type grant number(s)
• Publishers send this information to CrossRef as part
of their metadata deposits for obtaining DOIs.
• CrossRef searching can be filtered by funder
• This data is also in CrossMark Record tab
• Also available via API
Australian Funders
• Needs coordinated effort to assemble normalised
list of funders integrated with FundRef Database
• Wise to use existing global identifier scheme
pioneered by Fundref if supported by other
Research Data Alliance members
What about grant information ?
• ANDS has initiated discussions with
CrosssRef/FundRef and selected publishers to
investigate interest in using lookup services for
grantIDs in their submission interfaces– eg ANDS
Research Grant API, …
• Lead to improved cleanliness of grant number
data in FundRef database
• Grant information could then be included in
CrossRef and publisher discovery services
Grants Databases ?
• ANDS Registry – currently only ARC and NHMRC
grants but plan to include data from other
• Funders own grant databases – how to aggregate
this data into the ANDS registry
UK Research Councils (API using CERIF schema)
UK Digital Curation Centre in the UK is piloting a Research
Data Registry including grants data
Open AIRE Project - 24,000 research projects funded by the
EC and 9,000 by Wellcome Trust
• Work with participating journals to enable
controlled submission of Funder and Grant
Information (ie standard identifiers) via available
databases (eg ANDS Research Grant API)
• Submit funder and grant metadata to CrossRef
when obtaining DOIs
• Enhance discovery and display to include funder
and grant information via the identifier
• Initial discussions commenced with Elsevier, PLoS,
Thomson Reuters
Participating Publishers
American Astronomical Society
American Chemical Society (ACS)
American Diabetes Association
American Institute of Physics (AIP)
American Physical Society (APS)
American Psychiatric Publishing
American Psychological Association
American Society of Neuroradiology
Association for Computing Machinery
BioMed Central
Copernicus Publications
eLife Sciences Organisation
National Library of Serbia
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Informa UK Limited
International Union of Crystallography
IOP Publishing
Journal of Humanity
Journal of Rehabilitation R & D
Just Medical Media, Ltd.
Kowsar Medical Institute
Landes Bioscience
Optical Society of America (OSA)
Oxford University Press (OUP)
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)
The Royal Society
Veterinary World
Journals and Manuscript Tracking Systems
• Manuscript Tracking Systems used by journals
need to be enhanced to provide the funder and
grant taxonomies in the author submission
• Submission guidelines and systems need to better
support citation of data
• Journal searching/browsing to display funder and
grant information
Libraries / Institutions
• Submission/update processes (articles and data)
need to be enhanced to ‘link’ to funders and
• Submission/update processes for articles need to
be enhanced to ‘link’ to research data
• Submission/update processes for data need to be
enhanced to ‘link’ to related publications
There are opportunities for software tools to assist
with connecting data and publications if they are
both tagged with the same research grant
Within a submission/update UI
Note that the identifier is inserted in the metadata
• FundRef - http://fundref.org/fundref/
• CrossMark - http://www.crossref.org/crossmark/
• Australian subset of funders in FundRef
• Australian Competitive Grants Register
• ANDS Research Grant API
• FundRef API