Orange County CNAP

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Transcript Orange County CNAP

Linking USDA-funded
Programs in
Orange County
Presented by:
Maridet Ibanez and Dawn Robinson
County of Orange Health Care Agency
Public Health Services/Nutrition Services
October 2011
US Dept of Agriculture – Food and Nutrition Services
1 in 5 Americans each year
$50B in food assistance, $650M in nutrition ed (2005?)
FNS Programs:
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (Food Stamps)
Women, Infants and Children (WIC) (+ Farmers Market)
School Meals (Breakfast, Lunch, Special Milk, Team Nutrition)
Summer Food Service Program
Child & Adult Care Food Program
Food Assistance for Disaster Relief
Food Distribution (Commodity, Commodity SFP, Emergency FAP)
USDA-FNS – Are we coordinated?
2003 Natl. Nutrition Education Conference
Solution: State Nutrition Action Plan (SNAP)
Goal: Identify a common nutrition goal and
formulate a plan to achieve it.
Monitor: Office of Research, Nutrition and
Analysis (ORNA)
49 states have plans:
SNAP - California
$4.3B Program Benefits, $153M Nutri. Ed. (2005)
Goal: Promote the consumption of fruits and
vegetables through partnerships and
collaborative interventions between the
nutrition assistance programs and other
related groups.
Plan: 5 Objectives, Activities/Steps, Program, Dates
Accomplishments: See USDA website, presented
annually at CCLHDN
CNAP – Orange County
$? Program Benefits, $?M Nutrition Ed
Implementation: 2008, HCA Network-LIA,
pattern OC plan after State plan
Goal: Same as State: Promote the consumption of
fruits & vegetables through partnerships……..
• Selected 3 of the 5 State objectives
• Developed activities/steps, program leads,
dates, priorities
Finding FNS Partners in OC
• CalFresh Program
– CalFresh (SSA)
– SNAP-Ed & Other Programs: Network for a Healthy California (6 LIAs,
Regional Network, Outreach – 4 agencies
• Women, Infants and Children (WIC)
– 4 agencies, Farmers Market
• School Meals
– 28 school districts, Breakfast, Lunch, Special Milk
• Summer Food Service Program
– School and community sites
• Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program (Office on Aging)
• Child & Adult Care Food Program (Various programs)
• Food Assistance for Disaster Relief
• Food Distribution
– Commodity, Commodity SFP, Emergency FAP
– 2 food banks, multiple govt. food programs
CNAP – Objective #1
#1: Increase total participation in all FNS partner
programs, which will result in increased fruit &
vegetable purchasing power among low-income
Priority Activities
Increase participation in Summer Meal Program
Increase participation in all FNS programs by
enhanced referral and coordination among local
FNS program staff
Progress to Date:
Summer Meal Program
• Created and shared lists, posters, online resources
• Increase in sites (‘07 = 55, ‘11= 102) & participation
Special thanks to Second Harvest Food Bank
Enhanced Referral – Coordination
• CalFresh – OC insert (Eng, Sp, Viet), online applications
• WIC – Site lists, promotion
• Regional Network – “Maximizing USDA Resources” training
(shared examples of foods provided)
Special thanks to OC’s SSA-CalFresh
CNAP – Objective #2
#2: FNS programs will coordinate nutrition education
messages and campaign implementation, which
will result in increased fruit and vegetable
consumption among low-income families.
Priority Activities
2008: Coordinate messaging associated with
implementing the new WIC food packages
Provide individuals participating in FNS programs
with nutrition education
Progress to Date:
Providing nutrition education
• CalFresh Outreach (4 agencies)
– CAPOC → Latino Campaign
– Second Harvest & Catholic Charities → HCA-LIA
– 2-1-1 OC
• Nutri Ed Initiatives – Champions for Change, Rethink Your Drink
• Harvest of the Month – LIAs, Retail, WIC, Head Start, Worksite
• Grocery Stores – RN Retail, WIC LVLs
• FSORK – CalFresh Office Resource Kits and displays
CNAP – Objective #3
#3: Access to current, accurate and useful
information will be available to FNS programs,
local partners and external stakeholders.
Priority Activities
• Maintain and expand local CNAP
• Share CNAP with local partners
• Support the California Conference of Local
Health Department Nutritionists (CCLHDN)
CNAP initiative
Progress to Date:
• 2-year plans, routine meetings and excellent participation
• Basis for Regional Network plan
• See FFY11 year-end report
Share CNAP
• Local FNS partners
• Regional Network collaborative
Support CCLHDN
• Statewide coordination
Lessons Learned
• Invite all FNS partners, CalFresh
essential, focus on those who attend
• Create a plan with specific objectives
& measurable outcomes
• Make it “Win-Win” for partners
Maridet Ibanez
(714) 834-8092
[email protected]
Dawn Robinson
(714) 834-7984
[email protected]