GF Proposal Development Flowchart

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Transcript GF Proposal Development Flowchart

Kellie Wilson and Dave Burrows
One key area of improvement required for GF
proposals include the provision of:
 stronger more comprehensive situation analysis
 details on current and planned responses as well as
programs addressing vulnerability in general
 comprehensive analysis of the programmatic gaps and
 honest and open discussion on the key challenges and
proposed strategies to address challenges in dealing
with the program gaps and issues
A Strong SRG Analysis Team
The team created to develop the National Situation, Response and Gap
Analysis should include multi-sector representation with people able
to bring the following:
 an understanding of the country’s cultural traditions, history, and
political structure;
a familiarity with and ability to obtain the relevant social research;
access to a range of opinions and a variety of information;
capacity to think broadly across a range of complex social issues;
an understanding of how HIV is transmitted and how its transmission
and impact can be minimized;
an understanding of how social and economic circumstances affect the
spread of the virus and increase men’s and women’s vulnerability to
infection; and
an ability to be thorough and fair in studying and presenting the facts.
Source: UNAIDS, 1998, “Guide to Strategic Planning Processes for a national
response to HIV/AIDS”
Sources of Information
Information for inclusion in a strong SRG analysis should come from a wide variety of
 National demographic reports and documents
 World Bank country reports including human development indicators
 National Governance reports and documents
 UNGASS Reports
 UNAIDS and co-sponsor country and regional reports
 National Strategic Plans, M&E plans and Action Plans
 Surveillance, Operational Research, KAPB surveys, household surveys, health facility
 Program Evaluations and Reviews
 Studies into cultural practices
 Geographical Mapping documents
 Previous situation, response and gap analysis
 Rapid assessment processes
 Interviews and Group Discussions
 Broader development reports ie gender, poverty, cultural etc
What to Include?
SRG Analysis should include:
 Demographic Issues
 Political, Legal and Economic Issues
 Social Systems
 Cultural Issues
 HIV Issues
 Current Responses
Demographic Issues
 Population data including age, cultural,
gender breakdown, health indicators,
education and employment rates
 Geography including size, regional
breakdowns, borders
 Population Mobility data, patterns and
drivers including conflict, economic,
immigration & emigration
Political, Legal and Economic Issues
 Government Structures (National to
 Economic Factors and indicators
including poverty
 Legal structures and human rights issues,
legislation and frameworks
Social Systems
 Health Services
 Education Systems
 Media systems
 Social Support programs
 Civil Society Organisations and
 Private Sector
Cultural Issues
 Ethnic and Cultural Issues
 Community systems
 Religious Systems and Structures
 Gender issues and dynamics
 Family structures and roles
HIV Issues
 HIV prevalence
 HIV behavioural information
 HIV Service availability, coverage and
 HIV Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices
 STI epidemiological information
 TB/HIV issues
 Sexual and IDU rates and behaviours
Response & Gap Analysis
 Status of HIV Strategic and M&E Plans, legislation,
frameworks, guidelines and policies
Overview of current HIV Programs or other initiatives
addressing HIV prevention/vulnerability reduction,
treatment and care
Overview of broader programs addressing vulnerability
factors and cross cutting issues such as health system
strengthening, CSO strengthening, gender etc
Highlight best practice regional or cultural approaches
which may be adapted
Review of the gaps and weaknesses, capacity gaps, impact
of these initiatives and lessons learnt
Identification of areas for mainstreaming
Response & Gap Analysis
Questions to consider when preparing the Response and
Gap Analysis against the situation analysis:
 What is working and needs to be continued?
 What is working and can be expanded?
 What is not working and needs a new, more strategic
 What is not relevant to current needs and should be
 What has not been addressed at all?
Source: UNAIDS, 1998, “Guide to Strategic Planning Processes for a national response to
Key Issues
 Cover cross cutting issues like gender and MARPs issues
within the SRG analysis
 Be succinct and clear in your analysis
 Provide a structure for the analysis which will easily flow
into the program structure for the proposal
 Provide attachments where required to justify the
statements being made in the narrative SRG analysis
 Be open and honest about issues, challenges and barriers
Group Activity
Challenges of SRG Analysis in MENA Region
 What are some of the challenges in
undertaking SRG analysis in the MENA region
 What strategies and tools have members of
your group adopted in addressing these