ONAC MWESB Presentation - Purchasing and Contracting Services

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Transcript ONAC MWESB Presentation - Purchasing and Contracting Services

Oregon Native American Chamber
Contracting with the University of Oregon
and the Oregon University System
Presented by:
Catherine Susman & Darin Dehle
It is the policy of all of the Oregon
University System institutions, including
University of Oregon, to provide the best
possible opportunity for minority,
women, and emerging small businesses
to compete for and be awarded
 University of Oregon has a decentralized
purchasing environment
 Each University of Oregon department
has the responsibility and authority to
make their own purchases for goods and
 Vendors must market directly with
UO Outreach
Establishing Ties in the Community
 Upcoming MWESB outreach events statewide in which
University is participating .
 March 6, 2012 at Rose Quarter/Memorial Coliseum Exhibit Hall –
Sponsored by Oregon Public Purchasing Association and National
Institute of Governmental Purchasing from 9am-3pm.
 April 18, 2012 – Governor’s Marketplace, Salem.
 May 10, 2012 – OAME Conference and Trade Show – Oregon
Convention Center – Hall D from 10am-3pm.
 Consistent Participation with MWESB Organizations
 Participation in other regional and national events by University
Access to UO
Establishing Networks and Channels
 University is currently undertaking an re-development of its
Vendor Registration Portal. Please take a moment to visit:
http://pcs.uoregon.edu/content/feedback-request-new-vendorregistration-portal. Provide your contact information and we will
provide a link for you to preview when the new site is live.
 UO Reverse Vendor Fair – February 2013 – more information will
be provided to vendors registered through the Vendor
Registration Portal this summer.
 2011 UO Reverse Vendor Fair – results
Over 393 companies attend
UO did business with 38% of attendees in the first 9 mos. after the fair
This business activity totaled over $11 million
Approximately 10% of the $11 million was with MWESB vendors
Locating Information
 University of Oregon Website
 UO Purchasing & Contracting Services
 Facilities/Capital Construction
 OUS Business Opportunities
PCS Goods & Services
 Changing Policies
 Solicitation effort to at least one certified
MWESB firm
 If certified firm not available, one solicitation
effort to at least one self-identified MWESB
PCS Goods & Services
 Changing Procedures
 Develop Outreach Plan for MWESB
 Establish channels and networks that
provide access to MWESB vendors
 New Vendor Registration Portal
 Document and report on MWESB utilization
and outreach
UO FY2011
 8.9% of UO’s vendor spend was with
MWESB vendors
 Total FY11 MWESB Spend =
 Total State-Certified MWESB Spend =
 Total Self-Reported MWESB Spend =
Capital Construction
OUS – Outreach, Policies, Retainer Program
MWESB Certification – Motivation to sign up
UO – Contract Options, Making Contact,
Project Types, MWESB trends
Project Preview – Summer 2012 and beyond
Capital Construction
OUS Interactions
Understanding the Issues
 In depth discussions with MWESB Organizations and
 Developing an understanding of the challenges faced by small
contractors and consultants within the states construction
 Communicating issues to large contractors that do business
with us.
 Working with leading contractors in the state to understand
how other Owners are reaching significant participation
numbers through establishment of their project requirements
 Strengthening the MWESB Contracting Community equates to
a stronger Construction industry in Oregon
Capital Construction
OUS Modifications
Changing Policies
 Advertising and Bidding Policy Modifications
 Retainer System Changes
 Bidding all Contractor and Subcontractor opportunities on OUS
Website at https://secure.ous.edu/bid/
 One stop equal opportunity access to projects
 When institution is selecting bidders for $50k-$500k projects
 Minimum of three Contractors
 Minimum of two MWESB if available on Retainer Program
 Bidder list posted on OUS site for subcontractor access
 Consultant selection process for services over $100k requires
solicitation of proposal from at least two MWESB firms.
 RFP Language for CM/GC projects to incorporate minimum of 10%
of scoring criteria specific to MWESB participation, performance
and approach
Capital Construction
OUS Modifications
Changing Procedures
 Development and Implementation of MWESB
participation report for every project
 All Construction Contractors and Consultants
 Reports all tiers of MWESB sub-contractor or sub-consultant to
the Owner
 Captures dollar values, number of MWESB subs, % participation,
Capital Construction
OUS Retainer Program
Structure of the Retainer Program
 Construction Contract Structure
 Contract held by OUS centrally
 Access to all OUS Universities for Work through supplements
 On Retained Contractor list with potential for direct hire and
informal bid opportunities between $1 - $50,000
 Limited Competition Bids between $50,001 - $500,000
 Open retainer bidding opportunities up to $1,000,000
 Consultant Contract Structure
 Contract held by OUS centrally
 Access to all OUS Universities for Work through supplements
 On Retained Consultant list with potential for direct hire and
informal bid opportunities between $1 - $100,000
 Limited Competition Bids between $100,001 - $250,000
 Open retainer bidding opportunities up to $1,000,000
Capital Construction
OUS Retainer Program
Benefits of the Retainer Program
 Established contracts with the opportunity to match
project size with the growth of your business
 Opportunity to generate long term working
relationships with Universities as your business
 Single RFP response provides opportunity for many
potential projects
Capital Construction
OUS Retainer Program
Retainer Contracting Program Dates
 Contracting RFP to be open soon.
RFP scheduled to be advertised March 15, 2012
Proposals scheduled to be due May 4, 2012
Contracts will be effective July 1, 2012
Contracts will be in place for a 2-year period
 Consulting Related Services
Advertisement scheduled to be November 1, 2012
Proposals scheduled to be due December 15, 2012
Contract will be effective February 1, 2013
Contracts will be in place for a two year period
 Advertised at https://secure.ous.edu/bid/
Capital Construction
Insurance Requirements
Insurance Requirements Established by the Legislature
The following limits have been set by the Legislature as
Established by Senate Bill 311, 2009 Session
Set requirements for;
 General Liability – Bodily Injury/Death – Property Damage
 Automobile Liability – Bodily Injury/Death – Property
 Workers Compensation
 Builder’s Risk
 Tail Coverage
Capital Construction
Insurance Limits
Commercial General Liability
Bodily Injury/Death (per occurrence)
 $2,000,000 from now until June 30, 2015
Commercial General Liability
Bodily Injury/Death (aggregate limit)
 $4,000,000 from now until June 30, 2015
Property Damage (per occurrence)
 Set at $100,000 as of January 1, 2010
 Increases at a maximum of 3% per year
Property Damage (aggregate limit)
 Set at $500,000 as of January 1, 2010
 Increases at a maximum of 3% per year
Capital Construction
Insurance Limits
Automobile Liability
Bodily Injury/Death (per occurrence)
 $2,000,000 from now until June 30, 2015
Property Damage (per occurrence)
 Set at $100,000 as of January 1, 2010
 Increases at a maximum of 3% per year
Capital Construction
Insurance Limits
Overcoming the Challenge of meeting limits
 Coverage is not required until a supplement
is signed for work at a specific campus.
 Not needed for RFP submittal.
 Initial payments are challenge
 Smaller projects can often get waiver to lower
level of $1M occur./$2M aggr. – No waiver lower
than this.
 Umbrella above $1million base is an option
 May limit quantity of projects
 Coverage held by contractor often grows
with the size of the projects contracted.
Capital Construction
MWESB Certification
State of Oregon MWESB Certification
 OUS Policy requires Universities to report annually on
Certified MWESB contracts for both purchasing and
 These reports are being reviewed at the State Board and
the Legislature
 Only Certified MWESB contractors and consultants
count in participation numbers
 Two certified MWESB contractors required to be
solicited for every retainer project being advertised.
 Quality services provided by MWESB contractors and
consultants will be sought after to improve rates at
 We NEED to know who you are. CERTIFICATION PUTS
Capital Construction
UO - Contracting Options
Contract Types
 OUS Retainer Contracts
 Projects up to $1 million as described earlier
 UO – Non retainer Contracts
 Typically a $25,000 cap
 Usually a direct negotiation for price
 Public Improvement Contracts
 Low-bid projects over $1 million
 CM/GC Contracts
 Large, complex capital projects ranging typically ranging from $ 5
million to $200 million.
Capital Construction
UO - Making Contact
Introduction Opportunities
 Attend previously identified events
 Select group of attendees from our office
 Presentation options in Eugene
 Arranged presentations to Project Development Team
 First Wednesday of every month at noon
 Every other Thursday in the morning
 Bring information regarding experience
 Photos
 References
 Discuss your business and what your areas of expertise are
 Leave behind contact information
 Let us know if you are on the OUS Retainer program
Capital Construction
UO - Project Types
Project Types
 Large Capital Projects
 New Buildings
 Additions and Renovations
 Complete Building Renovations
 Medium Sized Capital Improvements
Partial Building Renovations
Laboratory Renovations
Classroom Renovations
Exterior Renovation/Restoration
Mechanical/Electrical Upgrades
 Small Capital Improvements
Carpet Installation
Office Renovations
Exterior Site Work
Capital Construction
UO MWESB Contracting
FY 2009 Project Expenditures
 Total Expenditures with MWESB Firms
 Small Projects
 $2,743,593 - Direct Contracts
 $2,829,103 – Sub-Contractors
 CM/GC Projects
 Total
 $2,497,943
 Minority Owned
 $872,680
 Women Owned
 $931,695
 Emerging Small Business
 $990,277
Capital Construction
UO MWESB Contracting
FY 2010 Project Expenditures
 Total CM/GC Expenditures with MWESB Firms
 $5,441,710
 Minority Owned
 $1,720,523
 Women Owned
 $2,376,961
 Emerging Small Business
 $1,144,656
Capital Construction
UO MWESB Contracting
FY 2011 Project Expenditures
 Total CM/GC Expenditures with MWESB Firms
 $9,870,377
 Minority Owned
 $2,342,162
 Women Owned
 $5,854,537
 Emerging Small Business
 $2,826,969
Capital Construction
Projects 2012&Beyond
Medium Projects
Less than $1 million
Retainer Contract Projects (15-20 annually)
 Roofing – 3-4 per summer
 Exterior Renovation/Restoration
 1 major + 1-2 Minor annually
 Interior Renovations
 Classrooms 2-3 per year
 Laboratories 2-4 per year
 Misc. 3-5 per year
 M/E/P Upgrades
 2-3 per year
Capital Construction
Projects 2012&Beyond
Large Projects
 Allen Hall Addition and Renovation
 Lease Crutcher Lewis – CM/GC
 Currently Underway
 Bidding Data Center Package in late March
 Straub Hall Renovation
 Fortis Construction – CM/GC
 In Design
 Bidding Spring 2013
 Summer 2014 or 2015 – Potential Projects
Student Recreation Center Expansion
Student Union Renovation & Expansion
Chapman Hall Renovation
Other Legislative Requests
Capital Construction
Projects 2012&Beyond
Where to Watch
OUS Procurement Website
 Retainer Contract Projects
 Direct Sub-trade contracting opportunities
 Bidding opportunities to Retainer GC’s
 Sub-trade bid opportunities
UO Wrap-Up
 Please take a moment to visit:
 UO Reverse Vendor Fair – February 2013