Replicable Model or Unique Anomaly?

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1. History of the Triple Helix movement
2. Past Triple Helix conferences and outcomes
3. Future Triple Helix conferences
4. Triple Helix Association (THA)
5. Triple Helix 9 Conference
Joint work of Profs. Henry Etzkowitz and Loet Leydesdorff on
the interaction between university, industry and government
as key innovation players
Emphasis on the increasing role of the university in the
knowledge economy, broadening the ‘traditional’’ industrygovernment interactions, focus on innovation processes at
the UIG interface
TH movement catalysed by the University-Industry
Conference Series (summer 1991, Maratea, Italy), in a NATOsponsored Workshop co-organized by the Science Policy
Support Group, UK and Fondazione Rosselli, continued by the
TH Conference Series (since 1996).
Large international community of Triple Helix scholars,
practitioners, policy-makers, etc. from 40+ countries
Triple Helix VIII, Madrid, October 2010
Triple Helix VII, Glasgow, June 2009
Triple Helix VI, Singapore, May 2007
“Triple Helix in the Development of Cities of Knowledge, Expanding Communities, Connecting
“The role of Triple Helix in the Global Agenda of Innovation, Competitiveness and Sustainability”
“Emerging Models for the Entrepreneurial University: Regional Diversities or Global Convergence”
Triple Helix V, Turin, May 2005
“The Capitalization of Knowledge: Cognitive, Economic, Social and Cultural Aspects”
Triple Helix IV, Copenhagen, Denmark and Lund, Sweden, November 2002
“Breaking Boundaries and Building Bridges”
Triple Helix III, Rio de Janeiro, April 2000
“The Endless Transition”
Triple Helix II, Purchase, New York, January 1998
“The Future Location of Research”
Triple Helix I, Amsterdam, January 1996
“A Triple Helix of University-Industry-Government Relations”
Triple Helix I (Amsterdam, 1996)
Science Policy Dimensions of the Triple Helix of University-Industry-Government
Relations, Science and Public Policy Vol. 24, pp. 2-62, 1997.
University-Industry-Government Relations. London: Cassell Academic, 1997.
The Endless Transition: A "Triple Helix of University-Industry-Government
Relations", Special issue of Minerva 36, 203-288, 1998. Introduction by Henry
Etzkowitz & Loet Leydesdorff
Triple Helix II (New York, 1998)
A Triple Helix of University- Industry-Government Relations, Industry & Higher
Education, Vol. 12, nr. 4, pp. 197-258 (1998); Vol. 12, nr. 5, pp. 270-89 (1998).
Triple Helix Issue of Science and Public Policy, Vol. 25, Nr. 6, pp. 358-415 (1998)
Special issue Journal of Technology Transfer, Vol. 24, no.2&3, pp. 111-254 (1999).
Special issue Research Policy Vol. 29, pp. 109-330 (2000) .(Table of Contents).
Abstracts TH II
Triple Helix III (Rio de Janeiro, 2000)
Special issue Science, Technology & Human Values, Vol. 28, Nr 1, 2003.
Special issue of the International Journal of Technology Management & Sustainable
Development, 7(3), pp. 193-264, 2008.
Triple Helix IV (Copenhagen, 2002)
Special issue Scientometrics, Vol. 58, Nr. 2 (2003)
Special issue Science & Public Policy, Vol. 30, Nr. 4 (2003)
Special issue of the International Journal of Technology Management 27(5) (2004).
Triple Helix V (Turin, 2005)
Special issue of Research Policy , 35(10), pp. 1441-1449 (2006)
Special issue of Scientometrics 70(2), pp. 207-540 (2007)
Triple Helix VI (Singapore, 2007)
Special issue of Science and Public Policy 35(9), pp. 627-695 (2008).
Triple Helix VII (Glasgow, 2009)
“Gender Dimension in Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship” – Special Issue of Journal
of Technology Management and Innovation, Vol. 5, No. 1 (June 2010), guest-edited by Marina
Ranga and Henry Etzkowitz
“Knowledge Exchange and the Third Mission of Universities” – Special Issue of Industry &
Higher Education, Vol. 24, No. 3 (June 2010), co-edited by G. Zawdie and J. Edmondson;
“The Triple Helix and Innovation Systems” – Special Issue of Technology Analysis and Strategic
Management (TASM), Vol. 22, No. 7, Oct. 2010), guest-edited by G. Zawdie and L. Leydesdorff.
“Triple Helix in the Context of Developing Countries” – Special Issue of Science and Public
Policy, March 2011, guest-edited by M. Saad and G. Zawdie.
August 2012 Bandung, Indonesia (confirmed)
2013 – forthcoming proposals for Washington,
US and Lisbon, Portugal
September 2014 – proposal under evaluation
submitted by TUSUR (Tomsk State University
of Control Systems and Radioelectronics),
Legal status: non-profit organization based in Torino, at Fondazione
Rosselli, Torino, Italy.
(1) Promote analyses and studies on the interaction between
universities, firms and government aimed at fostering
research and innovation.
(2) Promote and disseminate scientific findings related to all aspects of
the academy-industry-government (Triple Helix) relations.
(3) Activities:
(a) organize and fund international symposia of relevant scientific interest;
(b) promote international exchange of scholars in the areas of interest of the THA;
(c) publish research results achieved through cooperation with the THA and by the
means the THA's symposia;
(d) publication of an academic journal and other media;
(e) bestow honours and awards for relevant achievements in THA scientific areas;
(f) assist the education of students, scholars and practitioners in its areas of
(g) promote the translation of academic models into practical achievements, and
convert practical problems into research topics;
THA welcomes scholars and any other person (with no geographical
limitation) interested into research and its practical application.
THA open to all natural and legal persons who are sympathetic to THA aims.
Annual membership fees for individuals
 Individual Membership - € 50
 Student Membership - € 25 (only for full-time students)
 Retired Membership - € 25
Annual membership fees for organizations
 Regular Organizational Membership - € 200
 Silver Organizational Membership - € 500
 Gold Organizational Membership - € 1.000
 Platinum Organizational Membership - € 2.000
Membership application procedures:
Contact: THA General Secretary, Ms. Daniela Italia
([email protected])
Theme: “Silicon Valley: Global Model or Unique Anomaly?”
Host: Stanford University, H-STAR Institute
Organizer: Stanford Triple Helix Research Group (Prof. Henry
Etzkowitz, Dr. Marina Ranga)
Importance: first TH conference organized in Silicon Valley –
the world’s leading innovation and high-tech hub
◦ explore the inner workings of SV and other international technology
conurbations, strategic innovation policy and practice issues in developed
and developing countries.
◦ discuss challenges and benefits of U-I-G collaboration, show-case best
practice, explore new models for knowledge transfer, appraise the success
of the university third mission
◦ exceptional networking opportunity with representatives of SV firms, hightech clusters, innovation experts and various SV diasporas.
Six plenary sessions
Over 100 academic papers presentations in parallel sessions
Twelve thematic workshops
“Silicon Valley 101”
An Oxford-style debate
Special Event ‘From Valleys to Clouds: Enabling Innovators for the Era of
the Social Enterprise’
“Innovation Think-Tank” After-lunch Talk Series
“Meet the Authors” Breakfast Series
The Best Student Paper Award, sponsored by H-STAR, Mei Lin Fung and
Ross Casley
Trilicious – the Triple Helix Innovation Game
A delightful social program (Welcome Reception, Gala Dinner, winetasting at Ridge Montebello Vineyard, musical moments in the company
of Saint Michael Trio, Opera San Jose artists and Silicon Gulch Jazz Band)
TH9 participants (N=250, 37 countries)
- Entrepreneurial scientists
- Academic managers
- Managers of U-I interface structures (tech transfer
offices, science parks, business incubators, etc.)
- Consultants
- Policy-makers, RDI public administration managers
- Business firms, academic spin-offs
H-STAR Institute
Stanford Conference Services
TH9 Committees (steering, scientific, advisory, financial)
Techbridge Canada (website)
Luke Hohmann and The Innovation Games® Company
◦ Silver sponsor:
◦ Bronze sponsor:
◦ Support organizations:
◦ Charles Krug and Ridge Montebello vineyards
◦ Private sponsors Mei Lin Fung and Ross Casley