Depression Among Children - personal . plattsburgh . edu

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Depression Among Children
By: Rachel Coppola
What is Depression?
According to Webster's Dictionary
depression is defined as, “a state of
feeling sad.
A psycho neurotic or psychotic disorder
marked especially by sadness, inactivity,
difficulty in thinking, and concentrating, a
significant increase or decrease in
appetite and time spent sleeping,
feelings of dejection and hopelessness”
Signs of Depression
Feeling Sad
Feeling Worthless
Persistent Boredom
Low Energy
Other Signs of Depression
Bad Temper
Easily Annoyed
Social Isolation
Poor Communication
Emotional Outbursts
Physical Signs of Depression
Drop in School Performance
Poor Concentration
Significant Increase or Decrease in
Change in Sleep Habits
Repeated Physical Complaints
head aches
stomach aches
aching arms and legs
Sad? Or Depressed?
Even though one may see some of these
changes it doesn't necessarily mean that the
child is depressed.
Everyone gets sad once in a while.
More than ½ of teenagers go through a sad
period at least once a month and plenty of
children do too.
Just because one's child may be sad doesn't
mean he is depressed.
Children can get sad over small things like
losing a favorite toy or not getting what they
Alone Time
Sometimes when a child's mood is sad,
they just feel like being alone for a little
Leaving a child alone to play or just alone
in general may be helpful for a child.
In that time alone the child can have time
to think to themselves and maybe even
forget why they are sad.
A child might want someone to comfort them or just
keep them company while they go through the sad
If a child is alone and says he doesn't want anyone
near him, he really might want someone to comfort
The best thing to do in a situation like this, is to wait a
little while before going to comfort him.
This gives the child time to calm down, then he might
be more open for talking about his feelings.
Talking about what has made him sad usually helps
the sad feeling melt away.
Feeling sad every once in a while is natural.
Causes of Depression
Some things that may occur in a child's life that may cause
depression include:
Loss or separation, this is the most common cause of
depression among children.
Death of a relative, friend or pet.
Separation of parents or even divorce
Even a separation or divorce of a friend's parents
Other changes, such as moving to new town or changing
schools and leaving old friends can be causes of
Getting a new sibling
Disappointments like losing a game, getting a bad grade, or
being left out.
Relationships can also cause depression in children.
It could be stressful for a child to see his parents dating
other people.
If the child has a girlfriend or boyfriend and their parents
don't approve of, it can trigger depression.
Many kids fight with family members, especially their
parents, in the struggle to grow up and gain independence
Other things that can cause depression may be, other kids,
both friends and enemies, can cause feelings and sadness
through fighting, teasing, peer pressure, not giving your
support, or leaving you out of group activities.
Feeling misunderstood by people close to you can lead to
feelings of sadness
An estimated 1 out of 10 children have
difficulty escaping the symptoms of
depression for long periods of time.
The rate of depression is marked lower
than (1%) in children ages 1 to 6 years
The rate is higher in older children ages
9 to 12 (12%)
Who's Effected?
Childhood and adolescent depression increased
dramatically in the past forty to fifty years.
The average age of onset has fallen.
During childhood the number of boys and girls affected are
almost equal.
In adolescents twice as many girls as boys are diagnosed.
(Similar to adult rate)
Repeated episodes of depression can take a great toll on a
young mind.
Well over half of depressed adolescents have a recurrence
within seven years.
Children with Major Depression have an increased
incidence of Bipolar Disorder and recurrent Major
Depression can lead to an increased chance of suicide
attempts and successful suicides.
Since 1950, the adolescent suicide rate has risen four
fold 12% of the total adolescent mortality in 1993 was
due to suicide.
Suicide is not always associated with Major
Depression Disorder (MDD).
Most children who are depressed become depressed
Untreated or improperly treated depression is the
number one cause of suicide in the United States.
Proper treatment relieves symptoms in 80 to 90
percent of all patients.
Repeated Episodes of
The occurrence of a single episode of depression increases
the chance of another such episode.
After one episode, a person is 50% more likely to have a
second episode.
After the second episode, the risk rises to 70 % for a third
After a third episode, the risk reaches 90 % for yet another
For this reason, patients with repeated episodes may
require long-term treatment with drugs and/or psychosocial
About 5% of children and adolescents in the general
population suffer from depression at any given point in time.
Effects Depression Has on Children
In many cases when children or adolescents become
depressed they become involved in bad or inappropriate
activities or habits, such as abusing alcohol or other drugs.
Depressed adolescents may abuse alcohol or other drugs
as a way to feel better.
They may write suicidal thoughts or they might say things
pertaining to killing or hurting themselves.
Depression is associated with school and interpersonal
It is also correlated with increased incidence of suicide
behavior, violent thoughts, alcohol, early pregnancy,
tobacco and other drug abuse.
A child who used to play often and with friends may now
spend most of the time alone and without interests.
Things that were once fun now bring little joy to the
depressed child.
There are many ways to help a depressed child.
Some of the ways would be to first, get help or advice
from a doctor.
Sometimes treatment involves talking to someone who
knows all about depression.
Talking to your child about his feelings can also help.
As a parent one should seek immediate care for one's
Parents should become familiar with the symptoms
and signs of depression.
Counseling and therapy are the most important things
to do for the depressed child.
Consult a Doctor
After consulting a doctor, and your child is diagnosed with
depression, some helpful things to do to help the child become
happier can be as simple as,
spending more time with him,
making him feel loved and wanted,
don't let him skip meals and make sure he maintains a proper
He should also have a regular sleep pattern.
Try to have him avoid taking naps or staying up late and become
more physically active with your child, such as walking, riding
bikes, going to parks etc.
Physical activity can help relieve or manage depression
Spend time with the child, listen well and be understanding
Just become more involved in the child's life, this will increase
happiness for the whole family.
Medication can also help.
Several classes of medications are used with the adult
Major types include
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (e.g. Phenelzine),
Tricyclics (e.g. Imipamine and amitriptyline) and
SSRIs (e.g. Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, Serazone, Luvox),
Other classes have emerged as well.
These drugs have been shown to be 50-70% more effective with
adults than placebos and no other treatments.
Very little is know about the safe use of antidepressants with
The risk and side effects of medications and the findings that
competent therapy and counseling interventions may be more
effective restrict use of medications with children.
Many children who are depressed may not know they are.
Their personality tends to often change.
With help from caring adults, many of depressed children
can find the strength to overcome their problem and go on
to live better, happier, healthier lives.
If you think you have sadness that simply wont go away it is
important to talk to an adult about it: parent, relative, doctor,
teacher, guidance counselor, coach, or close adult friend.
This person can help you find the right type of treatment.
Many cities also have mental health hot lines or suicide hot
lines that are listed in the phone book.
There is always somebody to talk to when you are sad or if
you are depressed—somebody who can help you!
Conner Psy. D, Michael G. "Understanding And Deal With Depression."
Answers to Questions about Depression and Children 6 to 12 years old. 2001.
Clinical & Medical Psychologist. 27 Feb. 2006
"Depression In Children And Teens." Depression In Children And 15 Nov. 2000. 03 Mar. 2006
Newton, David . "Depressive Disorders." Sick! diseases and Disorders,
Injuries and Infections. ed. 2000
Sheslow, PhD, David V. "Why Am I So Sad?" Why Am I So Sad? Nov. 2004.
KidsHealth Nemours Foundation. 03 Mar. 2006
"The Depressed Child." The Depressed Child-AACAP Facts For Families #4.
July 2004. AACAP. 01 Mar. 2006
Watkins, Carol E. "Depression In Children and Adolescents." Child and
Adolescent Depression. 2004. 27 Feb. 2006
Webster, Merriam. Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary. Springfield:
Merriam-Webster Inc., 1991.