CLPT 2014 Q1 TCPC Presentation Final

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Transcript CLPT 2014 Q1 TCPC Presentation Final

Transmission Coordination and Planning Committee 2014 Q1 Stakeholder Meeting

March 26, 2014

Agenda • Introductions • Background • Transmission Planning Process • 2014 TCPC Study Scope • Stakeholder Input and Questions 3/26/2014 2

Energy Delivery 101 3/26/2014 3

Meeting Objectives • Plan the expansion of the transmission system to ensure reliable, efficient delivery of energy to customers at a reasonable cost.

• Develop and coordinate plans with interested stakeholders at the local, state, and regional level to identify and address concerns in the early stages of project development.

• Ensure openness and transparency while addressing applicable regulatory requirements.

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Transmission Planning 3/26/2014 5

What is Transmission Planning?

The process of evaluating the transmission system to identify transmission facilities required to deliver existing and future generating resources to existing and future customer loads while balancing reliability, societal impact and cost.

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Types of Planning Studies • System Interconnection Requests o Generator, Load or Transmission Interconnection • Feasibility Study • System Impact Study • Facilities Study • Transmission Service Study • Reliability Study • Economic Study 3/26/2014 7

Transmission Planning Process Major factors in the process: • Future planning periods (5, 10, 20+ years) • Load forecasts (existing + future growth scenarios) • Generation output (serve local load vs. off-system sales) • Generation types (thermal, hydro, wind, solar, etc.) • Planned projects (local and regional) • System disturbances (consider all relevant outages) • Reliability criteria (the measuring stick for adequate transmission system performance) • Transmission system commitments (capacity availability) • Local, state, and federal regulatory requirements 3/26/2014 8

Transmission Planning Groups Transmission Coordination & Planning Committee (local ) o

o Select “Transmission Planning” folder Colorado Coordinated Planning Group (sub-regional) o

WestConnect (regional) o

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Transmission Planning Process 3/26/2014 10

Multi-Year Transmission Plan


South Cheyenne 115 kV Substation North Range 115 kV Substation North Range 115 kV Transmission Line Corlett-South Cheyenne 115 kV Line Swan Ranch 115 kV Substation North Range-Swan Ranch-South Cheyenne 115 kV Circuit


2014 2013 2013 2014 2014 2014


Planned In-Service In-Service Planned Planned Planned Cheyenne Prairie Generation Interconnection Data Center 115 kV Substation and Transmission Second South Cheyenne 230/115 kV Transformer 2014 2015 2015 Planned Planned Planned 3/26/2014 11

CLFP Transmission Plan 3/26/2014 12

2014 Study Scope: 5 and 10-Year Scenarios • 2019 Heavy Winter Load o Power flow, transient stability, voltage stability • 2019 Light Winter Load o o High Renewable Generation Output Power flow, transient stability, voltage stability • 2025 Heavy Summer Load o Power flow (transient stability as needed) • 10-year off-peak case undecided at this time 3/26/2014 13

Data Collection • Requested data due: Friday April 11, 2014 • Peak and Off-Peak Load Data by POD o Monthly demand data for study years is critical o Monthly demand for 10 year planning horizon is preferred • Resource Data o Demand requirement + reserves • Reservation Data o Forecasted monthly transfer values on a per path basis, including rollover rights 3/26/2014 14

Requesting Scenarios and Alternatives • Use CCPG Request Form at any time • Ensures all stakeholder suggestions are considered • Form will be submitted to CCPG and directed to the appropriate group • All requests will be acknowledged and responded to • m.xls

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Next Meetings • Q2 Meeting: May 15, 2014 2:30-3:30 p.m.

o Review stakeholder comments following Q1 meeting, submitted data, planned project status, other regional planning updates • Q3 Meeting: August 21, 2014 9:30-11:00 a.m.

o Review stakeholder comments following Q2 meeting, study results, identified solutions and alternatives, planned project status, other regional planning updates • Q4 Meeting: November 20, 2014 9:30-11:00 a.m.

o Review final comments to draft LTP report, preferred project alternatives, planned project status, other regional planning updates • Additional stakeholder discussions may be held as necessary 3/26/2014 16


Wes Wingen, PE Manager of Transmission Planning [email protected]

(605) 721-2268 Dan Baye Transmission Planning Engineer [email protected]

(605) 721-2471 3/26/2014 17

List of Acronyms • CCPG = Colorado Coordinated Planning Group • CPCN= Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity • FERC = Federal Energy Regulatory Commission • KV = Kilovolt (1,000 volts) • LTP = Local Transmission Plan • MW = Megawatts (millions of watts) • NERC = North American Electric Regulatory Corporation • OASIS = Open Access Same-time Information System • POD = Point of Delivery • TCPC = Transmission Coordination & Planning Committee • WECC = Western Electricity Coordinating Council 3/26/2014 18