Challenge C: In Disguise - Ohio Destination Imagination

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Transcript Challenge C: In Disguise - Ohio Destination Imagination

The Ohio Destination Imagination
Training Director’s Overview of
 Present a team-created story about a character that
uses a disguise
 Use only non-verbal theatrical techniques to present
the story
 Design and construct at least two masks that enhance
the story
 Use idea-creation and idea-directing tools to develop
and choose options
 Use various forms of technology to produce a solution
 Use principles of geometry in design and construction
of team-created masks
 Use of technology and technical methods to cause a
mask to morph
 Team Challenge
 A. Central Challenge (240
 B. Team Choice Elements
(60 points)
 C. Presentation Site
 D. Reward Points
 Rules of the Road
 Published Clarifications
(online @
 The information in these
materials is binding for all
 Roadmap
 Instant Challenge Practice Set (available online in the
Resource Area at
Travel Guide for Teams (available online after Jan. 1,
Training at
Time Limit
 The team must complete the Presentation (including
setup) in six minutes or less.
Team Budget
 The total value of the materials used may not exceed
 My 2012-13 Team Number is: 135- ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
 My team is planning to compete in a sanctioned
 I have registered for that tournament with the
Regional Director
The Intent of the Challenge:
 The team must use non-verbal theatrical techniques to
present a team-created Story about a character that
uses a Disguise.
 Teams will design and construct at least two masks
that enhance the Story.
 One of the masks will change in appearance.
 In addition, the team must present TWO creations
called “Team Choice Elements” that show off their
interests, skills, areas of strength, and talents.
 The team may create anything they wish for Team
Choice Elements including props, music, technical
gadgets, costumes, physical actions etc.
Floor surface: Destination Imagination strongly suggests
that the Presentation Site be a large space with a hard
floor such as wood, linoleum, concrete or very shortnapped carpet. Teams should be prepared to deal with a
variety of floor surfaces.
2. Site Size: The minimum required overall size of the
Presentation Site is 8ft deep x 10ft wide, but teams may
use any additional space that Tournament Officials
designate as available.
3. Electrical Power: A single 3-sprong electrical outlet will be
provided at the edge of each Presentation Site for the
team’s use.
 Learn all the Challenge elements teams are
required to complete
 Learn about the elements of the Challenge
under the team’s control
 See all the scoring elements and the
maximum number of points you may
receive from each
Challenge B: Fine Art
2012 - 2013
• Storytelling
• Creativity
• Theater Arts
• Critical Thinking
• Fine Arts
• Communication
• Costume Design
• Collaboration
• Logistics
• Non-verbal Theatrical techniques
Time Limit
Time Limit
• The team must complete the Presentation
(including setup) in six minutes or less.
Team Budget
Team Budget
• The total value of the materials used may not
exceed $125US.
• The Rules of the Road will be helpful to you when
determining the value of your Tournament
Team Number
• Teams and individuals using these Program Materials must hold a
20121 - 2013 Team Number.
• The Destination ImagiNation Team Number is a license to compete
in sanctioned Tournaments and/or to use the Program Materials for
educational purposes within your team, school, group or
• Online access to Program Materials for teams who have purchased
Team Numbers is on
My 2012-13 Team Number is: 1 3 5 - ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
 My team is planning to compete in a sanctioned Tournament.
 I will register for that Tournament with the Regional Director by the Region’s
A. Central Challenge - Section 1
Intent of the Challenge:
• The team must use non-verbal theatrical techniques
to present a team-created Story about a character
that uses a Disguise.
• Teams will design and construct at least two masks
that enhance the Story.
• One of the masks will change in appearance.
A. Central Challenge – Section 2
2. The Story: What is more mysterious than a disguise? The Story behind it!
The team will use non-verbal theatrical techniques to present a teamcreated Story about a character that uses a Disguise.
a. The Story may be set in any location, real or imaginary, and in any
time period.
b. Teams will present the Story using ONLY non-verbal theatrical
techniques. This includes, but is not limited to, facial expressions,
gestures, body language, movement, music, sound effects, dance,
actions, and auditory non-verbal expressions (for example, laughs,
sighs, snickers, moans). During the Presentation, the team must
not write, speak, sing, or use verbal language of any kind.
i. The team may include sounds or music in the Presentation as
long as the sounds or music do not contain real words or madeup words. Words that can be used in place of sounds (for
example, buzz and bang) are not allowed.
A. Central Challenge – Section 2
ii. The team must not use written words or letters from any language to
enhance the Story. For example, teams must not put words or letters
on props, scenery, and costumes. The only written words or letters
that the team may make visible to the audience and Appraisers are the
team’s Team Name, the School/Organization Name, and Level, which
can only be written on the Team Identification Sign.
iii. During the Presentation, team members may speak privately or write
notes to each other as long as these communications do not enhance the
Presentation. Spoken or written language that the team intends for
the audience or Appraisers to hear will result in an Illegal Procedure
iv. The team will earn points for clear and effective non-verbal storytelling.
This means how well the team uses non-verbal theatrical techniques to
convey the main points (beginning, middle, and end) of the Story.
c. The team will earn points for the creativity of the Story.
A. Central Challenge – Section 3
3. The Disguise: From moustaches and body language to camouflage and costumes,
disguises come in many forms. Whatever the method of disguise, the result is the same
– a hidden identity.
During the Presentation, a character must use a Disguise. For the purpose of this
Challenge, this means that the character must first present one identity and then
change appearance, personality, and/or behaviors to present a different identity.
b. The team will earn points for the integration of the Disguise into the Story. This
includes showing the reason a character uses a Disguise and the impact of the
Disguise on the Story.
c. The team will earn points for the creative method(s) used to create the Disguise.
This means how creatively the character transforms from one identity to the other.
d. The team will earn points for the effectiveness of the Disguise. This means how well
the Disguise hides the character’s real identity.
e. The team may include more than one Disguise in the Story, however, only the
Disguise described on the Tournament Data Form will earn points for the
integration of the Disguise into the Story, creative method(s) used to create the
Disguise, and the effectiveness of the Disguise.
A. Central Challenge – Section 3
e. The Acting Skills (see definition) of the other character(s) and the use
of Stagecraft (see definition) must convince the Appraisers and the
audience that there is an Invisible Visitor present in the Story.
f. The team will earn points for the Acting Skills used during the
Presentation when a character or characters interact with the Invisible
Visitor. The team will also earn points for the effective use of
Stagecraft in the portrayal of the Invisible Visitor.
g. Just as the wind sets something in motion, so too does the Invisible
Visitor. The motion caused by the Invisible Visitor could be anything
from a new development in the storyline to a change in attitude or an
action by one of the other actors. The team will earn points for the
creativity of the motion and its effect on the Story.
A. Central Challenge – Section 4
4. The Masks: Masks are an important part of theater, dance, and festivals around
the world. In this Challenge, teams will design and construct at least two masks
that enhance the Story. For the purpose of this Challenge, a mask is a cover or
partial cover for a team member’s face or a character’s face that is worn at some
point in the Presentation.
a. Teams will create a Morphing Mask.
i. During the Presentation, the Morphing Mask must change appearance
in full view of the audience. A character does not need to be wearing
the mask when it changes.
ii. A character in the Story must wear the Morphing Mask on its face. The
team will decide how long the character wears the mask and how much of
the character’s face the mask covers.
iii. The team will earn points for the innovative methods used to change the
appearance Morphing Mask. Innovative methods refer to how new,
unique, and/or creative the team’s methods are for changing the
appearance of the Morphing Mask.
A. Central Challenge – Section 4
b. The team will also create a Decorative Mask.
i. A character in the Story must wear the Decorative Mask on its face.
The team will decide how long the character wears the mask and how
much of the character’s face the mask covers.
ii. The Decorative Mask should provide an elaborate or showy display.
iii. The team will earn points for the creativity of the Decorative Mask.
c. The Decorative Mask and the Morphing Mask must be two different
d. Neither the Morphing Mask nor the Decorative Mask may be used as the
Disguise or any part of the Disguise described in A.3.
e. The team will earn points for the theatrical impact of all masks. Theatrical
impact refers to how the masks enhance the Presentation. This includes the
Morphing Mask and Decorative Mask, as well as any additional masks the
team uses in the Presentation.
A. Central Challenge
B. Team Choice Elements
B. In addition to the above requirements, the team must present
TWO creations called “Team Choice Elements” that show
off their interests, skills, areas of strength, and talents. The
team may create anything they wish for Team Choice
Elements including props, music, technical gadgets, costumes,
physical actions etc.
1. The team must present both Team Choice Elements as
part of the eight-minute Presentation and each Team
Choice Element should have a meaningful connection to
the team’s Central Challenge solution. Each Team
Choice Element must be described briefly on the
Tournament Data Form found at the end of this Challenge.
B. Team Choice Elements
2. A Team Choice Element may not be a specific item that is
required in the Central Challenge that is already being
evaluated. A Team Choice Element MAY be a single unique
PART of a required item, as long as it can be evaluated as a
stand-alone item. Both Team Choice Elements may be
presented at the same time ONLY IF both can be easily
identified and scored separately. Examples of these can be
found in Rules of the Road.
3. Each Team Choice Element will be evaluated in three ways:
for the Creativity and Originality of the Team Choice Element,
and for the Quality, Workmanship, or Effort that is evident and
Integration into the Presentation. Evaluation of Team Choice
Elements is subjective.
D. Presentation Site – Section
1. Floor surface: Destination ImagiNation strongly suggests that the
Presentation Site be a large space with a hard floor such as wood,
linoleum, concrete or very short-napped carpet. Teams should be
prepared to deal with a variety of floor surfaces. Teams may contact
the Tournament Director for more information about the Site.
2. Site Size: The minimum required overall size of the Presentation
Site is 8 ft deep x 10 ft wide, but teams may use any additional
space that Tournament Officials designate as available.
3. Electrical Power: A 3-prong electrical outlet will be provided at the
edge of each Presentation Site for the team’s use.
E. Reward Points – Scoring Category 1
The Story Up to 100 points
– a. Clear and effective non-verbal storytelling Up to 50
points from A.2.b.iv
– b. Creativity of the Story Up to 50 points from A.2.c
E. Reward Points – Scoring Category 2
The Disguise up to 70 points
Integration of the Disguise into the Story Up to 25 from A.3.b
Creative method(s) used to create the disguise Up to 25 points from
Effectiveness of the Disguise Up to 20 points from A.3.d
E. Reward Points – Scoring Category 3
The Mask up to 60 points
a. Innovative methods used to change the appearance Morphing Mask
Up to 30 points from A.4.a.iii
b. Creativity of the Decorative Mask Up to 20 points from A.4.b.iii
c. Theatrical impact of all masks Up to 20 points from A.4.e
E. Reward Points – Team Choice Elements
Team Choice Element 1 up to 30 points from B
a. Creativity and Originality up to 10 points from B.3
b. Quality, Workmanship, or Effort that is Evident Up to
10 points from B.3
c. Integration into the Presentation Up to 10 from B.3
Team Choice Element 2 up to 30 points from B
a. Creativity and Originality up to 10 points from B.3
b. Quality, Workmanship, or Effort that is Evident Up to
10 points from B.3
c. Integration into the Presentation Up to 10 from B.3
E. Reward Points – Team Challenge Scoring
Central Challenge Scoring at a Glance
• Instant Challenge = 25%
• Team Choice Elements 60 points = 15%
• Central Challenge 240 points = 60%
– The Disguise = 29% of the 240 Central Challenge points
– The Masks = 29% of the 240 Central Challenge points
– The Story = 42% of the 240 Central Challenge points
F. Tournament Data Form – Part 1
Part One: Required Paperwork
At the Tournament Presentation Site, the Prep Area Appraiser will ask for your team’s forms.
A complete checklist of the required forms is below.
Your team needs:
• Five copies of this completed two-page Tournament Data Form.
• Two Copies of the completed Declaration of Independence. Blank copies of this form can
be found in the Rules of the Road. One copy of this form is for Team Challenge, the other
copy of is for you to take to Instant Challenge.
• One Copy of the completed Expense Report. This form can be found in the Rules of the
Road. Be sure to bring copies of your receipts in case you are asked for them, but it is
not necessary to attach them to the form.
• Published Clarifications: We have read and are aware of the Published Clarifications on
• Team Identification Sign: This will tell the appraisers and the audience who you are. The
team should provide a free-standing Identification sign (ID Sign) of approximately 2ft. X 3ft
displaying your Team Name, Team Number, School/Organization(if different from Team
Name), and Level.
F. Tournament Data Form – Part 2
Part Two:
Team Choice Element 1
 What is your Team Choice Element? _________________________________________
 Please write a brief description of your Team Choice Element. Make sure that
Appraisers know exactly what you want them to evaluate. What would you like them to
know about the Team Choice Element? _______________________________________
Team Choice Element 2
 What is your Team Choice Element? _________________________________________
 Please write a brief description of your Team Choice Element. Make sure that
Appraisers know exactly what you want them to evaluate. What would you like them to
know about the Team Choice Element? _______________________________________
F. Tournament Data Form – Part 3
Part Three: Presentation Elements
This Challenge Requires the team to supply the following information to help the Appraisers
evaluate your solution. This is PAGE TWO of the form. Be sure to fill in both pages.
1. Describe your Story about a character that uses a Disguise. _____________________
2. Which character uses the Disguise? When in the Story does the change in identity occur?
Describe the character and the Disguise______________________
3. Describe the non-verbal techniques used in the team’s Presentation. ________________
4. Describe the Morphing Mask, and any other masks used in the Presentation.
Morphing Mask: _____________________________________________
Decorative Mask: ____________________________________________
Other mask(s) (optional): ______________________________________
Thanks for Attending this Training
Have a safe trip back home!