Power Point - Chapter 5 of the NYSAAA

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Development Workshop
Chapter 5 of the NYSAAA
“Time ManagementBest Practices for the Office ”
Dennis Fries and Susan Prezioso
October 9, 2014
Some quick ‘AD’ vise (IAA) df
1) Work smarter, not harder!
 2) Learn to say NO.
 3) Don’t start something unless you and your
superiors see value in it.
 4) Although we’re in a set up for direct
instruction let’s treat this presentation like a
‘cracker barrel’ session.
 5) Share your ideas with us.
Questions to ask yourself…
Am I working efficiently and effectively?
 Do I have many productive hours of work
or are you constantly distracted?
 Is my office fairly stress free?
 Am I disorganized, like many of us are. You
will be amazed at how much small changes
will help you to save more time in your day for
the more important undertakings you are
responsible for.
Time Management Definition - df
Generally, time management refers to the
development of processes and tools that
increase efficiency and productivity.
 So what can we do?
 A few small changes can make a big
 So let’s get going…
Time Management
Suggestions; #1 - sp
Effective office time management means
that you need to focus on the task at
hand; and so an important time
management tip is to do whatever you can
to minimize distractions, such as the
phone and email.
Time Management
Suggestions; #1-sp
Have a Secretary or Answering Machine
Take Phone Messages (What’s your style?)
 sort postal and interdepartmental mail and
place in folders as follows:
 green – no immediacy, yellow – needs
signature, red – immediate attention
 Use the resources you have and lean on
your ‘IT’ department.
Time Management
Suggestions; #2 - df
 Set aside a Time to Answer
 Emails are another thing which affects
effective office time management and
can constantly distract you from focusing
on the task at hand.
 therefore try to set aside time each
day to deal with your emails.
Time Management
Suggestions; #2 cont. - df
Possibly have multiple email addresses and
divide your life into school, league, and
personal and have all of them on your smart
phone. (This may not work for everyone)
 Unsubscribe, set spam filter higher (“IT”).
 Put groups together (by league, by sport).
And use a word or excel table - Demo
Time Management
Suggestions; #2 –Continued-df
 Try to handle emails and paper items
only once.
 Have your tech person direct cc’s to a
separate folder and only emails where
you are the intended direct recipient
come directly to you.
(You may or may not want this feature).
Time Management
Suggestions; #3 - sp
Create a To-Do List
(just before you leave the office at night.)
prioritize it (organize it in
advance of need)
 Try to minimize random “time
suckers” by setting up office
hours, especially coaches, and
an efficient routine. (Appt.)
Time Management
Suggestions; #3 – Cont. - sp
 Complete Major Tasks First
Start your day with one of the big,
important tasks and then go onto smaller
and less important tasks.
 If you start with the smaller tasks you may
soon find them filling up your day and not
having time left to do the larger tasks.
But, sometimes its feels great to get
multiple smaller items off your desk.
Time Management
Suggestions; #4 - df
 When supervising, games or
individuals, put yourself physically
in the best place to get the most
information possible. Be visible.
 Plan to see every head varsity
coach at least twice a week.
Time Management
Suggestions; #5 - df
One of my problems is that I procrastinate
 But I’m going to start working on that
 Don’t procrastinate
 When possible do small tasks (those
taking just a few minutes) immediately.
 Before they become bigger and
overwhelm you.
Time Management
Suggestions; #6 - sp
Keep your Desk, Office and web site
Organized and user friendly.
 Never waste time searching for the things
you need or have important items go
 A good organizational base line is being
able to find anything that you’re looking
for in 3 or less minutes.
(Set your own baseline).
Time Management
Suggestions; #7 - df
Use your cell phone’s calendar’s reminder
app to keep you on track.
 Save time for later by entering all new
demographic information in your cell
phone. (Names, emails, Cell #’s, DOB…)
 Text before leaving a voice mail.
Time Management
Suggestions; #8 - sp
 You do not need to do everything yourself.
 In fact, others may like or be better at
some of your office tasks.
 Use student helpers (like interns)…
Time Management
Suggestions; #9 - df
Set “SMART” Goals
 Specific, Measurable, Achievable,
Rewarding and Timely.
SMART goals are useful in showing you
what steps you need to take in order to be
successful in your personal and
professional life.
Time Management
Suggestions; #10 - sp
Choose Technology carefully
 What social media areas will make the
biggest impact on your school community
for the time invested.
 If your phone isn’t already synched to
your administration goggle calendar, do it.
 Use the right technological tool for the
right job. Blue tooth (Hands free) in your car..
Time Management
Suggestions; #11 - df
Last, but certainly not least:
 Invest in your own health and wellness.
 Sharpen the Saw (Steven Covey).
 Make your office as stress-free as possible
 And remember to live.
Time Management
Suggestions; #12 df&sp
Other strategies:
 Try to keep meeting to 30 minutes (as short
as possible) and use conference calling and 3
ways on your phone when possible.
 Avoid too much social time. (If that’s even
 Don’t “Reply to all” in emails unless its
necessary. You can help your colleagues and
they in-turn can help you.
Time Management
Suggestions; #12 – Cont’.
Stay focused on the big picture.
 Don’t get caught up in the “thick of thin
things” (Covey).
 Have a good sense of nonsense.
 If you’d like a copy of this power point or
our notes, find them at:
Time Management
And most especially…
Have fun!!!
Thanks for coming.
Have a Great Year!