Parts of Sentence 8 Steps 9th.pptx

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Transcript Parts of Sentence 8 Steps 9th.pptx

The birds under the trees searched for
One of the girls in the new blue car is my
In case of fire, use the nearest exit.
The flowers in the yellow vase are the first
ones from our garden.
After the play, the teacher praised Gary
for his performance.
In spite of his good intentions, nothing
At our house, every person in the family
spends one night weekly doing the
 Mando was flying his kite above the trees
in the bright sunshine.
 The class walked along the narrow trail
around the dinosaur display.
 In spite of the decision of the jury, I am
Did you take your letter jacket to the
banquet at the YMCA?
 Darlene was riding her bike along the
path in the city park.
 By July or August, our time in the sun will
have tanned our skin.
The plane flew over the crowd.
Sarah worked diligently on her
Nine weeks exams were scheduled for
last Friday.
I have been listening to his excuses
about his tardies for weeks.
 The Empire State Building is one of the
tallest buildings in the United States.
 Most of the flowers wilted after the
 The class chose the last week in May as
the date for their reunion.