HR Management challenges in Denmark

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HR Management
challenges in Denmark
Sofie Pedersen & Mette Maria Kristensen,
CSR advisors.
HR Management challenges in Denmark
HR Management issues
Organisational changes
Changing perspective within HR Management
Human Rights violations in the supply chain
Differences between Danish and Kenyan
Labour market
• Discussion
HR Management challenges in
• Stress
• Work-life balance
• Attraction and retention of highly skilled
• Gender discrimination
– Women are not making as much money and
promotions as men in same position
– Women are not in top management /directors
• Bullying
• Human and labour rights violations in the supply
Stress among the Danish
• 23% of the workforce is often stressed on a daily basis.
• Long term stress can lead to serious illness such as heart-,
organ-failure and depression.
• Development in stress level based on age and gender (2005):
Statistics on working environment
2005-2010: Survey among 10.600 Danish workers about
the Danish working environment. Results:
- Falling number of physically demanding tasks.
- Rising number of psychically (mentally) demanding tasks
although more support from management.
- More workers are experiencing bullying, violence and
threats of violence.
- More workers are experiencing passive work (a least ¾ of
working hours is sedentary).
- Unskilled and workers with short education are
experiencing less opportunities and influence on the work
(highly educated workers are experiencing the opposite)
- No changes in regards to working injuries (young people
between 18-24 have highest risk of injuries).
HR Management issues in
Organisatorial change in Denmark
Changing perspectives within HRM
Old/ present system
Towards the new:
• Solve the problems
• Create a culture
• Bring in the expert
• Help people to learn
• Identify the responsible
• Involve all
• Find the best solution
• Find a better solution
• Get a quick solution
• Get gradually
Human and Labour Rights
violations in the supply chain
• Will affect image and business performance if
detected (many examples in medias)
• Consumers are asking questions
• More consumers are buying based on
information, health concerns and political
beliefs (no child Labour, organic food,
certified clothes and cleaning products)
• Corruption in supply chain can be impossible
to avoid but difficult for Danish companies to
accept (illegal, losing control).
Labour rights violation:
Case of Forenede Service (FS)
• Second biggest cleaning service company in DK
• In 2010, the municipality of Helsingør discover that
their cleaning service provider FS, are using subcontractors (not allowed according to their contract).
• The sub-contractor are hiring illegal immigrants on
app. 1/5 of the normal salary.
• In 2011-2012 other municipalities discover that
contracts with FS’s are outsourced to sub-contractors
(against contract term).
• Police and Tax authorities are involved.
• FS are to more than 7 mill. KES
Differences between the Danish
and Kenyan labour market
• Long tradition of collective agreements and strong national unions
– If the government wants every worker to work 12 more minutes a day
or cancel 2 holidays unions have to agree.
• Very little production and therefore high number og ”knowledge
workers” (government paid education).
• Normal workweek in public sector is 37,5 hours (incl. 30 min.
lunch) 5 work days a week.
• Right to public pension from 65 years.
 Challenge: growing number of people receiving money from
government. Such as:
– Growing number of old people
– Growing unemployment rate (6,2% of the workforce that is around
165.000 people)
How do these different country-specific HR
challenges affect the partnership between
Kenyan and foreign suppliers/buyers?
Labour rights violation:
Case of Forenede Service
• Labour is expensive ind Denmark.
• Challanges in DK: Some companies in labour intensive
sectors - like service industry - are using immigrants –
illegally or/and paying beneath minimum salary.
• Example of Kenya vs. Danish salaries
Prime Minister
(1th year)
KE: 2.5 mill. KES KE: 105.000 KES
KE: 9000 KES
DK: 8.1 mill. KES DK: 429.000 KES
DK: 110.000