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Joint Operational Programme “Black Sea Basin 2007-2013”
2013 General Assembly
Odessa, Ukraine
26 April 2013
Black Sea Basin 2007-2013 Programme
8 participating countries
» 3 Member States: Bulgaria,
Greece, Romania (NUTS II regions)
» 4 Partner Countries: Armenia,
Georgia, Moldova (all regions)
and Ukraine (NUTS II equivalent
» 1 candidate country: Turkey
(NUTS II equivalent regions)
Russian Federation and
Azerbaijan withdrawal by not
singing Financing Agreements
with EC
Today Black Sea Basin
is a success Programme
• 11 extra millions EUR (ENPI) received from EC,
from 17 m EUR (ENPI) → 28 m EUR (ENPI), plus 7 m
EUR (IPA), total 35 millions EUR (ENPI+IPA)
• 368 projects submitted under the 2 calls for
proposals (cfp) requesting over 180 millions EUR
• 60 projects approved
(19 - 1st cfp & 41 - 2nd cfp)
State of play
• 1st call for proposals – 19 projects approved & contracted
out of 173 projects submitted:
 7,075,449 EUR ENPI funds contracted
 933,218 EUR IPA funds contracted
out of which 5 projects finalized & 14 projects in implementation
• 2nd call - 41 projects approved
out of 195 projects submitted:
 18,989,929 EUR ENPI funds approved
 5,637,002 EUR IPA funds approved
out of which 10 projects contracted & under implementation:
 4,783,488 EUR ENPI funds contracted
 1,789,615 EUR IPA funds contracted
and 31 projects under ENPI or IPA contracting
Conclusions after the 2 calls for proposals
• Significantly higher demand compared with the
sources made available
• Proportion of approved projects / submitted
projects: 11% in 1st cfp and 21% in 2nd cfp
• Proportion of requested funds (ENPI and IPA) /
approved funds (ENPI and IPA): 12% in 1st cfp and
22% in 2nd cfp
Strategic orientation for building
the future Black Sea Basin Programme
• Maintenance of the same eligible area in the Black Sea
Basin, as in 2007-2013, with possible addition of adjoining
regions and/or major centres, according with the proposal for an
ENI Regulation and the Draft CBC Strategy / Programming
Document 2014-2020
• Focus on the 3 strategic objectives provided by the Draft CBC
Strategy / Programming Document 2014-2020:
1. Promote economic and social development in regions on both sides of
common borders;
2. Address common challenges, in fields such as
environment, public health and the prevention of
and fight against crime;
3. Promote better conditions and modalities for
facilitating the mobility of persons, goods and
Joint programming for the
Black Sea Basin Programme 2014-2020
• Joint Programming Committee
(JPC) - body responsible for the
preparation of the new ENI CBC
Black Sea Basin Programme
• 1st meeting of JPC was held on
18th of April 2013 in Bucharest,
marking the official launch of
the 2014-2020 programming
• 2nd JPC was scheduled for June
Joint Operational Programme
“Black Sea Basin 2007-2013”