Manchester presentation

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Supporting schools in Greater Manchester –
the strategy, the story and the impact!
Janet Woods –National College Lead Professional Associate, and DfE
Greater Manchester key outputs….
• To reduce the number of underperforming
• To close the attainment gap;
• To increase the number of outstanding schools
in the region;
White Paper policy drivers……..
• Reduce the number of underperforming schools
as now redefined;
• To close the gap;
• To give more autonomy to the system, and
particularly to good and outstanding schools
through Academy conversion;
Spot the difference……….!
What was the task……that we created!
• To develop a quality assured infrastructure for School
Improvement, from which Lead Advisers could
commission for underperforming schools;
• To develop this through a regional knowledge of the key
factors facing these schools, and also from where the
appropriate support could be commissioned
• This then being offered on a purchase basis by all
What was the approach – how did we do it?
We worked closely with GM NLE and
LLEs collectively to develop solutions
from within the system - none of it
being rocket science!!
Shifting the culture in the region…..from the outset
– setting out our key drivers together
• GM HTs signed up to take a collective responsibility for
improving the outcomes for children and young people
across the region;
• An agreement that rather than a problem, or a challenge
resting with the individual school or LA – a commitment
to sharing the problem and collectively finding the
solution… and mustering help and support.
• A commitment to develop a culture of HTs “feeling okay”
to ask for help, without that feeling of being judged.
• Agreement that this was not about gathering “badges”,
but doing the work on the basis of a shared moral
• Developing from the outset an approach that was
sustainable post Challenge – and not dependent on
additional funding.
• Schools in the future, being purchasers of services from
other schools;
• Developing a Greater Manchester value for money
“offer” that can be commissioned by schools from
schools,by DfE Advisers, and by LAs;
Key aspects of the work ……and
• Schools supporting others in partnership-on the
basis of an extensive knowledge base of the
school requiring support, and also of the one
identified to give the support - including schools
from diverse contexts and across phases and
 AGGS and Plant Hill
 Birchfields and Yesoiday Ha Torah
 Westleigh and Buile Hill
 Hawthorns and Our Lady’s
• School to school support at all levels of
 Middle and senior leaders of Education-now SLEs
in the White Paper
 And including School Business manager
• Developing a cadre of Teaching Schools as
part of the national pilot;
• Developing a cadre of Facilitation schools
delivering the Teaching and Learning
programmes across Greater Manchester –
and potentially beyond
 Improving Teacher programme;
 Outstanding Teacher programme;
 Immersion programme for middle leaders
Greater Manchester Leadership Strategy Innovative approaches to school to school
• NLEs and LLEs working with a group of
schools with a shared key focus eg to
address writing issues at KS2;
• Families of Schools – primary and
secondary cross border networking,
mutual support and sharing
• A cross phase/ cross sector group of NLEs/LLEs
developed a programme to upskill secondary staff
to address low levels of literacy at KS3;
• “Stepping Up” – primary supported self review,
NLE and LLE led, alongside the school
• Aspect Diagnostics -reviews into
departments/aspects of work, to analyse and
advise on areas for improvement;
• NLE/LLEs reviewing SEN/inclusion in cross
phase/sector schools, and advising on
• Improving the quality of provision for our
most vulnerable children in PRU/EBD
provision – NLEs and LLEs as lead as
experts in the field.
Impact on outcomes for GM children and
young people…..
In 2009/10:
• Primary schools supported by NLEs and LLEs in GM
improved 7 times the national average
• Secondary schools supported by NLEs and LLEs in GM
improved at twice the national average
• Schools delivering support retained their high standards
and continue to improve.
Spreading the footprint through hub
• Special Schools developing regional hubs to
deliver training and support for support staff
across the region.
• EAL hubs developed, offering outreach, in reach
and support for schools in the region.
• Maths and English and E Bacc Hub development
• Behaviour and Attendance Hubs
• Every Child Achieves Hubs
Potential to support all Schools onward……
• Teaching and Learning Programmes;
• Bespoke Leadership Development delivered by schools;
• Bespoke programmes commissioned through Teaching
Schools eg non specialists in maths
• National and Local Leaders of Education training and
school to school support;
• Specialist Leaders of Education;
Greater Manchester Designation
Primary LLE’s
Primary NLE’s
Secondary LLE’s
Secondary NLE’s
Primary Facilitation
Schools (FS)
Secondary Facilitation
Schools (FS)
Primary Pilot Teaching
Schools (inc’s FS)
Secondary Pilot
Teaching Schools (inc’s
Primary SLE’s
Secondary SLE’s
To translate this…. In GM we have…
• 163 NLEs and LLEs, who work as a collegiate group;
• 104 Specialist leaders, identified and developed on the
basis of regional need;
• 25 NLEs/LLEs, elected by the whole group, who act as
the operational leads for the GMLS
• The 10 GM LAs have set up of a joint Strategic Board- a
regional delivery arm for school improvement, building
round locally driven school provider structures;
GM Strategic Board
All as equal partners……..
The Legacy……
• DfE been involved in the region through the
whole process – partnership working and
relationships have been key;
• The White Paper reflects work in Challenge
areas, and aspects where impact has been
• DfE with National College are considering how a
similar type of approach may be taken
onward…… building an infrastructure