Transcript lecture1

Computer Aided Thermal Fluid
Lecture 1
Dr. Ming-Jyh Chern
Road Map for Today
• Welcome to Computer Aided Thermal Fluid
• Administrative Issues
– How to find me, Text Books, Exams, Office
Hours, Homework, Grading etc.
• Course Description
• Fundamentals of LINUX
How to find me?
• Office: T3 708
• Tel: 02-27376496
• E-mail:[email protected]
Discussion Forum
• Who is Smetana? Bedřich Smetana (2 March 1824 - 12
May 1884) was a Czech composer. He
is best known for his symphonic poem
Vltava (better known as The Moldau
from the German), the second in a cycle
of six which he entitled Má vlast ("My
Country"), and for his opera The
Bartered Bride.
The Vltava, Prague, Czech
Discussion Forum
• Versteeg, H.K. and Malalasekera, W. 1995
An Introduction to Computational Fluid
Dynamics – The Finite Volume Method,
Addison Wesley Longman, Edinburgh, UK.
• User Guide – STAR-CD version 3.1, 1999
Computational Dynamics Limited.
• Methodology – STAR-CD version 3.1, 1999
Computational Dynamcs Limited.
Exams and Grading
• About the assignments
– We will have about 6-8 assignments for the
– If you hand in homework one week late, you
will get a 10% deduction taken off. After one
week, the homework will not be accepted.
• There will be an oral examination in the
end of the semester.
Course Description
What will we learn from
this course?
• This course mainly gives you fundamental
concepts of Computational Fluid Dynamics
(CFD) and the finite volume method.
• The commercial package, STAR-CD, is the
main tool utilized in this course.
• The most important in this course to you
is not listening carefully in the lecture but
practicing tutorials!
Fundamentals of
Access the account in
• We need to access the workstation
( at the CFDLAB to use
• Exceed is required as the interface of your
window and the workstation.
• You’d better to access the workstation
using putty.
Basic Commands of LINUX
cd and pwd
Download PDF files
• URL:
• You will find files including manuals of
STAR-CD and PowerPoint files.
Fundamentals of CAE
• CAE – Computational Aided Engineering
• For an engineering problem, designs must
be validated before they are manufactured.
CAD can help engineers work out their
ideas and establish models, but CAD
cannot help engineers to know if their
ideas workable or not.
Fundamentals of CFD
• CFD-Computational Fluid Dynamics
• The main purpose of CFD is to simulate
flow phenomena using numerical methods.
• Finite difference method, finite element
method and finite volume method are
commonly used in CFD.
• This course is based on the finite volume
• STAR-CD is a product of Computational
Dynamic Limited. The current version is
• STAR-CD uses the finite volume method.
• There are three parts in STAR-CD:
How can we access STAR-CD?
• You do not need to purchase a copy of
STAR-CD. The way for you to use STARCD is to access
• STAR-CD at is installed
at a PC, an LINUX machine. We need a
software to access the machine first.
Currently, we use exceed as the interface
between the local host and the
What can STAR-CD do for us?
• General fluid problems
• Conjugate heat and fluid problems
• Heat conduction problems
• Heat convection problems
Mesh from ICEM
Moving Mesh
Four Major Modeling Process
• Phase 1 – Working out a modeling
• Phase 2 – Setting up the flow model using
• Phase 3 – Performing the flow analysis
using STAR
• Phase 4 – Post-processing the results