George OMAM - St James School

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Transcript George OMAM - St James School

George Milton
Hannah, Charlotte and Lauren
George always looks out for Lennie although it hasn’t
always been that way. This is because he nearly killed
him and felt bad for him but now they are sort of like
brothers. He protects Lennie and stands up for him.
He has quite a short temper as we have seen him shout at
Lennie on a regular basis. He calls Lennie a ‘Crazy
bastard’ a lot.
He is good at getting on with people because when he
meets Candy they become friends straight away.
“He was small and quick, dark of face, with restless eyes
and sharp strong features. Every part of him was
defined: small strong hands, slender arms, a thin and
bony nose.”
He wears denim trousers and a denim jacket with brass
buttons. He wears a black shapeless hat and he carries
a tight blanket roll slung over his shoulder.
Key things George says…
“ We travel together” – Chapter 1.
“I could get along so easy and so nice if I didn’t have you
on my tail. I could live so easy and maybe have a girl.” Chapter 1.
“Guys like us, that work on ranches, are the loneliest guys
in the world. They got no family. They don’t belong no
place…They ain’t got nothing to look ahead to. With us it
ain’t like that. We got a future. We got somebody to talk
to that gives a damn about us” - Chapter 1.
“This guy Curley sounds like a son-of-a-bitch to me. I don’t
like mean little guys” – Chapter 2.
Key things other people say about
Aunt Clara (hallucination) – “ Min’ George because he’s
such a nice fella an’ good to you” – Chapter 6.
Crooks (to Lennie) – “S’pose George don’t come back no
more. S’pose he took a powder and just ain’t coming
back. What’ll you do then?” – Chapter 4.
Rabbit (hallucination) – “Christ knows George done
everything he could to jack you outta the sewer but it
don’t do no good.” – Chapter 6.
Lennie – “ George wouldn’t do nothing like that. I been with
George a long time.” – Chapter 4.
Purpose in the book
He takes care of Lennie, and is always there for him
He is just an ordinary ranch worker but he travels around
with another guy.
He makes sure Lennie doesn’t get in trouble and explains
to other people why Lennie is like how he is.
He is just really a normal guy but he is stuck with Lennie.
How Steinbeck portrays George
He wants us to think that George is a nice guy. When he’s
going to kill Lennie he really hesitates and this shows he
really loves him.
George is portrayed as very sensible and never gets into
George is meant to represent an ordinary ranch worker but
the only difference is he is stuck with his friend.
The significance of his name
It is just quite a normal name because he is a normal man
who’s name doesn’t hold any hidden connotations. He is
just a ranch worker.
George’s Dream
George dreams of having a little house and a few acres to
grow crops and have animals. He wants to live the
American dream like most ranch workers apart from
before he meets Candy he doesn’t think that the dream
is really possible. In a way he just wants to have the
pressure of looking after Lennie off his shoulders so that
he could live a normal life.
“we’re gonna get the jack together and were gonna have a
little house and a couple of acres and a cow and some
pigs and…” – Chapter 1
Key Events he is involved in
Finding work on the ranch.
The fight between Curley and Lennie as he tells Lennie to
crush his hand. “Get ‘im, Lennie!” – Chapter 3.
His dream becoming possible because of Candy.
Kills Lennie. “The hand shook violently but his face set and
his hand steadied. He pulled the trigger.” – Chapter 6.