RA Safe Zone Training

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Transcript RA Safe Zone Training

Faculty Staff Safe Zone Seminar

MaryBeth Walpole [email protected]


Experience of LGBT Students

    College and university environments are a microcosm of society. The same issues that exist in the larger community also exist in classes, offices, residence halls, apartments, and student organizations on campus The college years (18-22) are a period that individuals are defining themselves and this includes their sexual identity About 10% of the population is LGBT - there is no accurate number because individuals have to self identify The LGBT population is an invisible underrepresented and marginalized population

Campus Experiences

     43% of all students, faculty, and staff hide their sexual identity to avoid intimidation 13% of LGBQ participants feared for their physical safety 63% hide their gender identity to avoid intimidation 43% of transgender students, faculty, and staff feared for their physical safety This result was more salient for LGBQ students and for LGBTQ people of color.

Campus Experiences

    23% of LGBQ staff, faculty, and students reported experiencing harassment 83% of these respondents identified sexual identity as the basis of the harassment.

39% of transgender students, faculty, and staff reported experiencing harassment 87% identified gender identity/expression as the basis of the harassment

GLB Identity Development

 Cass’ Model- identity is developmental and linear; 6 stages- not all progress through all stages  Confusion- gender roles don’t fit  Comparison- look at others who are similar  Tolerance- acknowledgement    Acceptance- positive identity developed Pride- attending events, joining organizations Synthesis- integrating ID into all areas of life

GLB Identity Development

D’Augelli’s model- identity is developmental, evolves over a lifetime, is nonlinear; 6 interactive processes   Exiting heterosexual ID-acknowledgement to self and others of GLB identity Developing personal GLB ID- positive stable identity     Developing social GLB ID- creating a supportive network Developing a familial GLB ID-coming out to parents, families, non-GLB friends can be traumatic Developing intimacy- having relationships Entering GLB community-committing to social and political action

GLB Identity Development

 Troiden’s - 4 stage, non-linear model:     Realization- realization of difference, often before puberty Identity confusion- questioning sexual orientation Identity assumption- LGB identity becomes clear Commitment/self-acceptance- Complete self-acceptance; pride develops

Transgender Identity Development

 D’Augelli’s model is being adapted   Exiting traditional gender ID-acknowledgement to self and others of Transgender identity Developing personal Transgender ID- positive stable identity     Developing social Transgender ID- creating a supportive network Developing a familial trans ID-coming out to parents, families as transgender Developing intimacy Entering Transgender community

General campus concerns for LGBT students

 Coming Out  Academic issues/choices  Lack of Privacy  Roommates  Lack of Activities  Dealing with Harassment

Causes of campus concerns for LGBT students

    Generally, we assume our students are heterosexual unless they tell us otherwise Student Language is often homophobic Students report some faculty use homophobic and non-inclusive language, and make disparaging comments, jokes The campus environment and residence halls are rooted in heterosexuality

What can I do?

 Be an Ally for LGBT students  Make an effort to educate yourself and others  Create an inclusive community in your classes and offices  Understand the important role you play and the impact you have on students  Be a role model to those around you  Be aware of the issues around coming out

What can I do?

   Support   Be a visible ally by displaying the sticker Support students who come out to you  Question or correct anti-LGBT language Educate   Include LGBT people/representations in curriculum Teach and model respect for all Advocate  Support and promote inclusive campus policies

What is the University doing?

     Sexual orientation/ gender and affectual orientation included in nondiscrimination policies (NJ State Law) Transgender Housing Policy New Construction Safe Zone Program April – Rowan PRIDE…in who you are and who you love

Campus Resources

   Safe Zone participants Multicultural Affairs office Dean of Students office   GSA Counseling center

Online resources

     National Consortium of Directors of LGBT Resource in Higher Education http://www.lgbtcampus.org

Campus Pride http://www.campuspride.org

Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network http://www.glsen.org

Human Rights Campaign http://www.hrc.org

It Gets Better Campaign http://www.youtube.com/user/itgetsbetterproject