Shelter Tasmania ML 13 7 11

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Transcript Shelter Tasmania ML 13 7 11

Building Capacity of
Community Housing in
Michael Lennon
Why Private Finance?
• Decline in public funding
• ‘De-politicising’ housing
• Commercial disciplines via Corporations Act
and Directors Duties
How Public Interests are Protected
• Arises as a consequence of capital funding from
• Keep property used for its funded purpose
• Claim over proceeds if property is sold
• Right to transfer asset to another HA if there is
a failure of the HA
• Can be created by statute or by contract (or
Historical means of protecting
• Mortgages
• Charge/Caveat
• Planning instruments
These rights were usually connected with the
terms of funding
New means of state’s interest
Victoria: Sections 107-110 of the Housing Act 1983 (2005)
NSW: section 67HA – 67N Housing Act 2001 (2010)
• SHA has interest in land where:
• It has transferred that land to the HA; or
• Where HA has agreed to it in a funding agreement.
• HA must not transfer, sell, lease, mortgage, charge or
otherwise deal with land in which SHA has an interest.
Consent will not be unreasonably withheld.
• Interest may be recorded on title.
• NSW provisions also allow SHA to remove interest from
title, and create a charge in a community housing
agreement which may also be registered on title.
So what is this interest?
• Not a traditional interest in land
(mortgage, charge)
• Novel interest created by
special statutory provisions
• Constitutes a restrictions on
dealing with the land – different to a
mortgage/charge which includes a power of
sale and creates priority over other creditors
• Not strictly necessary since a mortgage over the
property could have the same effect – therefore
this could be created by contract
Approach in other jurisdictions
WA: –
• Community Housing Agreement creates charge over
land, SHA may register caveat on title in respect of that
• SHA may also register restrictive covenant requiring land
be used for community housing
SA: –
• South Australian Housing Trust Act enables deed of
statutory covenant to be registered on title to land.
• South Australian Co-Operative and Community Housing
Act enables registration of a charge over title to land in
favour of SHA to secure funding covenants
Impact on raising finance
• Bank will require first-ranking security over which
they may exercise their power of sale
• Land must be capable of being sold unencumbered
to maximise its value as security
• Tripartite or deed:
• Priority of interests
• Notice by lender to state
if HA defaults and cure
• Cancellation of recording
in register if bank
exercises power of sale
Security Trust
• Mortgages held by Security Trustee
• One tripartite agreement between state housing
authority and Security Trustee to manage priority
of interests
• Multiple security pools can be created
• Property can be removed/added from security pool
without having to discharge or grant new
Other implications of Security
• What is meant by “will not be unreasonably
• Implications for asset planning – e.g. sale of
assets to regenerate other stock and potential
loss of unit numbers
• Contingent liabilities in funding deeds
• Implications for duties for directors
Housing Choices Australia
• Owns more than 1,100 properties and manages an
additional 550 properties
• Merger of four affordable housing organisations to
maximise growth opportunities by State and Federal
policy settings.
• Integrated property development, property and rental
management services
• Constructed 460 new units since June 2009 and
finalising contracts for 190 units.
Housing Choices Australia
Key Target Groups are people:
• with a range of disabilities;
• priced out of housing market (i.e. inner city and
central activity districts); or
• in neighbourhoods of multiple disadvantage.
• The net asset position of HCA is valued at $433
• Debt facilities in place of $50 million
• Asset growth of 69% in past two years
Funding Models
• Product is no different to standard market product
• Nation Building Social Housing Initiative – 75% Govt
Funds and 25% Housing Association (VIC)
• Capacity to raise additional revenue from:
o State and Commonwealth rental subsidies (National
Rental Affordable Scheme and Commonwealth Rent
Equity contributions (cash or land)
Sales to private market
Unencumbered stock
Investment loans secured to deliver additional
Development Opportunities
• Inclusionary zoning
• Redevelopment of under utilised properties
• Blended redevelopment of public housing
• Outsourced management of public housing
Springfield Road, Croydon (10)
10 x 2 bedroom apartments
Completed: November, 2010
Shepparton Parkside (6)
6 x 3 bedroom houses
Completed: September, 2010
Nelson Street, Ringwood (36)
12x1 bedroom & 24x2 bedroom apartments
(4x Fully Accessible 4x Universal
Completed: December 2010
79A Raglan Street, Daylesford (3)
2 x 1 Bedroom & 1 x 2 Bedroom
Completion Date: June 2011
Freshwater Drive, Craigieburn (8)
6 x 3 & 2 x 2 bedroom Townhouses
Completion Date: 5th November, 2010
New Quay, Docklands (85)
42 x 1 & 43 x 2 bedroom apartments
Completion Date: June, 2011
Cottrell Street, Werribee (15)
6 x 2 bedroom & 9 x 3 bedroom villa units
Completion Date: 7th December, 2010
Drill Hall Redevelopment (59)
51 x 1 Bedroom units & 8 x 2 Bedroom units
Completion Date: November, 2011
Housing Choices Tasmania –
Funding Model
• Government Outsourced Tenancy Management
• 138 Housing Tasmania units leased for 3 years.
• Surplus net rental income, Commonwealth Rent
Assistance and debt funding are combined to
deliver further units for low income tenants.
• Within the 3 year lease, HCT intends to deliver
an additional 40 units into the Tasmanian
market – 25 this year.
Housing Choices Tasmania –
Funding Model
• HCT debt is guaranteed by HCA.
• HCT is newly established in Tasmania - logical
decision to collaborate with a local organisation.
• Tenancy management provided by Colony 47.
• Both parties bring their respective strengths to the
Title Transfer or Not?
• An evolving policy, Government will need to be
• Protecting tenants interests.
 Perceptions of current and new landlord
• Management of Government’s asset base
- credit ratings and debt borrowing ability.
 Recorded as a loss in Government’s financial
Title Transfer or Not? (contd.)
• May enable Community Housing providers to
secure debt finance facilities and greater control
with property management.
• Transfers the long term maintenance liability
from the Government to the Community
Housing provider.
Title Transfer or Not? (contd.)
Another Option:
Lease arrangement similar to the Housing
Provider Framework in Victoria.
• Community Housing provider has access to
rental cash flow and CRA and is responsible for
all maintenance except structural.
• Part of gross rental income (approx. 20-25%) is
returned to the Government to fund structural
maintenance etc.
 For government
 Assets
 Performance
 For tenants
 Affordability
 Reliability
 Empowerment
 For banks
 Reputation
 Solvency
 Governance
 For providers
 Capability – people, systems, governance.
 Commerciality – Directors’ duties, lending
covenants, leverage
 Retaining organisational values
 Building partnerships and relationships
• Exciting times, great potential, but…
• There are risks for everyone
• Non-market tenancy management is relatively
• Ownership, development, private funding and
Directors duties introduce much greater
• This is key to the next evolution of the sector
Creating Communities…