Chapter 5: Transportation, Assignment and Network Models

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Transcript Chapter 5: Transportation, Assignment and Network Models

Chapter 5:
Transportation, Assignment
and Network Models
© 2007 Pearson Education
Network Flow Models
Consist of a network that can be
represented with nodes and arcs
1. Transportation Model
2. Transshipment Model
3. Assignment Model
4. Maximal Flow Model
5. Shortest Path Model
6. Minimal Spanning Tree Model
Characteristics of Network Models
• A node is a specific location
• An arc connects 2 nodes
• Arcs can be 1-way or 2-way
Types of Nodes
• Origin nodes
• Destination nodes
• Transshipment nodes
Decision Variables
XAB = amount of flow (or shipment) from
node A to node B
Flow Balance at Each Node
(total inflow) – (total outflow) = Net flow
Node Type
Net Flow
The Transportation Model
Decision: How much to ship from each
origin to each destination?
Objective: Minimize shipping cost
The Transshipment Model
• Similar to a transportation model
• Have “Transshipment” nodes with both inflow
and outflow
Node Type
Flow Balance
inflow < outflow
inflow > outflow
inflow = outflow
Net Flow
Assignment Model
• For making one-to-one assignments
• Such as:
– People to tasks
– Classes to classrooms
– Etc.
The Maximal-Flow Model
Where networks have arcs with limited
capacity, such as roads or pipelines
Decision: How much flow on each arc?
Objective: Maximize flow through the
network from an origin to a destination
Road Network Example
Need 2 arcs for 2-way streets
Modified Road Network
Decision Variables
Xij = number of cars per hour flowing from
node i to node j
Dummy Arc
The X61 arc was created as a “dummy” arc
to measure the total flow from node 1 to
node 6
Objective Function
Max X61
Subject to the constraints:
Flow Balance At Each Node
(X61 + X21) – (X12 + X13 + X14)
(X12 + X42 + X62) – (X21 + X24 + X26)
(X13 + X43 + X53) – (X34 + X35)
(X14+ X24 + X34 + X64)–(X42+ X43 + X46)
(X35) – (X53 + X56)
(X26 + X46 + X56) – (X61 + X62 + X64)
Flow Capacity Limit On Each Arc
Xij < capacity of arc ij
Go to File 5-6.xls
The Shortest Path Model
For determining the shortest distance to
travel through a network to go from an
origin to a destination
Decision: Which arcs to travel on?
Objective: Minimize the distance (or time)
from the origin to the destination
Ray Design Inc. Example
• Want to find the shortest path from the factory
to the warehouse
• Supply of 1 at factory
• Demand of 1 at warehouse
Decision Variables
Xij = flow from node i to node j
Note: “flow” on arc ij will be 1 if arc ij is used,
and 0 if not used
Roads are bi-directional, so the 9 roads
require 18 decision variables
Objective Function (in distance)
Min 100X12 + 200X13 + 100X21 + 50X23 +
200X24 + 100X25 + 200X31 + 50X32 +
40X35 + 200X42 + 150X45 + 100X46 +
40X53 + 100X52 + 150X54 + 100X56 +
100X64 + 100X65
Subject to the constraints:
(see next slide)
Flow Balance For Each Node
(X21 + X31) – (X12 + X13)
= -1
(X13 + X23 + X53) – (X31 + X32 + X35) = 0
(X24 + X54 + X64) – (X42 + X45 + X46) = 0
(X46 + X56) – (X64 + X65)
Go to file 5-7.xls
Minimal Spanning Tree
For connecting all nodes with a minimum
total distance
Decision: Which arcs to choose to connect
all nodes?
Objective: Minimize the total distance of
the arcs chosen
Lauderdale Construction Example
Building a network of water pipes to supply water
to 8 houses (distance in hundreds of feet)
Characteristics of Minimal
Spanning Tree Problems
• Nodes are not pre-specified as origins or
• So we do not formulate as LP model
• Instead there is a solution procedure
Steps for Solving
Minimal Spanning Tree
1. Select any node
2. Connect this node to its nearest node
3. Find the nearest unconnected node and
connect it to the tree (if there is a tie,
select one arbitrarily)
4. Repeat step 3 until all nodes are
Steps 1 and 2
Starting arbitrarily with node (house) 1, the
closest node is node 3
Second and Third Iterations
Fourth and Fifth Iterations
Sixth and Seventh Iterations
After all nodes (homes) are connected the total
distance is 16 or 1,600 feet of water pipe