Workshop 11 - Health Education East Midlands

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Transcript Workshop 11 - Health Education East Midlands

Clinical Placement
Capacity Planning
Khonzie Ndlovu-Gachengo
Workforce Development Manager
Leaning Environment Quality
Health Education East Midlands
Derbyshire Stakeholders
4 NHS Trusts
2 HEIs
Derbyshire Placements
Chesterfield Royal Hospital
Derbyshire Community
Derbyshire Healthcare
Derby Hospitals
The Development
• To support Derbyshire Clinical Placement Provision Strategy
for pre registration programmes 2012-2015.
• First design/concept presented to group Aug ’12
• Further development – finalised for first use Jan ‘13
• Modifications/improvements continued
• On-going remedial actions
The Development …cont.
First design/concept presented to group Aug ’12
Further development – finalised for first use Jan ‘13
Modifications/improvements continued
On-going remedial actions
Dec 2013 Nursing and Midwifery Grid and AHP ( OT and
• Dec 2014- Nursing and Midwifery, All AHP professional
groups to be fully embedded.
Pre January 2013
January 2013
January 2013 …cont.
Sept 2013
AHP Grid
Different versions of Windows, Microsoft Office
• Some functions, colours not compatible with earlier versions
of Excel
• Different appearance on screen from my version
• Used Excel 97-2003 to ensure compatibility but significant
loss of function
Development time
• 6 months creation and building the grid
• On-going maintenance and development
Challenges Cont.
IT systems
• Travel across Trust and HEI IT systems cause some problems
with the design and function of some cells
Collation of data
• Multiple versions of the grid, manual process to merge grids.
• Changes made by Trusts and HEIs – potential to be
overwritten and lost and increase risk of human errors
• Increased workload collating all the changes
• People working on the grid at the same time are not aware of
changes made by others
Central storage point required for;
• Access to one version of the live with audit trail of changes
• Enabling changes to be made without any loss of data
• Alleviating the need to collate changes, transfer on to a new
grid and send to all parties
• Notification of changes can be sent instead of emailing the
new version each time
• Reduction of manual process/ resources and time.
Development 2: Development of a coordinated
approach to effective management of Non
Medical Pre Registration Programmes Clinical
Phase 1:
To further develop the capacity planning grid to all pre registration
programmes clinical placements
To develop a centralised Derbyshire self managing database ( Live) in
managing clinical placements for NHS organisations and HEI’s
To have a strategic view of placement demand and capacity to ensure
equity across East Midlands , triangulate and quality monitor clinical
Khonzie Ndlovu-Gachengo
Workforce Development Manager
Leaning Environment Quality
Health Education East Midlands (Derbyshire)
[email protected]
01332 258180
Healthcare Professional
Clinical Placement Tariff
Naheem Akhtar
Healthcare Professional Clinical
Placement Tariff
• Develop a fair and transparent payment system for providers of clinical
• Placements can be selected based on the quality of the placement rather
than the price for which they are able to provide the placements.
• All employers who host students for non medical placements will be
eligible to receive funding for East Midlands commissioned students.
Healthcare Professional Clinical
Placement Tariff
The Benefits
• An opportunity for education providers and employers to develop their
relationship and work in partnership to:
o Constantly improve the quality of the clinical learning environment.
o Enhance the student placement experience.
• Funding follows an individual student’s placement activity, therefore
providing transparency and fairness.
• Development and increase of placement capacity within NHS
organisations and organisations outside the NHS providing healthcare.
Healthcare Professional Clinical
Placement Tariff
Private, Voluntary and Independent Sector
• Opens the door to a broad variety of placement providers.
• Increasing placement capacity within the East Midlands.
• Provides the students with experience in alternative settings.
• Employment opportunities within this sector for newly qualified
Naheem Akhtar
Education Commissioning Support Manager
Health Education East Midlands
[email protected]
0115 823 3445
Developing placements within the
Private, Voluntary & Independent
Lou Sherratt
PVI Project Lead
University of Derby
• A workshop was held in November 2012 at The
University of Derby.
• 30 Delegates attended from a variety of sectorsHEI’s, Hospital Trusts and PVI.
• Speakers included a Chief Executive from local NHS
Foundation Trust and 2 members of staff from a
private hospital.
• Key take home messages from the workshop
included- A dedicated person to develop and
support placements within the PVI sector and the
value of non-traditional placements.
Progress to date
• April 2013: University awarded funding to allow a
member of academic staff dedicated time ( 2.5 days)
per week to increase capacity within the PVI sector
and provide support to these placements.
• June 2013: Article published within Nursing Times.
• September 2013: Abstract submitted for NET NEP
conference 2014.
• Newly Registered Nurses securing posts within the
PVI Sector.
Breakdown of placements so far
Nursing Homes:10
Private Hospitals:3
Practice Nurses:9
Other( including Charities): 9
Total= 31
Being Developed October 2013:
Nursing Homes: 6
Practice Nurses: 8
Other: 3
The Future?
• Funding allocated until March 2014.
• Research project- Challenging stereotypical
views of student nurse placements.
• Final placement management students within
PVI sector.
• Conference March 2013.