l`histoire d`une communauté d`expert en accessibilité du

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The status of digital accessibility in France

Dominique BURGER

Université Pierre et Marie Curie Association BrailleNet [email protected]

Funka Accessibility Days – Stockholm – 11 April 2013


1. Web Accessibility • • Regulations in France AccessiWeb 2. eBook Accessibility • Copyright Exception in France • Biblothèque Numérique Francophone Accessible

France seen from the sky

Stockholm is here France is there

France seen from MeAC (2011)

Monitoring eAccessibility in Europe 100 60 50 40 90 80 70 30 20 10 0 0 GR AU FR UK CA DK SE IE HU NO DE US NL IT CZ PT ES Trendline (EU countries) 10 20 30 40 50 60 eAccessibility policy implementation level 70 80 90 100 Internet accessibility


Internet accessibility policy

A brief story of Web Accessibility in France


W3C/WAI releases WCAG 1.0 (May 99)

2003 2004 2005

Circular of the Prime Minister (Oct. 99) European recommendations : communications of the commission 2001, 2002; resolution of the Parliament 2002 AccessiWeb 1.0 by BrailleNet Adoption of AccessiWeb by the French government Law of 11 february 2005 – art 47

Law of 11 february 2005 – art 47

law decree and ?

• • • 11/02/05 - The Law for Equal Rights and Opportunities, Participation and Citizenship of People with Disabilities Article 47, makes accessibility of all public digital communication services mandatory, i.e. public websites, but also phone and TV services , according to international standards. 10/09 - Decree • The decree refers to a technical reference document (RGAA) that specifies requirements for public Web sites. This document is “based” on WCAG 2.0 • • Employees of public services should be trained Conformity is Self Declarative • • No control authority No declarations

No plan for large-scale training

insufficient e-Accessibility skills

AccessiWeb – a Non-for-profit Initiative

2003 2013


Information, clarification, explanations, translations Advises Conformity Assessment

BrailleNet’s Answers

Guidelines => AccessiWeb 1.0

AccessiWeb Training 3rd Party certification procedure (label AccessiWeb) 2003 : Launch of the GTA (AccessiWeb Working Group )

Without professional skills policies remain unfulfilled Skills are supported by communities

AccessiWeb Working Group(GTA)

 

Technical Seminars Translations

  

Technical Reference documents Methodological tools Technical Discussions

• • •


470 professionals trained by BrailleNet Public and private Sectors Developers, project managers, Content providers, … 17 seminars since 2003 , 850 participants

WCAG 2.0 in French

- 25 June 2009 First W3C authorized translation

Comprendre les WCAG 2.0

- 6 July 2011 AccessiWeb 5 versions de 1.0 à 2.2, AccessiWeb CMS 1.0

MIPAW (in progress) Over 5000 Technical messages exchanged since 2003

Evolution of the GTA : 2003 - 2013 Developing of a network of Web accessibility experts in France

Missions of the GTA GTA, a professional community in the field of Web accessibility

 To share common concepts and the same understanding of accessibility; to exchange good practices  A working method to make the expertise evolve consensually  A core of experts   Open calls for Comments (GTA and beyond)  Applied with success to  Expert Referees Translations  Versioning reference documents: 5 versions of AccessiWeb 1.0 to 2.2

 Elaborating a certification schema (in progress)

To help professionals developing and shape their expertise in Web accessibility

Main leading Principles

        Liaison standardization bodies : W3C and DAISY Transparency Cooperation with industry Respond to demands from industry Independence - Vendor Neutrality Cooperative work Make consensus emerge International cooperation

Make collective expertise emerge from individual know-how

Business Model

      Non-for-profit association Public support Partnership with public institutions Support from companies Services : training, conformity audits Contribution from members • • • To adapt to market conditions To control the costs To Remain small

2013 Roadmap Demand

Evolution towards HTML5 WAI/ARIA, mobile technologies

BrailleNet’s Answer

Evolution of AccessiWeb reference documents Need for qualified experts certification scheme extended : conformity + competence

Standardisation Bodies

From Certifying Conformity Liaisons BrailleNet

Contract Inspection Body Body On Line Web Service Galery of certified WebSites

Quality Control AccessiWeb Reference document

Complaint Chanel User

Standardisation Bodies

To Certifying Competence Liaisons Certification of competences

Peer Examination Expert ICA Expert ICA Expert ICA Professionnal Directory

BrailleNet Agreement of Organizations

Contract Inspection Body Body On Line Web Service Galery of certified WebSites


-Scientific and Technical Orientation Committee

Quality Control AccessiWeb Reference document

Complaint Chanel User

Conclusions Over 10 years, AccessiWeb Working Group contributed to :

 effective dissemination of standards and best practices  structuring of a professional sector  set up a de facto authority (BrailleNet / AccessiWeb)  provide an economical model  the legitimity and credibility of e-accessibility People and communities do matter !

eBook Accessibility

Read the same books not the same way Papier

Helen Server

One unique format addressing various cases

XML ePUB 3.0

Daisy Text Audio Daisy PDF Braille


Copyright exception in France

European Directive 2001/29/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 May 2001 on the harmonization of certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the information society


Law of 1 August 2006 – art 47 (DADVSI)

2008 2010

decree n ° 2008-1391 of 19 December 2008 a) Publishers provide files used to produce books b) c) A national commission agrees organizations producing adapted books Those organizations may request files via a platform managed by the National Libary

Implementing the French exception Law of 1 August 2006 + decree 2008

National Library Bibliothèque Nationale de France National Accreditation Body Authorized organization Authorized organization Authorized organization

Since July 2010

Eligible Users

2 to 10 % of costs

Process & Costs


90 to 98 % of costs


Average Cost

100 80 60 40 20 0

Average cost of a book adaptation in € (medium complexity)

Papier PDF Word XML Coût moyen (€) 1h50/book (calculated on 1100 titles of low or medium complexity


Bad vs Best

PDF La santé de Louis XIV, Publisher Tempus 699 pages, 156 pages of notes XML Œuvres Complètes de Platon, Publisher Flammarion, 2204 pages, 923 footnotes

Notice creation OCR Structuration and correction And –

the worse

– processing footnotes

25 hours

Notice creation Quick Check Automated Conversion XML to Daisy

10 minutes

Bibliothèque Numérique Francophone Accessible

= + +


1. Better service to print disabled readers (unified procedures, larger catalogue, better quality) 2. Efficiency of production (sharing tools, methods and resources) 3. Transparency to right holders 4. Dialogue with publishers


Helen Library BNFA


Accessible Publishing Facilitated

ePUB 3.0 contains all accessibility features required by the Daisy Consortium

In 2011 IDPF appointed the Daisy CTO as their Chief Technical Officer


 Technologies and standards have completely changed the production process of books that are accessible to the print disabled  The production of accessible books and mainstream commercial books are fundamentally similar  Organization producing accessible books and publishers should cooperate  Copyright Exceptions exist in many countries  However, the cross border exchange of adapted books is not solved (TIGAR exploratory project run by WIPO)

Thank You !

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