New TSI Iron Ore Document

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Transcript New TSI Iron Ore Document

BE Development Instructions – ITTI
 The ‘items’ numbered in this document correspond
with the charts and tables as numbered on the
attached design of the new document.
 Please note, this development is to create a new
document option – meaning a ‘New Media Type’
(under Media Settings) in addition to the existing Iron
Ore Daily as listed in the TSI BE under Media Settings.
DAILY DOCUMENT. We still need it! Please create a
new document / new media type entitled Iron Ore
Item 1 – The Steel Index Iron Ore
Reference Prices
 Present on the pre-existing document.
 Data recorded in the database.
 Data entered in BE as follows:
 Data Entry
 Iron Ore Index Data Entry
Item 2 – Iron Ore Reference Prices
 Present on the pre-existing document.
 Data recorded in the database.
 Data entered in BE as follows:
 Data Entry
 Iron Ore Index Data Entry
Item 3 – Today’s Iron Ore Market
 Item under development
 See Todo DEV entry entitled text entry for daily iron
ore report
Item 4 – SBB Top Iron Ore News
 Web development needed
 Development request to be logged in Todo DEV
Item 5 – Indicative Freight Rates to
 Present on the pre-existing document.
 Data recorded in the database.
 Data entered in BE as follows:
 Data Entry
 Freight rates
Item 6 – TSI 62% Fe average price
 Data recorded in the database.
 Data entered in BE as follows:
 Data Entry
 Iron Ore Index Data Entry
 Monthly averages: mean average of all published 62%
Fe prices in the calendar month
 Quarterly averages: mean average of all published 62%
Fe prices in the calendar quarter. Q1 is Jan-Mar, etc.
Item 7 – TSI 62% FOB net back
Data recorded in database.
Implied FOB calculated as follows:
62% Fe (Data Entry / Iron Ore Index Data Entry)
Less the respective freight rates (Data Entry / Freight rates)
 Brazil:
 Australia:
 India:
Brazil – China (ore)
W. Australia – China (ore)
India – China ore (average)
 Current day’s 62 price less latest freight entry (previous day)
 Implied CFR Europe calculated as follows:
Implied FOB (as arrived at as above) plus freight rate.
Implied FOB Brazil plus latest Brazil – Europe (ore)
Cells that relate to Australia and India under Implied CFR Europe to be left blank
 Implied CFR Europe QTD
The quarter to date average of the derived (as above) Implied CFR Europe price
The mean average of the prices published in the calendar quarter
Item 8 – Iron Ore Stock at Chinese
 Data recorded in database.
 Data entered in BE as follows:
Data Entry
China Stock Levels
Total (historic)
Item 9 – Iron Ore Stock
 Data recorded in database.
 Data entered in BE as follows:
Data Entry
China Stock Levels
Qingdao / Tianjin / Caofeidian / Rizhao (data point for
current week treated as This Week. Data point for previous
week treated as Last Week.
Item 10 – Average Waiting Time
for Berth
 Data recorded in the database.
 Data entered in the BE as follows:
Data Entry
China Port Vessel Wait
All vessel classes (historic)
Capesize (historic)
Item 11 – Average Waiting Time
for Berth
 Data recorded in the database.
 Data entered in the BE as follows:
Data Entry
China Port Vessel Wait
Qingdao / Tianjin / Caofeidian / Rizhao (data point for
current week treated as This Week. Data point for previous
week treated as Last Week.
Item 12 – Average Load Time –
 Data recorded in the database.
 Data entered in the BE as follows:
Data Entry
Average Load Time – Australia
Australia iron ore (historic)
Australia coal (historic)
Australia combined (historic)
Item 13 – Chinese Export HRC
 Data recorded in the database.
 Data entered in the BE as follows:
Data Entry
Iron Ore Index Data Entry (62% Fe)
Steel Index Data Entry (Flat product HRC – Chinese exports to
Asia / Flat product HRC – Chinese exports to Europe or North
Item 14 - TSI 62% Fe Fines Spot /
Swap Curve
 Data recorded in database.
 Data entered in BE as follows:
Data Entry / Iron Ore Index Data Entry (62% Fe)
 Take historic of the IO 62% Fe
Forward Curve Data
 Use the latest day for which there are completed fields (day
Item 15 – Steel Futures
 Web development needed
 Development request to be logged in Todo DEV
Item 16 – Freight forward prices
 Item under development
 See Todo DEV entry entitled data entry for freight
forward prices
Item 17 – Normalisation Coefficients
 Data recorded in database.
 Data entered in BE as follows:
Data Entry
Iron Ore Normalisation Data
62% Fe Fines Coefficient
58% Fe Fines Coefficient
Item 18 / 19 / 20 – Contact The
Steel Index
 Web development needed
 Development request to be logged in Todo DEV
Item 21 – Data sources
 Web development needed
 Development request to be logged in Todo DEV