Foundation Day and Blessed Family (5.8.2012) v2

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Transcript Foundation Day and Blessed Family (5.8.2012) v2

Foundation Day and
Blessed Family
Cheon Gi Year 3 Heavenly Calendar March 18
(May 8, 2012)
I. Introduction
A. Topic of current Providence: Foundation Day and
God’s Wedding Ceremony
B. Foundation Day and True Parents’ heartistic world:
‘Let’s live together!’
C. Where is the place True Parents are saying,
“Let’s live together?”
D. Where is the place we live attending True Parents?
E. How and what should we prepare?
II. Founding Ceremony of Heavenly Nation and
Foundation Day
A. Heavenly Nation in ‘Founding Ceremony
of Heavenly Nation’ (HC 1/2/3)
Heavenly Nation is founded centering on the Heavenly Family.
HF: Heavenly Couple, Heavenly Parents, Heavenly Children
HN: Heavenly Family and blessed family are Cain and Abel.
HN: It is a world of order centering on the H. Family.
원리원본 제1권 제1절: ‘From one being to all beings!’
CIG Holy Candel 전수
CIG Holy Salt 전수
B. Conceptual understanding of Heavenly Nation
1. External meaning:
Israel Nation
2. Internal meaning: Cheon Il Guk
3. Foundation Day: Start of substantial CIG
4. Cheon Il Guk → 자주국 → Won Il Guk → Tong Il
C. Start of Foundation Day: Start of a Nation where Two Persons
Become One Substantially
1. Two persons: True Father and True Mother
2. 3rd Holy Wedding/Marriage on the perfection level: Holy
Wedding Ceremony of the True Parents Heaven, Earth and
3. Holy Wedding Ceremony of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth
and Humankind is the marriage of God
4. Wedding ceremony where God and human being are one
5. Wedding ceremony in which Spirit world and earth are connect
as one (10/9/2009)
D. Foundation Day: Day When the Substantial
Heavenly Family Starts
1. Day Heavenly Couple is manifested.
2. Day Heavenly Parents (TP of H, E and H) are manifested.
3. Re-blessing: Day when Heavenly Family’s direct children
are born.
4. Re-blessing: Day when blessed children are born as direct
5. Blessed families receive the Heavenly seal. (4/21/2012)
E. Foundation Day and Heavenly Nation
(HC 3/5/3)
The incorporeal God assumes the body of TP and manifests.
God and TP manifest as 완전통일일체완성체. (3/26/2012)
Day when the original creation’s Heavenly Family starts.
Day when Heavenly Nation starts through the expansion of
the Heavenly Family.
5. ‘Coronation Ceremony of True Parents of Heaven, earth and
Humankind’ is also held at God’s Wedding Ceremony.
F. Foundation Day Starts in the Garden of
Eden of the Original Creation.
Nobody in the history of humanity has gone that path.
Not even the 1st and 2nd Adam.
No founder of religion has ever gone.
It cannot be understood with the Providence of Restoration
through Indemnity after the Fall.
5. It is a path pioneered by TP who came as the 3 Adam.
6. Foundation Day starts in the position of Completion of
III. Completion of Restoration and Foundation
A. Position of Completion of Restoration (Diagram 2-1)
Age 1
Recognition of Self
3 Great Blessings
Age 14
Recognition of Other
‘Do not eat’
Age 16
Original Sin
Eve: Recognition of Self
Archangel: Recognition of Self
Completion of Restoration(2)
Completion of Restoration(1)
B. Completion of Restoration and Foundation Day (Chart 2-2)
Birth of Adam and Eve
Commandment regarding
Fruit of Knowledge of
Good and Evil
After 16
Portion of
Completion of 3 Great
Foundation of
Sound heard
Sound of God
Do not eat the fruit of K. of
Good and Evil
Sound of God + Sound of
Recog. of Other + Recog. of
Recognition and
Original Sin
Completion of
Recognition of Other
After the Fall
Sound of Archangel
Original Sin + Recog.
of Self
Removal of Original
Position of recog. of other
Removal of recog. of self
God’s indirect dominion
God’s indirect dominion
Satan’s dominion
Providential Era
Era After the Coming of
Heaven (3/16/2011)
Era After the Coming of
Heaven (5/5/2004)
Era Before the
Coming of Heaven
Birth of Adam and Eve
Commandment regarding
Fruit of Knowledge of
Good and Evil
After 16
Principle of living
One tradition, one lineage,
one resemblance
Two traditions: God +
Archangel’s tradition,
lineage, resemblance
Sunghwa Ceremony
Seunghwa Ceremony
Regression (Return)
True Parents
Blessed Family
Fallen human
Ceremony for
Providence of
Current Position
Providence of
Culture of
Foundation Day
After the Fall
Providence of
Providence of Re-creation Providence of Restoration
One tradition, one lineage, one resemblance in the position of recognizing the
IV. Foundation day and Blessed Family
A. TP’s Holy Wedding Ceremony and Blessing Ceremony
1. TP’s Holy Wedding Ceremony: Opening the gates to a new
era (Path of Pioneering)
a. 1 TP’s Holy Wedding Ceremony at the formation stage
b. 2nd TP’s Holy Wedding Ceremony at the growth stage
c. 3rd TP of Heaven, Earth and Humankind’s Holy Wedding
Ceremony at the perfection stage
(1.13.4 HC )
2. Blessed Families’ Holy Wedding:
Entering the gates to a new era (Path of Principle)
a. Holy Wedding Ceremony at formation stage:
Church level blessing, national level blessing
b. Holy Wedding Ceremony at growth stage: World
level blessing, cosmic level blessing
c. Holy Wedding Ceremony at perfection stage: Reblessing
B. Church-level Blessing
(Since 5/15/1961)
1. Blessing the 1st Generations received for the first time: Blessing
on the completion level of growth period
2. ‘Rebirth-Blessing’ signifying conversion from Satan’s lineage to
God’s lineage
3. Conditional Blessing: Half-Blessing (3/3/2004; 3/6/2004; 3/8/2004)
4. After the Conditional Blessing Era, couples prohibited from
making love until nation was found (441:302, 3/6/2003)
5. Gave birth to children on the foundation of finding the nation
(441:302, 3/6/2004)
6. Traditional Holy Wine for individual indemnity was used:
Condition of contract between God, Satan and TF (9/23/1998)
C. National Level Blessing
(9/26/2000 CP)
1. Transition of the Three Ages Four Position Foundation
Registration Unification Blessing Ceremony
2. Blessing given conditionally while without a nation (1/4/2001)
3. IIFWP Assembly 2000 and Universal Peace Award (8/18/2000 UN
4. Victory on world level: Establishment of Condition for the
Blessing on the National Level
5. Assignment of registration post to blessed families
D. World Level Blessing: CIG Registration Blessing
(8/20/2004 한국국회)
1. Special Holy Wine Ceremony for CIG registration (1/2/2002)
2. CIG Owner Family Blessing Ceremony (2/6/2003 CP)
3. Proclamation of the Era After the Coming of Heaven
4. ‘특사 ’참심정혁명과 참해방 석방 천일국 입적 축복식
5. Holy Wine: CIG Holy Wine used for the 1st time
E. True Parents 1014 Cosmic Blessing
(10/14/2009 SMU)
1. Liberation and Coronation Ceremony of God, King of Kings
2. Foundation of Completion of Settlement of True Parents of
Heaven, Earth and Humankind (7/15/2009)
3. Restore to the original human without a trace of the Fall
and send to take refuge (10/15/2009)
4. Participation of TP’s family, blessed families, families of
saints (8/20/2009)
F. Re-blessing of Blessed Families
(1/13/4 HC)
1. Foundation of God’s wedding ceremony and coronation
2. Blessing of true liberation and true complete freedom:
Blessing of Inheritance
3. Birth and birth registration as direct children of God of
Day and Night
4. Foundation and start of CIG attending God of Day and
G. Blessing Before the Holy Wedding Ceremony of
TP of Heaven, Earth and Humankind (HC 8/5/2)
1. Condition to escape the satanic world
2. Were children of Archangel
3. The Principle is clearly resolved.
4. Words given on the standard of ‘Recognition of Other’
5. Words given in the position of ‘Completion of Restoration’
H. Completion of Restoration and the Position of
Recognition of Other
1. Only listens to the sound of God.
2. Position before the commandment, “Do not eat of the Fruit of
Knowledge of Good and Evil”
3. Position of Core Thought and AF, AL, and AO.
4. Position where 5% human portion of responsibility exist.
5. Three responsibilities to complete the three great blessings
I. Meaning of Blessing received by Blessed Families
(2/13/1997 NYH)
1. It is a ceremony where TP plate with gold blessed
families’ sexual organs and
2. Offers to Heaven, whereby God accepts.
3. God and oneself know exactly one’s own status
4. Make up for whatever is lacking from pure gold of 24k
after the blessing.
5. “Re-blessing” of the Foundation Day is the position of
greatest grace.
J. Blessed Families’ Mission Until Foundation Day
1. Be reborn in the position of completion of restoration and
recognition of other.
2. Settlement, recognition of the other and eliminate the cause.
3. Removal of cause of recog. of self in the spirit world:
Ancestor liberation and blessing of 210 generations
4. Removal of cause of recog. of self on earth: Completion of
mission as tribal messiah
5. Conversion of ownership: 총생축헌납물(5/26/1998)
6. Minimum standard: Witness 12 families, bless 3 families
K. Mission of Blessed Families After Foundation Day
1. Only listen to God’s sound (正音).
2. Become the substance of absolute sex, true love,
recognition of other, and absolute value.
3. Complete ancestor liberation and blessing of 210
4. Complete the mission of tribal messiah.
5. 총생축헌납물 and conversion of ownership.
6. One tradition, one lineage, one resemblance.
L. Foundation Day and True Parents of
Heaven, Earth and Humankind (10/25/2003)
1. Heavenly Family and TP of HEH
Generation 1
Generation 2
Generation 3
2. Blessed Families and TP of HEH
Generation 1
Generation 2
Generation 3
V. Conclusion
A. Topic of Foundation Day: ‘Let’s live together!’
(HC 3/4/2012)
1. Let’s live together in the position of recognition of other!
2. Let’s live together in the position before the commandment,
“Do not eat”
3. Let’s live together only listening to God’s sound!
4. Let’s live together centering on “Absolute Sex”
5. Let’s live together centering on God’s tradition!
B. “Let’s live together” attending True Parents of Heaven,
Earth and Humankind (1/2/2012)
Heavenly Nation is founded centering on Heavenly Family.
HF: Heavenly Couple, Heavenly Parents, Heavenly Children
HN: Heavenly Family and Blessed Family are Cain and Abel.
HN: It is a world of order centering on Heavenly Family.
ODP Chapter 1: ‘From one being to all beings!’
HN: Only the religion of True Parents of Heaven, Earth and
Humankind exist.
C. Path that must be taken: While dispatching
missionary Bong-choon Choi
You must go. Go and deliver the Word.
It is a commandment that cannot be evaded.
It is a path that must be taken despite death.
Swallow your tears and console the Heaven.
Remember, you are not alone.
You must persevere.
For I am behind you and Heaven is with you
For your voice will resonate in Heaven and touch the soul
Be strong and bold! For victory is assured
Be strong and bold! For our path will surely lead to victory
Be strong and bold!