When Should You Redesign Your Website - Expert Advice

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When Should You Redesign Your Website - Expert Advice
Today, the first impression of your business is completely based on your online
presence. Most individuals check your company's website, portfolio, client's
testimonials before they call you or fill out a "Contact Us" form. Therefore, it's
highly essential for any business to have a strong online presence. With the
introduction of several creative web development companies and advanced
technologies, it's no longer difficult to put together a professionally-designed
website. But, what about those who have already come up with a good-looking site
but not getting enough leads or conversions. At this point, you can consider
redesigning your website which will demand a good deal of thought, time, and
It’s vital to note here that "redesign your website" doesn’t mean you need to update
every single aspect of your branding and design elements. In fact, it should only
involve some practical modifications that may assist you in achieving your business
goals and boosting sales.
Though you will find several reasons not to revamp your website, here are 5 great
reasons why should you redesign your business website in 2018:
• It Looks Outdated
Several well-established companies still have websites that look like they were
designed decades ago. Even individuals with no experience in web development
can say they're outdated. If your site looks outdated, it's a clear indication that you
need to redesign your website. A poorly-designed outdated website may hurt your
business, especially if potential clients/customers are choosing between various
competitors. Users are most likely go with an organization that has a
professionally-designed, modern, easy-to-use site as it gives the assurance that the
company is on top of the latest trends and advanced technologies.
• It is not Mobile-Friendly
Time was when we didn't have smartphones to browse the sites, shop, order food,
research, and connect with friends. So, it was easy for businesses to manage their
desktop-only websites. Today, most users may be navigating your site from a
tablet, smartphone, or other types of mobile devices.
Every user expects amazing browsing experience from all of these devices. They
want to assure that if they saved the product in their shipping cart on a desktop, it
is still there when they browse the site on their mobile phone. Moreover, they want
to be able to share every information instantly with their friends. And, you may
lose these visitors as customers if your site does not offer a smooth browsing
experience across all devices, browsers and platforms. So, if your site isn’t fullyresponsive, it’s time to redesign your website.
• Your Competitors have Updated their Sites
Being an aspiring business owner, you must be looking at your competitor’s site to
see how better features and services they are providing to the users. If your
competitors are making significant changes to improve search engine rankings
extensively while pushing you down in searches, it's probably ideal time to redesign
your website. Obviously, you don’t need to revamp your site every time one of your
rivals changes theirs. But, in order to gain a competitive edge, your website must
have latest or advanced features.
Always do some analysis to find out what people in your industry are updating on
their websites, check the new features they've added. You can also implement those
functionalities to give the best experience to the visitors and convert them into
• Your Website Just doesn’t Work
If your website traffic is drastically decreasing and you aren't getting any leads, you
need to see the analytics to check the bounce rate and user behavior. Your website
may not be as user-friendly or engaging as it could be. Besides, some elements of
your site may be less effective.
• Is navigation of your site confusing?
• Is any important web content hidden?
• Can a visitor quickly find the most basic things on your site?
Functionality is one of the most significant things which can reduce traffic and
conversions. If your website has poor functionality and does not longer engage the
visitor, it’s time to redesign your website.
• It does not Reflect Your Latest Marketing Strategy
You may have launched a new product/service, or your business or marketing
strategy has been changed, make sure these things are reflected online. It's vital
that your website reflects your current marketing strategy and offers, so you don't
lose potential customers who may visit your web pages before giving you a call or
writing email request. A powerful brand image has the ability to make small
businesses and entrepreneurs stand out from their larger competitors. If your
online presence is not reflecting your message in the best way possible, it's time to
redesign your website.
Identifying any one of these reasons mentioned above shouldn’t make you panic
and start making unnecessary website changes. Instead, you should research,
prepare a proper plan and then dive into website revamping. Your website is
intended to make your business more successful. If it's not doing the same, it’s time
to hire a web development company and redesign your website.