Four Theories of Governing Elites

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Transcript Four Theories of Governing Elites

Four Theories of
Governing Elites
Chapter 1, pp. 10-14
AP Government
How is political power distributed?
 Majoritarian
politics: Concept
where nearly everyone has a say
in making a decision (Will of the
 Elitist politics: Concept where
decisions are made by groups
with a disproportionate amount of
some valuable resource
How is political power wielded?
When do majoritarian politics prevail?
– Why?
When do elitist politics prevail?
– Why?
Are there groups you feel have too much
– Examples?
– Is their authority legitimate?
Explaining Influence of Elites
Class View (Karl Marx):
Government is influenced by economic
elites-those who control the economy,
control the government.
“He who pays the piper, calls the tune.”
In the U.S., capitalists dominate the
economy and therefore government.
Decisions benefit the business owners and
Proof? Examples?
Explaining Influence of Elites
Elitist Power (C Wright Mills):
Tied to those in government making
decisions based on political favors
Coalition of corporations, military, and
government officials dominate political
power & make decisions on their
behalf--iron triangles
Many add media chiefs & labor
officials to coalition—issues network
Proof? Examples?
Explaining Influence of Elites
Bureaucratic (Max Weber):
Government power is in the hands of a
small group of bureaucrats (civil
servants) who translate law into policy.
Bureaucrats enforce policies according
to their own guidelines.
Bureaucrats are hired for expertise but
rarely fired for incompetence.
Proof? Examples?
Explaining Influence of Elites
No single elite dominates politics;
resources are too widely spread out; too
many institutions
– Many groups compete with each other for
control over policy
– Policy is the outcome of political haggling,
compromise, & shifting alliances among groups
– Hyper-pluralism: “pluralism gone sour” There
are so many groups that have power, that
government is weakened and unable to act.
Proof? Examples?
Is Democracy Driven by SelfInterest?
 Arguments for?
 Is capitalism necessary for
democracies to be successful?
 Arguments against?
 Do elites ever act for common
 Should we all be cynical or at
least skeptical of politicians?
Who governs? To what ends?
of government
Forms of democracy
Majoritarian vs. Elitist decisions
4 theories of elitist power
Greed, power, selfishness—oh
Test Taking Tips for AP Success
There are two sections to the AP Gov. test
 The first part is a multiple-choice section.
– Consists of 60 questions (My test are 50)
– Answered in 45 minutes (My test is 40 min.)
– Each question has five answer choices
– Some include charts, graphs, tables, cartoons
– No guessing penalty
Go over hints & examples on sheet.
Test Taking Tips for AP Success
The 2nd section consists of Free Response
Questions (FRQ).
– There are 4 separate FRQ prompts (My test
has 2)
– Have 100 minutes to complete all 4 prompts
(My test allows 40 minutes)
– Always number, letter and label like the FRQ
– These FRQs are NOT essay questions!
– You do not need intro or conclusion—just
answer each question
Go over hints and examples on sheet.
Study for your test on Tuesday, 9/3.
 Notes will be collected at the end of the
testing session.
 Assignments will be posted on board after
test & on my website. Assignment will be
due Thursday of next week. Hand out is
available today.
 Blog due by midnight tomorrow.
 Test-taking tips are already posted on my