FHDDRA Fellowship ppt - The University of Arizona Graduate College

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Transcript FHDDRA Fellowship ppt - The University of Arizona Graduate College

2011-12 Fulbright-Hays
Doctoral Dissertation
Research Abroad Fellowship
CFDA 84.022A
► Eligibility
and Conditions
► The Process
► Preliminary Schedule & Deadlines
► Reviewer Comments
► Writing a Great Proposal
► Tips/Advice from Fellows
► Accepting & Activating the Grant
F-H DDRA Purpose
Contributes to the development and improvement of
the study of modern foreign languages and area
studies in the U.S. by supporting full-time
dissertation research abroad.
Area studies – comprehensive study of society or
societies, including their geography, history,
culture, economy, politics, international relations
and language.
U.S. Department of Education
International Funding
► Programs
 F-H Faculty, Group & Project Awards
► Legislative
mandate J. Wm. Fulbright
► Bi-national Commissions receive funding
FY2009 & FY2010 Funding
► Total $4,925,225
► 146 awards at 42 IHE’s in
27 states
► 3-4 awards per school avg
► Michigan – 17; Indiana 11; Wisconsin – 6;
► Range - $15,000-60,000;
Average - $29,603
► Funding depends on
Congressional action
► Total $5,690,000
► 142 awards
► $15,000-60,000
► Average - $40,000
Absolute Priority Areas
Eastern Hemisphere
► Africa
► East Asia
► Southeast Asia
► Pacific Islands
► South Asia
► Near East
► East Central Europe &
Western Hemisphere
► Canada
► Central & South America
► Mexico
► Caribbean
No funding for work in US
or its territories or projects
that focus on W. Europe
except limited archival
Critical Language
► +5
points for a research project that
focuses on any of the seventy-eight (78)
languages deemed critical on the U.S.
Department of Education's list of Less
Commonly Taught Languages (LCTLs)
2010 Invitational Priorities
Research projects that focus on
Environmental Science, Ecology, Climate
Studies, Development Studies, Economics,
Public Health, Education or Political Science
2010 Performance Measures
► The
average language competency score of
fellows at the end of their research minus their
beginning average score.
► % of DDRA projects judged to be successful by
the program officer, based on a review of annual
performance reports.
► Cost
per grantee in increasing efficiency
level by at least one level (in one or all 3
► US
citizen, national or permanent resident
► Graduate student in good standing
► Admitted to candidacy in eligible doctoral program
by July 1– Dec. 1, 2011
► Sufficient language skills to carry out plan
► Not in default on student loans
► Planning a teaching career in the U.S. or work in
languages/countries vital to US security in
government, international development & various
Eligible Dependents
► Spouse
► Fellow’s
or spouse’s children who are
unmarried and under age 21
► Must accompany the fellow to the training
site for the entire research period
► Must receive more than 50% of support
from the recipient during the period.
Restrictions & Preferences
► Only
one Fulbright fellowship under
Fulbright-Hays appropriations
► Split funding allowed, but not for same work
► US diplomatic representation required
► May not work in W. Europe except brief
archival work
► Preference to veterans if applications are
Selection of Fellows
► Applicants
screened & submitted by Grad College
► DoE Staff reviews for eligibility and budgets.
► 2 academic area specialists read and rank. Panels
are based on geographic region, not discipline.
► Bi-national commissions & US diplomatic missions
in country review for budget, political sensitivity,
and feasibility after panel recs.
► U.S. Secretary of Education recommends
► J. Wm. Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board
reviews & approves.
► The
Arizona Board of Regents on behalf of
the University of Arizona is the applicant
► Graduate College administers the
application and program
► Georgia Ehlers - project director
 [email protected]/
 520-621-9103 & FAX 520-621-4101
 Administration Bldg. 322D
Electronic Submission
► Visit
http://e-grants.ed.gov – CFDA 84.022A & set
up your account after announced.
► Complete & upload individual application, cv, &
letters of affiliation.
► Referees submit using e-Application
► Candidate submits using e-Application.
► Grad College receives it.
► Grad College submits to Sponsored & mails in
transcripts. Sponsored Projects submits officially.
► ADA accommodations available
General Timing
► Applications
submitted in e-grants (Oct. – Dec.)
► First round notification in March/April/May 2010
► Awards offered from May – August
► Grant – 18 months July 1, 2011 – Dec. 31, 2012
► Commence & complete research in the 18 months
► Typical departures between late Sept. to Dec.
► 6-12 months of research required
► Non-renewable; no-cost extensions unusual
Preliminary Deadlines
June 4 - FHDDRA Workshop
By June 18 – Meet with Georgia to discuss
topic and work plan. Start on
Initiate affiliation, reference, language
evaluation contacts
Obtain all graduate transcripts
Make Health Checkup appointment
Outline/Rough draft of narrative, bibliography,
resume, abstract, budget
July 12 – Email a first draft to Shelley &
Aug 16 – Email a revised draft
Sept or early Oct - Application published
Register in e-grants as a student
Conduct Language Evaluation
Submit referee emails
Sept. 28 – Preliminary budget due to Grad
College (excel spreadsheet)
Oct. 12 - Upload
Language Forms
Final Budget and Narrative
Graduate Transcripts turned in to PI
Letters of Affiliation
IRB Statement to Graduate College
Oct. 26 – ALL FINAL applications &
references must be submitted/Final
Final signed hard copy to Graduate College
Oct. 27-28 – Grad College submits to
Sponsored Projects
Nov. 3 – UA Electronic Submission
Dates will be confirmed when final
deadline is announced
Student Application
Completed F-H DDRA application form
Start and end dates
Abstract (120 words/complete at end)
Detailed itinerary noting main points of travel
Loan default information
Health exam signature
Curriculum Vita –pertinent – discuss area studies & field research preparation
10 pg. Narrative & 2 pg. Bibliography
3 E-Graduate Student References, including your advisor (electronic)
1 E-Language Reference for each pertinent language (electronic)
All graduate transcripts hard copies (official transcripts recommended)
Letter(s) of Affiliation scanned & uploaded as one document – dated, signed &
on affiliate letterhead (electronic)
Human Subjects Plan (1-2 pp. emailed to Project Director)
Quality of the Proposed Project (60 pts)
10 - Statement of major hypotheses or questions
and description and justification of the research
methods to be used
10 – Relation of the research to the literature on the
topic and to major theoretical issues in the field,
project’s originality and importance in terms of the
concerns of the discipline
10 – Preliminary research already completed in the
US & overseas or plans for such research prior to
going overseas; kinds, quality and availability of
date for the research in the host country or
Continued Review Factors
10 – Justification for overseas field research, and
preparations to establish appropriate and sufficient
research contacts and affiliations abroad.
10 – Applicant’s plans to share results in progress
and a copy of the dissertation with scholars and
officials of the host country or countries
10 – Guidance and supervision of the dissertation
advisor or committee at all stages of the project,
from development, to understanding conditions
abroad & acquainting applicant with research in
the field.
Qualifications of Applicant (40 pts)
► 10
► 10
– Overall strength of graduate academic record
- Extent to which academic record
demonstrates strength in area studies relevant to
the proposed project
► 15 - Proficiency in one or more languages other
than English and native language of the research
countries AND specific measures to be taken to
overcome any language barriers
► 5 – Ability to conduct research in a foreign cultural
context, evidenced by references or previous
overseas experience or both ** (referees should
address this point!)
Typical Reasons for Non-awards
► Did
not follow the rules
► Nature of the project
► Competency/qualifications of applicant
► Inadequate planning/careless preparation
► Lack of originality or sufficient significance
► Inadequate approach/methodology
► Unrealistic
► Ambiguous, inaccurate, poor writing
Reviewer Comments
► More
specific hypotheses with concepts
more readily operationalized.
► Statement of hypotheses is flawed &
questions are difficult to comprehend.
► Interesting concepts, but much of narrative
is vague. Very long sentences.
► Research does not take into account foreign
context and culture.
Methods/Research Design
► Research
design is excellent if ambitious. Excellent
& well-tailored methods chosen.
► By what mechanism will explanatory gaps be
recognized or ferreted out? Would like further
connection between methods and hypothesis.
► Methodology comes from techniques which don’t
address the claims the candidate makes.
► Topic not supported by valid research
► I am not sure there is time to conduct all
interviews proposed.
Relation of Research to Literature
► Notable
omission of reference to x study.
This proposal had to embrace x, & did not.
► Needs to be grounded better in (a
particular) literature.
► Theorists from various fields are not
mentioned with specificity.
► Integrate lit review into questions to be
Link Lit Review, Aims & Significance
► Provide
just enough context so the reader
can make a judgment on the relation of the
topic to the literature and significance
► Focus literature review & your opinions
► Don’t write what doesn’t need to be there
► Every sentence should support your case
Qualifications of Applicant
► Applicant is exceptionally well prepared.
► Recommend stronger and broader academic
course work for more comprehensive
understanding of the interdisciplinary work
involved in the proposed research.
► More area studies
► Applicant should attempt to learn official
languages of country.
► Advisor letter appears pro forma; applicant’s name
shifts from paragraph to paragraph. (5 pts
Curriculum Vita
► Address
evaluation criteria that focus on
qualifications of applicant
► List and DISCUSS relevant courses
(language, area specialization)
► Identify Field Research and Preparation
► Fellowships and honors (FLAS et al)
► Publications/Posters/Presentations
► Other information on achievements,
ability to complete project;
promise as a teacher and scholar.
Graduate & Language References
academic + language refs. required
► Student submits names and e-mails of
referees in e-grants.
► Referees will receive e-mail with directions
for completing & submitting forms.
► E-mail will contain link to the forms and
PIN for the referee.
► Can see it is submitted, but not content
Strong References
Provide enough information so the referee can
comment on your suitability & excellence;
Provide dossier, direction, criteria, proposal
► 1. How long & capacity applicant is known?
► 2. Abilities & professional competence (ranked
compared to others known)
► 3. Comment on project feasibility – resources
available, ability to carry out in time frame,
linguistic preparation, adaptability to cultural
environment; other factors; merit of project
Letters of Affiliation
Start early! This takes the most time of all.
Show you have connections to be successful
► Common support includes space, resources, opportunity
to provide talks, support, use of equipment
► Affiliates may include a University, Archive, government
agency, local or regional organizations, US AID,
international NGO.
► Contact professor via e-mail, phone, or visit
► Request letter of affiliation from as high up as
possible on institutional letterhead, dated, and signed
► Scan & upload letters into one file. Translate into English.
► Look at Fulbright Commission
► Some affiliates are tentative until your awarded; may
require fee
Human Subjects Statement
► Determine if exempt or nonexempt
► Submit to Human Subjects
► Provide 1 pg. narrative to Georgia for
Requirements are in the rfp.
Involvement & characteristics
Sources of research materials
Recruitment and informed consent
Potential risks
Protection against risk
Importance of knowledge to be gained
Collaborating sites
Travel for fellow only (high season coach + fees to
reschedule ($150) + shipping/excess baggage) – inflate
► Maintenance allowances for fellow & dependents
► Research related costs, affiliation fees (no equipment)
► Insurance for fellow only (estimate $1800)
► Fixed administrative fee $100 to UA
► No visas, passports, photos, UA tuition or fees, medical
expenses (immunizations, medications), equipment with a
life of more than 12-months
► Budget will be revised by DoEd staff & Fulbright Comm.
&/or Embassy in country
1 roundtrip from US to starting destination
 US carrier high season (Fly America Act)
Travel between host countries (US Carrier)
 Use high season, coach rate; not a discount rate
Use most distant departure city & transportation to airport
► Include cost of changing tickets if 9+ months ($150+)
► Add in airport fees and taxes
► Assume overnight stay if changing carriers
► 2-Way Shipping for 4 boxes of books & supplies
► Build in reasonable inflation for rate increase
► No travel allowance for dependents
Maintenance Costs
► Decide
where you really need to be
► Develop itinerary & time in each locale
► Calculate based on F-H Country allowances
► Include calculation for dependents based on
a monthly stipend
► Budgeted costs may be amended by DoED
based on input from country
Possible Research Project Costs
Copying & paper
► Informants’ fees/gifts
► Tapes/CDs/Video/Film
► Postage/shipping
► Transformer for electronics
Batteries & recharger
Phone, FAX & internet service
(cybercafe) fees
Surface travel within host
Fulbright Comm. presentations
Tuition & affiliation fees abroad
No equipment with a life greater
than the project itself (rentals
and purchases are disallowed)
No research assistants or
Health & Accident Insurance
► Use
group rates of university-contracted
carriers for overseas coverage; Specialty
Risk International www.specialtyrisk.com ,
STA Travel et al.
► Start on date of departure to return
► Budget $1800 minimum.
► Emergency medical evacuation &
repatriation of remains required
► Determine adequate amount – don’t skimp
Technical Help
► "Help"
is on line, via e-mail, or by calling the GAPS
► Call Helpdesk at 1-888-336-8930. Hours are
8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday - Friday, Eastern time.
► E-mail to: [email protected].
► If you have a problem or encounter an error
message on any of the applications, save your
work if you can. Then, logout of the site and
restart your browser.
Tips for Dealing with E-Grants
► Site
is best viewed in Internet Explorer.
► Make sure Cookies and JavaScript are
enabled in your browser.
► Use links, tabs & buttons to navigate (not
the back button).
► You will be logged off after 1 hr. inactivity.
► Email & call the Help Desk immediately if
problems arise
E-Grants Tips
► Log
out (top right) when you exit or
forms will be locked up.
► Do your work in Word (doc or rtf) first and
upload. Save work & backup frequently!
► "Large Fonts" setting in Windows distorts
viewing & printing. To change setting go to
Control Panel | Display | Settings.
► Error messages – log out, restart browser &
try again; If repeated, contact Helpdesk.
Follow Application Format
► 10
page narrative and 2 page bibliography
(disqualified if over 10 pages!)
► 1 inch margins (do not squeeze margins!)
► Double space text
► Single space text in charts, tables, figures, graphs,
footnotes and endnotes
► 12 pt. font (except in charts)
► Times New Roman, Courier, Courier New, or Arial
Accepting the Award
► UA
Graduate College is notified of principal
candidates & those who do not advance.
► Email form accepting designation.
► A 2nd notification identifies awardees.
► The Grad College notifies Fellows of award
and budget.
► If you are outside Tucson, leave a letter
accepting the award or send us one.
Grant Activation Request
► Student must submit online pre-award form
► Host country visa and research authorized
► Contact research commission, Fulbright
Commission, Embassy, affiliates
► Human subject research clearance by UA IRB
► Advancement to Candidacy – signed form at GC
► Submit proposed detail itinerary (flights/insurance)
► Travel approval by US/ED takes up to 30 days
► Approval required before ticket purchase
► Then Grad College processes disbursement
Expedite Your Application
► Human
Subjects – submit plans early
► Immunizations – before departure
► Research clearances – required before
► Visas – begin now or upon inclusion in
second round if you need to leave by Sept.;
► Sign up for UA Direct Deposit through
UAccess - Student Financial Aid
Conditions of Award
► Maintain satisfactory progress on research
► Devote full time to approved research
► Do not engage in income-producing activities
during the period (neither gainful, nor illegal)
► Remain enrolled at the UA in good standing during
the fellowship (Grad College covers 3 units of
dissertation while in the field)
► Fellowships may be revoked if conditions not met
► Track all expenditures from the grant/submit
receipts/use a separate account
► Submit pre- and post- reports in timely fashion
Make the Most of the Experience
Stay the maximum time possible
► Attend Fulbright Orientation
► Think about timing (do you need to get
back for an assistantship?)
► Schedule other grants to extend your stay
and maximize awards
► Participate fully in the culture and share
your work with the country