Go Baylor, Go Greek!

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Greek Life at Baylor University
Orientation 2014
Greek Councils & Chapters
• Interfraternity Council (IFC ) – national fraternities, many apart
of the North American Interfraternity Conference(NIC)
• Multicultural Greek Council (MGC ) – culturally diverse
fraternities and sororities
• National Pan-Hellenic Council ( NPHC ) – historically AfricanAmerican Greek organizations
• Panhellenic Council ( PHC ) –National Panhellenic Conference
(NPC) sororities
• Local/Independent Organizations – fraternal organizations and
sororities not associated with a council
Aspects of Greek Life
• Service & Philanthropy
• Campus Involvement
• Leadership
• Scholarship
• Faith Development
Benefits of Joining
• Experiential Learning
• Networking
• Lifelong Friendships
• Connection to Campus
• Purpose
Grade Requirements
• A student must have completed 12 Baylor hours and obtain
a 2.5 cumulative GPA.
– Many organizations require all potential new members to have a higher
GPA to join their individual chapter.
• Transfer Students
– A student is considered a transfer if they have attended a college
during a fall or spring semester AFTER high school graduation.
– Transfer grades do NOT apply to the Baylor GPA
– Minimum of 24 transfer hours
– Transfer GPA of a 3.0
• Grades are NOT rounded up in determining eligibility.
How to Join…
• National Pan-Hellenic Council & Multicultural Greek Council utilize a
process called Intake for new members. It is organized by the
individual chapters and the timing of this process is at the discretion
of each group.
• Panhellenic sororities and IFC/local and independent fraternities have a
structured recruitment process. Each council coordinates the timing
of their recruitment, registration is required in order to participate
(both Panhellenic and Fraternity Recruitment).
• Local/Independent sororities have individual recruitment events
throughout each semester for interested women. It is up to each
individual chapter regarding the timing of the events.
Fall Events
Mosaic Mixer (8/27)
Traditions Rally (8/28)
Late Night (8/29)
MGC Recruitment Week (9/2 – 9/6)
MGC Showcase (9/3)
IFC Recruitment Tables (9/2 & 9/3)
Panhellenic Recruitment Orientation (9/4)
NPHC Week (9/9 – 9/11)
NPHC Greek 101 (9/9)
Contact us!
Tam Dunn
[email protected]
Astrid Beltran
[email protected]
Austin Hayes
[email protected]
IFC & Local/Independent Fraternities
Follow us on…….
Website: www.baylor.edu/greeklife
Facebook: “Baylor Greek Life”
Twitter: @BaylorGreeks
YouTube: “BaylorGreek”
Instagram: @Baylor_Greek_Life
Key Points for Sororities
Recommendation letters/Intake paperwork
GPA Requirements
Get to know people
What to wear