Buses - Clean Fleets

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The role of urban buses in the concepts of
sustainable mobility, climate protection, air
quality improvement and noise reduction
Falk Heinen
Section Transport and Environment, Electric Mobility (IG I 5)
13. Februar 2012
Stadtbusse in der Beschaffung/ Procuring Clean Buses
11. Dezember 2013 - Bremen
Challenges: Climate and Transport, Air quality, Noise
Sustainability concepts for transport
New buses in public transport
Hybrid bus projects
Ongoing activities/ situation in Germany
Results on research of new bus concepts and projects
- availability
- fuel consumption
- emissions/ noise
Stadtbusse in der Beschaffung/ Procuring Clean Buses
11. Dezember 2013 - Bremen
First Global Reconstruction of
Temperature for Past 11.300 years
the Past 11 300 Years
Marcott et al. Science 2013,
aus: Schellnhuber,
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11. Dezember 2013 - Bremen
Which reduction of GHG
for 2-degrees-target?
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11. Dezember 2013 - Bremen
Global challenge for transport
EU-wide emissions sectors
in CO2e, index. (1990=100), Eurostat
Calculations: McKinsey for BMU, 2010
Remark: -50% is lower “Safety line” for 2 degrees target
• All sectors with reductions except
transport sector, e. g. Germany reduction
of all sectors by 30 % between 1990 and
2010; transport: reduction only 9,8 %.
• Reductions for 2°C-target needs insector achievements, i. e. no shift of
obligations between sectors
• Targets for Transport Sector in
Germany: Reduction Final Energy
Consumption by 10 % (2020) and 40 %
(2050); discussion about national sectoral
• Transport EU: Reduction of CO2emissions by 60 % compared to 1990
until 2050 (Concept Text Transport)
• Energy EU: Minimum share of 10 %
renewable Energy in the Transport Sector
until 2020
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11. Dezember 2013 - Bremen
Postponement of the
attainment deadline for NO2
Notification of 57 air quality
zones according to Art. 22
COM Decision 20 February
33 cases denied (limit value
will not be attained in 2015)
17 allowed
7 allowed on conditions
(submission of final air
quality plans)
Stadtbusse in der Beschaffung/ Procuring Clean Buses
11. Dezember 2013 - Bremen
How to reduce emissions
in passenger transport?
total emissions
[passenger km]
Avoid traffic
e.g. reduce
needs for
and distances
by means of
[joule per pkm]
Shift traffic and
push efficiency
e.g. reduce fuel
of vehicles and
shift traffic to
towards more
efficient modes
Hybrid buses
[CO2e per joule]
Switch fuel
e.g. use low
carbon fuels
such as
biofuels or
Electric buses
Source: Composition of total emissions in passenger transport, simplified display after Creutzig/Edenhofer in IVW
Stadtbusse in der Beschaffung/ Procuring Clean Buses
11. Dezember 2013 - Bremen
Instruments of sustainable mobility
Emission standards
Land transport  EURO-standards
Environmental zones
Reduction of transport noise
Innovation programmes for rail vehicles
EU-standards for tyres
International Noise standards for airplanes
Requirements of BImSchG (e. g. noise action plans)
Taxes as environmental steering instrument
Reduction of fuel taxation for public transport
Benefits for refit with particulate filter
Tax exemptions for fuels with significat reductions of CO2 emissions
Support/ funding of environmental beneficial vehicles
New version of national transport plan (in preparation)
Environmental standards for public procurement in public transport
National cycling plan
Stadtbusse in der Beschaffung/ Procuring Clean Buses
11. Dezember 2013 - Bremen
Stand: Dezember 2007
Key reasons for funding
„better buses“
Main goals
Reduction of CO2-emission, pollutants and noise within the sector
of public transport
Support of Market penetration with existing, highly efficient
transport technologies
Establishing new technology with lower
emissions as permanent element in the
fleet of transport companies
Stimulation of economy for bus
industry and related suppliers
Increase attractiveness of Public
Noise measurement (source: BMU)
Stadtbusse in der Beschaffung/ Procuring Clean Buses
11. Dezember 2013 - Bremen
What are „better buses“?
Main elements – different stages
Reduction of air pollutants, mainly NOx and PM: today SCR,
particulate filter
Gas buses?: 1. CNG: no real CO2-benefit
2. lower NOx/ PM emission
3. Biogas: CO2-benefit dependent on well-to-wheel
balance, waste problem, competition with food
4. Noise problems remain
Hybrid buses: efficiency technology, introduces electric mobility to
public transport
Electric buses: various technologies available, test phase, main
challenges: battery and charging
Stadtbusse in der Beschaffung/ Procuring Clean Buses
11. Dezember 2013 - Bremen
BMU project 2010/ 11
12 companies:
– Stadtverkehr Lübeck GmbH
– Üstra Hannoversche Verkehrsbetriebe
– 10 transport companies in Saxony
Introduction of 50 hybrid buses in
scheduled service
65 – 85 % of extra costs for hybrid
elements and support
Stadtbusse in der Beschaffung/ Procuring Clean Buses
11. Dezember 2013 - Bremen
Environmental criteria BMU project
Definition of ambitious environmental criteria in order to promote
market entry and to save environmental standards:
– Reduction of CO2-Emissionen by 20 % compared to
equivalent dieselbus
– NOX- and PM-emissions at EEV level
– Exhaust aftertreatment with closed particulate filter
– Underscore EU-noise level
Control of criteria with extensive research
program: noise measurements on testing
area, control of emissions on roller test
bench, extensive additional analyses on
practicability, technical problems, costbenefit, acceptance
Stadtbusse in der Beschaffung/ Procuring Clean Buses
11. Dezember 2013 - Bremen
Continuation of support of hybrid buses
As of 2012 new project with financial support of the BMU-National
Climate initiative (NKI)
Huge political support for promotion of new climate friendly
Environmental requirements (like 2010)
- 20 % improvement compared to conv. veh.
- EEV plus closed particulate filter, EuroVI 2014
- underscore noise standards
Key issue: cost effectiveness/
Main goal: closure of gap between
costs and return
- despite reduced funding rate
about 60 buses in the
programme as of today, e. g. in
Hamburg, Wolfsburg, Ingolstadt
Stadtbusse in der Beschaffung/ Procuring Clean Buses
11. Dezember 2013 - Bremen
E-buses –
a new perspective with potential
New trend
- No local LAQ emissions
- good climate balance, but only with renewables
- reduction of noise emissions
Energy storage
– Regular service of urban buses of 300 km and more with corresponding energy
consumption of about 500 kWh
– Recharging in most cases necessary
Fast charging:
– Due to limited stopping time high charging power necessary (200 kW or more)
– Further work required on infrastructure
Auxiliary technology (heating, climatisation, …)
– Extra energy source or significant increase in electric energy consumption
Further evolution
- main challenges battery and recharging/ time for recharging
- economic consideration
* Quelle: Fraunhofer
- environmental performance towards climate
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11. Dezember 2013 - Bremen
E-buses in „Erneuerbar mobil“
E-buses in Hannover:
Pilot project with three E-buses in scheduled service
Fast charging at final station with electricity of overhead line of
the üstra system
One circle line of inner urban area in Hannover
Additional research in order to analyse technical feasibility, cost
effectiveness, acceptance, benefit for the environment
Service of three Plug-In-Hybrid- and three E-buses in scheduled
service of Hamburger Hochbahn AG
Recharging at starting and endpoint of line with pantograph with
high charging power (up to 300 kW)
Collection of information in context with practical day-to-day
application, acceptance, reduction of emissions, cost-benefit
Stadtbusse in der Beschaffung/ Procuring Clean Buses
11. Dezember 2013 - Bremen
Gemeinsame AG
Innovative Antriebe Bus
Common working group „Alternative options for public land
transport“ of transport and environment ministry
Exchange of transport companies, manufacturers, scientific
experts, associations
– Exchange about technologies, practicability, environmental
performance, cost-effectiveness
– Documentation and assessment of state-of-the-art
– Data collection and analysis of all projects with BMU/ BMVBS
– Identification of possible optimisation of technologies and
KEY QUESTIONS: Which technology is promising, where and
Stadtbusse in der Beschaffung/ Procuring Clean Buses
11. Dezember 2013 - Bremen
AG Bus - Projektübersicht
G = Gelenk
S = Solo
M = Mini-/MidiSuffix E = ElektroSuffix BZ = Brennstoffzelle
Suffix P = Plug-In Hybrid
VB Hamburg-Holstein (10 S)
Stadtverkehr Lübeck
(5 S, 5 G)
Hamburger Hochbahn (5 G)
Hamburger Hochbahn (5 S, 15 G)
GBB (1 ME), BBW (1 S),
HS Wismar (1 S)
Hamburger Hochbahn (3 SP, 3 SE)
 28 Projekte
 146 Dieselhybridbusse
• 70 Solobusse
• 76 Gelenkbusse
 25 Elektrobusse
 8 BZ Busse
Hybridbusse in
Hannover üstra (10 G)
Jasper (10 S), Süderelbe Bus (5 S)
Hybridbus Wolfsburg
NaBuZ demo
Wolfsburger Verkehrsgesell.
(3 S)
• Döbeln, Freiberg Regiobus Mittelsachsen (10 S)
• Dresden - DVB (3 S, 3 G)
• Leipzig - LVB (3 G)
Hamburger Hochbahn (4 S BZ)
Hub Osnabrück
E-bus Berlin
Stadtwerke Osnabrück AG (2 ME)
BVG (5 SE)
• Dresden - DVB (10 G)
• Leipzig - LVB (10 G)
Verkehrs-AG (1 SE, 5 GE)
SaxHybrid Plus
Hybridbusse für
Verkehrsverbund Rhein Ruhr
• Krefeld - SWK Mobil (4 G)
• Hagener Straßenbahn (2 S, 2 G)
• Dortmund - TRD Reisen (2 S)
• Bochum - BOGESTRA (5 G)
Stadtbus Ingolstadt (3 S)
Primove Road
Pilsting (1 SE)
Stadt – Verkehrsbetrieb (1 G)
Linie 79
Dresden – DVB (1 ME)
eBus Batterfly
Leipzig – LVB (2 ME)
eBus Skorpion
Leipzig – LVB (vorauss. 1 GE)
Kassel - Regionalmanagement
Nordhessen (1 ME)
Hyline S
Stuttgart - SSB (5 GP)
Voith AG (1 S)
Primove Mannheim
S presso
Mannheim - RNV GmbH (2 SE)
Stuttgart - SSB (4 S BZ)
Münchener Verkehrsgesellschaft
(MVG) (2 S, 2 G)
Stand: 21.11.2013
Source: PE International, AG Bus
Some results
Technical evaluation
Performance and time of operation
Collection data of 57 Hybridbussen
Sum: 1,3 Mio. km
Performance per vehicle: 6.700 –
29.800 km, (Ø ca. 22.200 km)
Average daily performance: 229 km
Time of operation
overall: 77.000 hours
Daily average: 15,3 h
Source: PE International, AG Bus
Stadtbusse in der Beschaffung/ Procuring Clean Buses
11. Dezember 2013 - Bremen
Availability Hybrid vs. Diesel
69% 70%
Period: Jan September 2013
79% 77%
98% 100%
Average availability BMU project (2011/ 2012:
Hybrid buses: 81%
Reference buses: 92%
Hybrid elements: availability 93 %
Lower availability in cold months January/ February
Increased availability over period; nearly equal to
conventional buses
Source: PE International, AG Bus
Stadtbusse in der Beschaffung/ Procuring Clean Buses
11. Dezember 2013 - Bremen
Fuel consumption: first results
Comparison with comparable conventional diesel vehicles (Euro V/EEV)
BMU-Projekt - 12 projects with fuel savings of up to 19% (average > 10 %)
- dependency on route characteristics, technology, energy
storage, manufacturer (some at the beginning with extra fuel
- variations over the year: better results over summer
WG buses (only few months, statistical uncertainties)
- 12 m: up to 34 %, 18 m: up to 21 % (some below 10 %)
- average between 10 and 20 % currently
- parallel hybrids significantly better, robust results over 20 %
- first companies expect break-even during lifetime (!)
- complete restart of cost-benefit analysis
Stadtbusse in der Beschaffung/ Procuring Clean Buses
11. Dezember 2013 - Bremen
Test bench measurements/ noise
All buses within BMU project achieved
requirements for NOx/ PM (PM below
detection limit)
Exhaust temperature higher than
concv. Engines (SCR)
CO2 reductions between 20 and 30 %
Gelenkbus auf dem Rollenprüfstand (DieselReferenz), (Quelle: TÜV NORD)
Significant reductions of noise in
particular in front part of the bus
Perception of passengers and
among pedestrians: much lower
noise, very important element of
Geräuschmessung auf der ISO-Messstrecke in Papenburg
(Quelle: TÜV NORD)
Stadtbusse in der Beschaffung/ Procuring Clean Buses
11. Dezember 2013 - Bremen
Some conclusions
Significant GHG reductions in transport sector required to achieve 2°-target
Other important requirements: air quality and noise reduction
Public transport one important element but further improvement of technology
Technological evolution started and is accelerating: more electricity (with all
suboptions) and less conventional fuel.
Hybrid buses as new element in German and European fleets introduced
Various projects on different paths: hybrid buses, plug-in hybrid buses and
electric buses
E-buses as new element with main challenges „battery“, „charging“ and „costs“
High acceptance of new technologies among passengers and pedestrians, but
also drivers
New bus trends lead to more sustainability: less emissions, less noise
Economic questions/ cost effectiveness will remain as one key issue
Stadtbusse in der Beschaffung/ Procuring Clean Buses
11. Dezember 2013 - Bremen
Vielen Dank für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit!
Thank you for your attention!
[email protected]
1) http://www.bmu.de/verkehr/foerderprojekte/hybridbusse/doc/45346.php
2) http://www.pt-elektromobilitaet.de/projekte/hybridbusse
Stadtbusse in der Beschaffung/ Procuring Clean Buses
11. Dezember 2013 - Bremen