JABSOM Promotion and Tenure Dossier Preparation Mentoring

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2014 JABSOM Promotion and Tenure
Dossier Preparation Mentoring Program
Presented by the JABSOM Faculty Development Program
June 3 – July 29, 2014
(Tuesdays, weekly)
MEB 224T
Faculty Development Program
Rosanne Harrigan, EdD, MS, APRN-Rx, FAAN
Director of Faculty Affairs
Department Chair, Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Kakaako, MEB 224K
[email protected]
Lori Emery, MEd
Faculty Development Program Manager
Kakaako, Office of the Dean
[email protected]
Current Rank
Rank Applying For
Number of Years at JABSOM
Office Location
Research Focus/Clinical Area of
Session #1
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
How will this program help me?
Where do I find information/resources?
Overview of application, criteria/guidelines,
review process
External reviewers
Who am I statement
How will this program help me?
Help you understand the promotion/tenure
application process (including levels of
review, deadlines, filling out the application
form, criteria and guidelines)
Provide mentoring/feedback from senior
Provide you tips and strategies to put
together a successful dossier
Provide an overview of the different
sections of the dossier
Help keep you on track to have a
completed dossier by the end of the
Introduction to Promotion/Tenure at
UH Manoa Process
For UH compensated faculty only
Multi-level review process
Timetable: Oct-June
Requires filling out application form
and assembly of a dossier
Where can I find resources/information
on promotion/tenure?
UH Manoa Promotion/Tenure Website
JABSOM Faculty Development Website
UH and JABSOM Promotion and Tenure Workshops
Chair, Senior Peers, Past Applicants, JABSOM Faculty
Development Program
JABSOM Dossier Sample Library
Manoa Faculty Mentoring Program Dossier Library
(contact Lori Emery)
Related Documents
2009-2015 Agreement between UHPA and
BOR-UH (Faculty Contract)
2014-2015 Manoa Criteria and Guidelines
(including BOR minimum qualifications - Policy 9-2)
JABSOM M-Faculty Series Criteria
(as applicable; usually for MD faculty who have clinical
duties only)
Department Procedures and Criteria
(as applicable, check with your Dept Chair)
Make Sure You Meet the
Make sure you meet the minimum requirements for
each rank (including years of service and
educational requirements)
Make sure you meet all applicable criteria
(University, school, department – as applicable)
School criteria is the JABSOM M-series criteria
(typically for MD faculty who have clinical duties)
Check with your department to see if there are any
applicable departmental criteria that you must meet
Action and Review Process
Faculty notify Chair of intent to apply; submit names of possible external reviewers
Oct 3
Application due to Dept Chair
Department Personnel Committee (DPC) Review
Department Chair Review
Appointment, Promotion, Tenure Committee (APTC); school-wide review; advisory
to Dean
Dean Review (Dean notifies applicant of negative review up until his level of review)
Tenure, Promotion Review Committee (TPRC); university-wide review
Manoa Chancellor Review; Applicants notified of any negative recommendation
President forwards recommended approved list to Board of Regents (BOR)
BOR formally approve list; Applicants notified of final outcome
Jul 1
Tenure effective
Aug 1
Promotion effective
Review Process – Notifications and Negative
(refer to Page 15-16 of the 2013 Criteria/Guidelines)
All applicants notified by Vice Chancellor’s Office of
TPRC recommendation (late-Feb to mid-Mar)
Negative recommendations
 Notified by Dean after Dean’s review (Dec)
 Notified by Vice Chancellor’s Office after TPRC
review (late-Feb to mid-Mar)
 Rebuttal process – faculty may review dossier
and submit rebuttal within 10 days
 Dossier reviewed again by TPRC (if TPRC vote
is negative); otherwise goes directly to
What is a Dossier?
2 main parts (to be completed by applicant):
UH Promotion and Tenure Application Form
(form-fillable online)
Statement of Endeavors and Supporting
(information you include in this section will be
dependent upon your faculty series and
academic/professional work that you do)
Application Parts 1-4
(To be completed by applicants)
Employment Details
Criteria and Guidelines
Credentials and Experience
Application Parts 5-9
(To be completed by reviewers)
Part 5 – Departmental Assessment
(DPC and Dept Chair)
Part 6 – Dean’s Assessment
Part 7 – TPRC Assessment
Part 8 – Request to Examine Dossier
(for negative recommendations only)
Part 9 – Chancellor’s Recommendation
Reviewers at each level will insert their
written assessment and recommendation
(vote) into your dossier.
Part 4 (material to be included dependent upon
your faculty series)
Statement of Endeavors
 Instructional Activities
 Research/Scholarly Activities
 Service Activities
 Other (such as Clinical Activities)
Supporting Materials
 Teaching Evaluations
 Bibliography
 Peer Evaluations of Contributions
 Other
External Evaluators:
Requirements and Purpose
External Evaluators should be at or above the
rank you are applying for
Be respected scholars in related fields who are
not at UH-Manoa
Applicants should not contact possible external
evaluators; Dept Chair solicits external
Should be professionally capable to assess
your work objectively and comment on its
significance in the discipline
Purpose is to obtain an opinion about the
scholarly contributions which applicant has
made and not to determine whether applicant
would receive promotion/tenure at another
External Evaluators:
Solicitation Process
Applicant provides 3-5 names and contact
information of possible external reviewers to Dept
Dept Chair (in consultation with the DPC Chair)
identifies 2-3 more names
Chair should secure total of at least 4-6 letters
(comparable number from applicant list and from
dept list)
Chair to send letter of request, one page summary
highlighting applicant’s contributions
(recommended), applicant’s CV (required), copies of
reprints of applicant’s major publications (if practical,
not required), and copies of applicable criteria
Letters are confidential and not shown to applicant
Keep your CV up-to-date
Summary of academic and
professional accomplishments
Will be sent to external reviewers
See sample for suggested format
Helpful for promotion/tenure
preparation and annual feedback
“Who Am I ?” Exercise
Think about “Who Am I” and draft a brief (one-page)
summary to highlight your most significant
contributions that you would want reviewers to know
about you
This summary should be sent along with your CV to
external reviewers
This summary will also serve as a guide for
expanding upon your Statement of Endeavors in
each of the areas of Teaching, Research, Service,
and Clinical (as applicable)
Brief narrative with bullet point format
Explain clearly (in layman’s terms) what you do and
the impact and significance of your scholarly work
and your expertise
To Do By Next Session:
Draft “Who Am I” summary and briefly highlight
(bullet point) your academic and professional
contributions in the areas of Teaching, Research,
Service, and Clinical (as applicable), about a page in
Update CV
Start thinking of at least 3 possible external reviewers
Review application form, guidelines, and all applicable
criteria for rank applying for
Confirm with your Dept Chair if your department has
additional dept criteria that you must meet
Make appointment to consult with your Dept Chair
about your readiness to apply