Individual Learning Plan for Kentucky

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Individual Learning Plan
Please sign in & get PowerPoint slides copy with access info. 
Please go to website:
Username: KentuckyILP
Password: LivingstonMS
(Advisor) Password: see attachment on powerpoint notes
Open another tab and go to
USERNAME: (see attachment) will be ilp11926 through ilp11946
(STUDENT) Password: Training
Requirements, Advanced Functionalities, Gifted Student Service Plans (GSSP), etc.
LCMS Staff Meeting: August 2013
Removing Barriers
• Information from FRYSC (Family First)
• See handouts
• Refer those in need
Infinite Campus (IC)
Persistence to Graduation Report
Mentioned in CDIP
Please look at handout
Note 8 LCMS students
Note how students get points
Just an indicator – CONFIDENTIAL!!!
Are there more you wish to add?
What can we do to mentor?
Discuss in grade level PLCs
Learning 360 Share
• Mr. Brett Heppner
Multiple Effects of today and July 26
LE E4: Instructional Strategies
LE E6: Mentoring Program
LE E8: 100% ILP
LE E9: Use Support Services to remove barriers
LE E10: Growth Mindset, CHETL
LE 1: Persistence to Graduation Report from IC
LE 5: Inform parents of ILP
LE 8: Operation Preparation using ILP
LE 14: Removing Barriers
• Program Reviews
Time to meet and plan interdisciplinary units using ILP, tech, MI, RBIS, HOT, feedback from
co-developed scoring guides from peers/self/teacher; students CREATE, PERFORM,
Advising Log
• 2-page LCMS PD Action Plan
Page 1 is ALL LCMS opportunities
Pick PDs by your individual needs
Page 2 is for you to type your choices and submit (calc hours)
Register on STI PD (sign in, materials, food, etc.)
Come back and share what you learn
6 hours flexible (PLCs, etc.)
CSIP & Program Reviews
Committees have I&I due to SBDM in May
Give agenda at least one week prior
Give minutes at most one week after
LOTS of communication and shared
• Documentation of BIG 9 in files
• Documentation of services to exceptional
children (SE, GT, 504, LEP/ELL/ESL, etc.)
EXPLORE rework
Teacher’s Report Card
Filing evidence for PR big 9
Registered for PD on STI PD (May 17, July 26, July 31)
Do you have 504s? PSPs?
Are you using GSSPs?
Have you joined LCMS GT group on SkyDrive? GSSPs, names, referrals, etc. are there
SmartPhones – there is a FREE SkyDrive App
Do you need to refer students to GT? Referral forms are on SkyDrive
You were emailed GSSPs, Referrals, GT list, etc. on February 28
GSSPs are on IC and on ILP (you have access to ALL your students)
• You are going to have TEACHER view
– YOUR personal log-in info is to LEFT of
yellow bar on strip of paper taped to this ppt
• You are going to have STUDENT view
– Student log-in info is to RIGHT of yellow bar
• I can effectively, seamlessly integrate ILP
use into my classroom.
Make a file called ILP
File this powerpoint!!!!
Go to KDE ILP resource page and print other resources
I emailed you ILP lesson plans on March 7
ENCOURAGE students to use ILP all the time
Encourage them to take part in ILP writing competition
Encourage them to get PARENTS to review
File the access cards
– Student log-in information
– Advisor/Teacher Log-In Information
As we train, always be thinking and
making notes …
• How can I do an interdisciplinary unit that
fits seamlessly with my content (grade
level PLC discussion)?
• How can I integrate with program review
areas (The Big 9)?
Draft ILP District Plan
• See handout
• 7th and 8th grade courses – email me how you’ll include ILP
MICHELE POWELL!!!! 1 project that did MANY
– She helped CCR
– She addressed literacy strands
• Reading, WRITING, SPEAKING, Listening, & Language Use
– She addressed 21st Century Skills
1. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
2. Collaboration across networks and leading by influence
3. Agility and adaptability
4. Initiative and entrepreneurialism
5. Effective oral and written communication
6. Accessing and analyzing information
7. Curiosity and imagination
ILP Items to Complete by Grade Level:
6th-12th grades
James Hardin, Fayette County
Use career data for course offerings
Use learning styles for differentiation
Teachers reflect on ILP use in lesson plans
Got 18.2 million dollar building due to career
matchmaker data he pulled from ILP [vet/equine
facility, students grow food they use, GREEN
building (rain gathered to water horses, etc.)]
• Great implementation plan
Neat things ILP can do
• Administrators
– Send 1 email to 1 student
– Send to all 10th grade girls
– Can set up groups (CK, SG, KL, club) and email
• Advisor/Teacher
– Send 1 email to 1 student
– Send to any students assigned to me
– Can set up groups and email (1st period, club, etc.)
• For group type explanation, hover mouse over “blue ? Icon” (private, shared,
• Set up email so messages on ILP go to it
– You and students need to put your email address in ILP
Important to Know about ILP
• ILP data is pulled from IC and updated 4x per year
– Early September, Late November,
– Late Feb/Early March, Late May
– Can call if email in system and request student be added
• Takes about 3 weeks for students to appear when enter
• Important to answer email ? at log-in
– ILP techs will only speak to teacher with email
• Students cannot change address/phone through ILP
(must do through IC contact)
• School use is monitored by KDE
• Survey question data monitored by KDE
Compatible with RWG, 508s, JAWS (rec headphones)
Important ILP Facts
Recommend use purple tabs at top rather than on left side – easier to save
Schools is least used tab statewide
Planning Timeline
Don’t use red “X” to close – logout so secure
Espanol tab turns words to Spanish (neat Sp class activity)
Students can add links to their ILP at “My Links”
Remember student tool – not official transcript
School and parent can view what students enter
Administrators can add links to school page for everyone
Dr. Holliday & Arne Duncan want CCR focus
If use ILP effectively, will be CCR
Any others with CCR focus?
“My Journal” on ILP – could keep class journals here
10th-12th graders can invite folks to view ILP and check to see if person viewed
Students have 30 megabytes of storage in my docs
TOOL TO CELEBRATE STUDENT SUCCESS (drop out prev, < 20% usage)
Store pictures, newspaper articles, video of dance recital, athletic game, etc
ILPs for home school and private schools
ILP follows as student moves
Can add parents/guardians if change
Recommend students enter educational
history (tool – not transcript); other if not ky
• Use through projector and model; make
them do on their own.
• ILP archives on June 30. So, site is down
from June 30-July 6.
• Newspaper
• Parent Newsletter in fall with parent log in, KDE
resource documents, etc.
• Sound byte on school web page
• Paragraph to send home to allow parents to
deny rights to invite folks to view IEP
• Computer lab open during ball games
• Parent Trainings
• Staff Trainings
Alternative Completion
• ARC must document decision for ILP ALT
• If ILP is printed, no one will know it’s
alternative due to FERPA, etc.
Individual Learning Plan
What is an Individual Learning Plan (ILP)?
• Online career planning
and education tool
• Available at any internet
• Grades 6-12
• Focus student
• Prepare them for
postsecondary studies
and/or careers
• Free for all Kentucky
public schools
• ILP is TOTAL school tool
• Use every year
– In fall will roll out K-5, not sure what KY will do with this
• Not just get to 100% completion – use ALL features
• KDE can & does check usage
– According to trainer, there are concerns with W.Ky usage
• Career Cruising in now CC Engaged
• Trainer recommends regular ILP update trainings as
it’s an ever changing tool
ILPs required for Graduation
An ILP is required within the Kentucky
Regulation 704
KAR 3:305 -Minimum High School Graduation
Requirements Regulation
The law requires;
– The ILP to begin in the 6th grade
– By the 8th grade, students design a 4 year course plan
for high school
– The ILP to be updated and reviewed annually by
student, teacher/advisor and parent
Items to put in ILP
School Intervention Plan
If >20% not at benchmark on EPAS
Need good communication if GT math & school math plan
Parents/Students are prompted to click on blue for intervention plan – will know if it’s not
Visitors can’t see this plan -- CONFIDENTIAL
Individual intervention plan and ACCELERATION plan for those meeting
Recommend download “A Guide to KSI” resource from KDE for staff
GSSP (auto upload from IC)
Advising Activities (can enter group or individually)
4 year course plan from 8th-12th grades
ILP Home then GOALS AND PLANS: ELA activity; Long Term and short
TOOL to apply for scholarships, Governor’s Scholars, jobs (track awards,
involvement, community service, build resume, etc.)
ILP – What’s Required?
According to 704 KAR 3:305 Minimum High School
Graduation Requirements Regulation:
• Districts shall implement an advising and guidance
process that supports the ILP
• Districts shall develop a method to evaluate the
effectiveness and results of the ILP process
• Feeder middle schools and high schools shall work
cooperatively to inform parents and students of
connections between career opportunities
ILP – What’s Required?
• Beginning with the graduating class of 2013, ILPs will have been
completed from the 6th grade onwards, focusing on career
exploration and related postsecondary education
• Beginning in 8th grade, students will set personal and
academic goals, as well as identify courses, electives, and
postsecondary goals in their ILP
• Schools shall maintain the ILP, make it readily available, and
review it annually with the student and parent(s)/guardian(s)
• Keep student log-in so you can explore
ILP capabilities as a student
• PARENTS and students have different
log-ins --- stats track – make sure
– Parents review and comments – must log in
as parent to appear on statistics
• Go to student ILP Page
NOTE Links on left of ILP HOME
– Takes to KEES money
Activities and Experiences
– Organizations and activities
– Hobbies and Interests
– Community Service
– Work Experience
Awards and Recognitions
Course of Study (4 year plan)
Learning Services
GSSPs there
Resume Builder
If LCHS has courses correctly uploaded, students can pick courses from their very own high school
Make sure HS maps courses, edits, changes credits if necessary, etc. KEEP UP TO DATE!!!
Click and drag to set order if not like default order
Pop up blocker off to preview resume
Print and export
Export to MS word to improve look
Log Out
KEES (see handout)
ALL students can earn $2,500 per year
For each year you earn a 2.5 or better
GPA, you can earn the base amount
listed below. For instance, a high
school freshman who earns a 3.5 GPA
would have a $375 scholarship for
each year of college. Amounts may
change based on available funds.
2.5 GPA = $125 per year
Amounts increase incrementally to high of,
4.0 GPA = $500 per year
You can earn a bonus award for an ACT
score of 15 or above. For example, a
KEES-eligible student who has a score
of 25 would earn an additional $393 for
each year of college.
15 composite ACT = $36 per year
Amounts increase incrementally to high of,
28 composite ACT = $500 per year
IF YOU’RE ON F/R LUNCH at any time in
HS, you can earn an additional high
amount of $300 per year if you score a
5 on an AP test, or low amount of
$200 for a 3 on an AP test,
to $2,800/year
ILP Homepage
Click on “Main:” purple tab at top
• Career Featured each week
– Can research and save
• Career Quiz on left (5-12 ?s) – Bellringer, use if
10 minutes left, etc. INSTANT results
• Rec use top purple ILP tab, rather than on left
“ILP Homepage” (rem easier to save from top
• Upcoming events
• Archive of previous week’s featured careers
Click on ASSESSMENT tab
• 3 options
– Career Matchmaker (39?)
• James Hardin recommends to do ALL 116 questions for accurate
• Pamela Gabbard recommends only do 116 if nothing on top 10
career list that you want to do
– My Skills (9th and 11th graders) – review answers
– Learning Styles Inventory (20?)
• Adm can turn off after they take, so not play with
• Match up styles and group accordingly
• Can print list of all visual, tactile, auditory learners
• Click on matchmaker
• DO 39 questions SLOWLY – click on “white ?
Career Matchmaker
– Career Matchmaker (39? – only do 116 if nothing on
list you like)
• 4th gr reading level
• Great if learners do it SLOWLY
• MAKE THEM CLICK ON WHITE ? Icon and read exactly
what it means!!!!!!!!!!!!!
• IF MISTAKE: Back arrow will not save – neon post it – write
# Down if clicked incorrectly and will fix at end (go to “review
my answers” and correct at drop down box then update
career suggestions)
• Type of Education – click change – click education level and
will give only careers that require that level of education
• If not match, use “other options”. Type career title and it will
pull specific jobs from that area (like nursing).
Career Matchmaker
Career Matchmaker Results
ILP Home; Career Cruising;
Career Matchmaker
• Click on 1 of your top 10 careers that most interests you
• Click “At a Glance”
– Earnings – Could compare in math
– Education – suggested 4 year HS course offerings
Related college programs
Click certification
Click school
Photo file of 2 diverse people in career
Other resources (organizations may want to link to ILP;
Occ Outlook Handbook at end)
• Save to ILP
Career Exploration
Now click on “Learning Styles”
• Take 20 ? assessment
• Save to ILP
ILP Home; Career Cruising;
Learning Style
• Can delete and redo
Click on Careers Tab
If find something interesting, can SAVE to ILP
Can type in career name and hit go
Can search by alphabetical index
Can search by school subject
GREAT USE FOR CLASSROOM (can you list 10 careers in your subject area?) When am I ever going to
use this?
Can search by Ky’s 14 career clusters
Arts & Humanities
Health Science
Human Services
Information Technology
Public Services
Science & Mathematics
Social Sciences
Career selector can search by required education, etc.
Can search MILITARY
Can search and explore industries
Career Exploration
Career Exploration-Education
How integrate careers in clrm?
• STEM (Science, Tech, Engineering, Math)
• SS: environmental conditions, outlook,
geographic locations, what causes
differences in salaries, etc.
• Math: Statistics, Comparisons, etc.
Click on SCHOOLS tab
Least used statewide because not in 100% completion requirements
• Search for schools (COLLEGES)
– By state, types, click school & if interested save to ILP
• Search for programs
• Compare Schools
– 2 at a time (UK and UT)
– Compare cost, housing, majors, etc.
• School Selector
– Urban vs rural, hard vs easy, etc.
– Newsletter activity for family to do together
– Prepare early on left – start in 6th grade
– Gr 8
– Gr. 11 by month
PRIORITY SECTION – students should know how they’ll pay for college
Search for scholarship; can apply on-line or save if want to apply later
Search by career
Updated every 6 months
March 15 is FAFSA deadline
College Exploration
Financial Planning
Topics Included in the ILP
The ILP includes:
• Assessment records
• Course of Study
• Career Planning
• Goals and Plans
• Hobbies and Interests
• Activities, Awards and
Recognition Record
• Learning Styles
Resume Builder
Work Experience
Community Service
Career Cluster Interest r
Learning Services record
My Documents
My Journal
Employment Guide
• Click on Employment Guide, or
• Work search
• Resume
– Helps fine tune (rec save to word and make “pretty”)
• Letter Writing
– USE this tool through projector in class; make
assignment for student to do on his own
• Interview Skills
– Great use in drama class
• Job Offers
• On the Job
Click ILP tab (for ILP Homepage)
• Note search tab
– For particular school or career
Note “I” tab for Information
Note “Espanol” tab
Note “Log Out”
Note bar with ILP completion status
– 100% annually
– In IEP if alternative completion!!!!
• Now look on Homepage
ILP Homepage
Click Assessment Results (ON LEFT)
• State Assessments
– Pushed in through IC
• Standardized Tests (EPAS)
– Pushed in through IC
• Other Assessments
– Student can enter 7th grade EXPLORE,
Discovery ThinkLink, AIMSweb, PSAT, ACT if
not in junior year for accountability, etc.
– Remember it’s a tool (not a transcript)
Back to ILP Home
• My Journal
– Add new entry
– Entries may be viewed by teacher &
• On school tool can read group wise, school wide,
individual, etc.
– Can tag entries to search (job fairs, college
visits, etc.)
ILP Home
• Under Quick Links
– Click on “Things to remember”
• Read about ILP cautions
• Privacy protection, etc.
Writing Competition about ILP for
The Livingston Ledger
• Discuss Operation Preparation Week (March 25 & 26 for 8th/10th graders)
– Group mentoring by professional from top 2 career clusters and then 2
– Individual mentoring
• Discuss all student can do with ILP
– Research on their own time
– They have access codes from recent completion
• Discuss all parent can do with ILP
– Research on their own time
– I’ll send home parent access codes
• Discuss what their teachers have done with ILP
• Discuss what teachers have done with advising, CCR, etc.
• How can we get info about ILP to parents?
Under Quick Links
Personal profile (check; can change through IC person)
Educational History
Advisement Log
Add all schools attended (tool not transcript)
At bottom check other if not Kentucky school
Can READ ONLY what we’ve done (P/T confs, District office review score, Hudd EXPLORE,
Op Prep, etc.)
PARENTS CAN REVIEW so enter carefully
Annual ILP Review
Annual Student Survey
Invite Others to View my ILP
Guest Views
Course of Study
Career Cluster Interests
Career Planning Activities
Extracurricular Activities
Community Service Learning
ILP Completion Standards
Resume Builder
Resume Builder
Parent View
Parent View-Assessment Results
View of Interventions
Parent View-Search for Schools
Printable View
Gifted Student Service Plan (GSSP)
Student List Access
The Gifted Student Service
Plan (GSSP) is accessible
through the View/Action
dropdown of the Student List
for students identified as
Gifted & Talented within the
Infinite Campus Student
Information System (SIS).
If a student has not been
identified as Gifted &
Talented within your school’s
Infinite Campus SIS data
extract, the GSSP option will
not be listed.
Plan Details: Demographics
This first tab contains
student demographic
details, including
special education
modifications or
Plan Details: Service Plans
This second tab
contains the details of
the service plan.
Each category has its
own set of fields based
on data from the KDE
Infinite Campus file.
Schools can manually
enter and update
details about the
specific services that
the student is receiving.
Plan Details: Comments & Documentation
The third tab contains
information and
comments that can be
manually entered and
maintained by school
This includes:
• A record of the Annual
GSSP Committee Meeting
•A log of advisor
•Parent notification
•A documentation list for
the student’s plan
Plan Details : Related ILP Sections
The fourth tab, Related ILP
Sections, links to a printerfriendly version of the
following sections of the
• Career Matchmaker
Interest Inventory Results
• Standardized Test Scores
• Careers that Interest Me
• Hobbies & Interests
This provides school
officials with easy access
to the most relevant GSSP
information from the
student’s ILP.
Plan Details: Printer-Friendly Report
The Printer-Friendly
Report combines the
data from all sections
of the GSSP into a
single page that can
be printed.
Gifted Student Service Plan Report
The Gifted Student
Service Plan report,
located within the
School ILP Administration
Tool, lists:
• Each student at the
school who has a GSSP
•Categories in which
students have been
identified as Gifted
and/or Talented
•A link to the printerfriendly report of each
District & State ILP: GSSP Features
Within the District and
State ILP Reporting
Systems, administrators
• Access the printerfriendly version of the
GSSP from the View/
Action dropdown in the
Student List
• View the GSSP
aggregate report,
which includes a link to
the printer-friendly
report for each student
Student & Parent ILP: GSSP Details
Individual students,
parents, and
guardians have
access to a readonly version of the
component can
be accessed from
the Learning
Services section of
the ILP.
Student & Parent ILP: GSSP Details
Students, parents and
guardians can see all
of their GSSP details
• Demographic
• Service Plan Details
for each category
• Comments and
•The Printer-Friendly
version of their GSSP
ILP Parent Toolkit
The Kentucky Department of Education created the ILP Parent Toolkit to
help schools and parent organizations inform parents about the ILP.
These tools are free for you to use in whatever manner best meets your
Downloads on the KDE website include:
• Parent Night/ILP Orientation Presentation PowerPoint and Script
• Possible ILP Timeline
• Managing Parent Access Document
• Parent Tutorial
• 30-second informational ILP video (parent-focused)
• Suggestions for Internet Access for Parents without Home Access
• Parent Information Sheets
• And more....
If no Internet at Home:
• libraries
• Boys/Girls Clubs
• school computer labs (open when athletic events occur)
• coffee houses
• faith-based organizations
• tutoring services
• community centers
• extension agents
KDE ILP Resources
– Tutorials to watch at above site, other school
resources, etc.
• Teachers’ Domain has ILP videos, etc.
Infinite Campus (IC)
• To check all grades throughout school years
• Student ID number
• 6 digit date of birth with no hyphens
– Or you can go to Livingston County website and click
on Infinite Campus link
• There is a FREE IC SmartPhone APP to check
grades, attendance, etc.
• 4 levels of rights
ILP Administrator
ILP Building Adm/Counselor
Other Staff (alternative settings, home hospital, etc. – part of sys w/o
state #)
• Keep training -- updates
• ALL our jobs to ensure students complete
• BE INNOVATIVE and devise new ways to
use, involve parents, etc. (Self motivation)
• User: kentuckyilp
• Pass: smms
• Adv Pass: inglish09
• Advisor Homepage
– Group entries
– Student list, select student from drop down for ANNUAL
REVIEW (advisor completes so student can take survey)
• View student list (usernames, passwords, completion
status, etc.)
– In drop down by student’s name, if you add assessment they
cannot change
• Assignments and Activities
• ILP Completion Report (click on unfinished # to
see who it is)
• Helpful documents (tutorials, print outs for
students, lesson plans, ACCESS CARD
codes here (can mail merge on newsletter)
• Mass Print: GSSPs
Schools can
use the ILP
function to
learn about
needs and
• User: kentuckyilp
• Pass: livingstonms
• Adv Pass: see left of yellow bar from March 26
• Advisor Homepage
– Group entries
– Student list, select student from drop down for ANNUAL
REVIEW (advisor completes so student can take survey)
• View student list (usernames, passwords, completion
status, etc.)
– In drop down by student’s name, if you add assessment they
cannot change
Look on left of ILP Adv Homepg
• Assignments and Activities
• ILP Completion Report
– Click on “ILP Completion Status Snapshot” (click on unfinished #
to see who it is)
• Helpful documents (tutorials, print outs for
students, lesson plans, ACCESS CARD
• MANAGE PARENT ACCOUNTS – their access codes
here (can mail merge on newsletter)
– “Parent/Guardian Comment Log
– “Parent/Guardian ILP Review” --- Advisor must review the parent review
• Mass Print: GSSPs
• ILP Reports (AWESOME data; need to review to meet
student needs)
To Find usernames & passwords
Look at top, middle of page under “My Students” tab
Click on “View Student List”
You’ll find STUDENT usernames and passwords here
You’ll also see their completion status bar
Click on arrow in drop box by a student’s name
View ILP (and print hard copy for parent review)
Add Assessment
Advisor Log for INDIVIDUAL
Annual Review
Completion Status
Parent Access (parent codes are here!!!)
Send Message to INDIVIDUAL
• Click on Advisor Homepage at top of page or on left-hand
side of page
Entering Advising activities
Our advising curriculum is done in Careers and Consumerism.
We are all responsible for testing, college, and career counseling.
Look in middle of page to right – Under Advisor Administration
Click on “Manage Group Entry”
Click on “Add New Entry”
Enter date (I enter first day)
Enter Topic Area
Enter subject
Enter description
Click “Add Students”
Pick only 1 descriptor (like grade 7 or a group you created)
Click “Submit”
Click “Select All”
Then Click, “Add Students”
Click “Select ALL” again if they’re not checked
Finally, click “Confirm”
• I can effectively, seamlessly integrate ILP
use into my classroom.
• Send me feedback for ILP Plan.
My To-Do List
File this ILP information
Integrate ILP use in clrm and send me “project name”
Enter advising activities in ADVISEMENT LOG
Encourage ILP use by parents and students
Give Teacher’s Report Card to ALL your students
File PR evidence for Big 9
Register on STI PD
Differentiate for GT, 504, SE, ELL, targets, etc.
Mentor & Remove Barriers
Committee work (I&I, agenda, minutes, communication,
• Email items to include in student agenda
• Submit club information