Chapter 9: The Rise of the Kingdom

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Transcript Chapter 9: The Rise of the Kingdom

Chapter 9: The Rise of the
1. Joshua (pp. 168–173)
Read the account of the siege of Jericho (Jos 5:13—6:27).
Is the collapse of the walls of Jericho just a fanciful story?
Later in the lesson we will see three pieces of archaeological evidence that
support the biblical account.
1. Joshua (pp. 168–173)
What made Joshua an effective leader of Israel?
How was Jericho conquered?
What was the role of Rehab in Jewish and Christian history?
What was Joshua’s legacy to Israel?
Obedient to God’s leadership, Joshua renewed the Mosaic Covenant
through circumcision and led Israel into the Promised Land.
Israel took the city of Jericho through God’s power.
Israel was aided by Rahab, a pagan woman, who became an ancestor
of David and Jesus.
At the end of his life, Joshua renewed the covenant with Israel and
gave them new laws.
1. Joshua (pp. 168–173)
Who was the leader of Israel after Moses?
Joshua led Israel.
Did Israel ever succeed in conquering Canaan completely?
Though Israel would ultimately conquer Canaan, the Jews would never
completely drive out the Canaanites who tempted them to paganism.
What role did Rahab play in the conquest of Jericho?
This harlot or innkeeper sheltered and hid Joshua’s spies and helped
them escape after they had been detected.
1. Joshua (pp. 168–173)
How was the crossing of the River Jordan a type of Baptism?
As the Jews crossed into the Promised Land through the waters of the River Jordan,
Christians cross into the promise of eternal salvation through the waters of Baptism.
Extension: “Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to John [St. John the Baptist]... and
Jesus was baptized” (Mt 3:13–16).
How did Joshua renew the Mosaic Covenant between the Israelites and God?
He had the men of Israel circumcised.
How was Jericho conquered?
The Israelites marched around the city once a day, carrying the Ark of the Covenant while
the priests blew trumpets. On the seventh day, they marched around the city seven times
and then gave a great shout, at whose sound the walls of the city collapsed.
What is the importance of Rahab in Jewish and Christian history?
She married an Israelite and, according to St. Matthew (1:5), became an ancestor both of
King David and of Jesus Christ.
1. Joshua (pp. 168–173)
Conduct a think / pair / share to identify three pieces of recent
archaeological evidence to support the biblical account of the conquest of
1. Joshua (pp. 168–173)
What did Joshua accomplish at Shechem?
Joshua called a council of the heads of all the tribes of Israel at Shechem
where he renewed the Mosaic Covenant with them. Shechem is where
God had promised to give the land of Canaan to Abraham and where
Joshua would be buried.
1. Joshua (pp. 168–173)
Work with a partner to answer the two questions below in regard to “God’s jealousy.”
Though people usually think of jealousy as a fault, God claims this trait for himself on
several occasions, including when he gave Moses the First Commandment (cf. Ex 20:2–6).
Joshua warned the people their God is a jealous God (cf. Jos 24:19–20).
Before this, Joshua had challenged the people to serve the one true God and no other gods
(cf. Jos 24:15).
In the Book of Revelation (cf. 3:15–16), Christ warned the Christian community in Laodecia
not to be lukewarm in their service of God.
What does God mean when he describes himself as a jealous God?
How can people provoke God’s jealousy? Give examples.
1. Joshua (pp. 168–173)
Why did Joshua try to dissuade the leaders of Israel from renewing
the Mosaic Covenant?
He was underlining the seriousness of their covenant with God; God
would severely punish them if they were unfaithful.
Extension: Perhaps Joshua wanted them to understand they were making
a free decision. Inwardly, he must have been joyful.
What was the significance of this statement: “Joshua... made
statutes and ordinances for them”?
The Israelites could amend and add to the laws of Moses.
1. Joshua (pp. 168–173)
Write for five minutes about what qualities made Joshua an effective
1. Joshua (pp. 168–173)
Study Questions 1–7 (p. 187)
Practical Exercises 1–2 (p. 188)
Workbook Questions 1–11 Read “The Right Time to Attack” through
“Samuel the King-maker” (pp. 174–179)
1. Joshua (pp. 168–173)
Conduct a think / pair / share to complete Practical Exercise 2 about the
lessons to be gleaned from Rahab’s role in salvation history.
Share responses.
2. The Conquest of Canaan and the Judges (pp. 174–179)
At the time of the invasion of Canaan, the Israelites were a huge family
comprised of the Twelve Tribes, all descended from Abraham, Isaac, and
God alone was their King, and Moses had given them a Law by which to
live. Unlike most nations that have ever existed, they had no earthly king.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this arrangement.
2. The Conquest of Canaan and the Judges (pp. 174–179)
What factors made the land of Canaan ripe for conquest?
Who were the judges?
What was Israel’s pattern during the conquest of Canaan?
How did God and Samuel view Israel’s desire for a king?
The withdrawal of the Egyptians and civil wars among the Canaanites made
the land of Canaan ripe for conquest.
Judges were warrior-prophets who led Israel and rescued the nation from
surrounding enemies.
Israel repeated a pattern of faithfulness, idolatry, internal strife, and attack by
enemies, later to be rescued by a judge.
Israel demanded Samuel appoint a king for the nation; God allowed this
rejection of himself as king; Samuel warned Israel of the cost of having a king.
2. The Conquest of Canaan and the Judges (pp. 174–179)
What were the Canaanites’ “hornets”?
They had civil wars and other difficulties.
How did the Egyptians help Israel gain Canaan?
Egyptian forces withdrew, so Canaan lacked military assistance.
How was the conquest of Canaan an example of divide and
Canaan was divided internally, and the various cities would not help one
another. The Israelites were united and able to conquer city by city.
2. The Conquest of Canaan and the Judges (pp. 174– 179)
Read the story of the capture of the Ark of the Covenant and its effect on the
Philistines (1 Sm 4–5).
The word tumors is most likely a translation for boils affecting all parts of the
Philistines’ bodies. The boils, in combination with an infestation of mice and rats,
probably signify bubonic plague.
Conduct a think / pair / share using the paragraph “Meanwhile, Israel was
falling...” (p. 176) and the following question:
How does the idea of divide and conquer apply to Israel at that time?
2. The Conquest of Canaan and the Judges (pp. 174–179)
What was the pattern of Israel’s history in the time of the judges?
Time and again Israel turned from faithfulness to idolatry. Israel then fell into anarchy
and even civil war. Then, in the darkest hour, God provided a judge, a warrior-prophet,
who rescued Israel from her enemy. However, as soon as the danger had passed, Israel
returned to idolatry, and the cycle began again.
What did Israel find attractive about the Canaanites?
The Canaanites were sophisticated city dwellers whereas the Israelites were nomads living
in tents. The Canaanites lived in comfortable homes and worshiped in beautiful temples
with impressive ceremonies.
Who were the Philistines?
They were a people who had settled on the coast and constantly harassed Israel.
Extension: In modern parlance a philistine is a boorish person who is indifferent to
artistic and cultural values. In the second century AD, the Roman rulers began to call the
land of Judea Palestine—after the Philistines—as an affront to the Jews.
2. The Conquest of Canaan and the Judges (pp. 174–179)
Read the story of Samson (Jgs 13–16).
Share details that surprised you about the moral qualities of Samson.
Conduct a think / pair / share using the following question:
How is the standard, “every man did what was right in his own eyes,” in
contrast to the Mosaic Covenant Israel had sworn with God?
2. The Conquest of Canaan and the Judges (pp. 174–179)
What did the Israelites pose as the solution to their problems?
They wanted a king to rule over them, or, better, to fight their battles.
What was the problem with Samuel’s sons?
They were greedy men who “took bribes and perverted justice.” By
rejecting Samuel as their ruler, who were the Israelites really rejecting? They
were rejecting God, who reassured Samuel, “They are not rejecting you, but
they have rejected me from being king over them.”
2. The Conquest of Canaan and the Judges (pp. 174–179)
Complete the following table to understand the points Samuel made in his
Samuel’s Warning on Israel’s Desire for a King
Answer, according to Samuel
What will a king do to your sons?
What will a king do to your daughters?
What will a king do to your servant s?
What will he do to your property?
What will God do when you say you’ve
changed your mind about having a king?
2. The Conquest of Canaan and the Judges (pp. 174–179)
Samuel’s Warning on Israel’s Desire for a King
Answer, according to Samuel
What will a king do to your sons?
He will make them his soldiers or workers.
What will a king do to your daughters?
What will a king do to your servants?
He will make them work as perfumers,
cooks and bakers.
He will put them to work for him.
What will he do to your property?
He will take a tenth of all your property.
What will God do when you say you’ve
changed your mind about having a king?
He will ignore you.
2. The Conquest of Canaan and the Judges (pp. 174–179)
Write a paragraph giving examples of Israel’s infidelity to the Mosaic
Covenant during this period.
2. The Conquest of Canaan and the Judges (pp. 174–179)
Study Questions 8–12 (p. 187)
Workbook Questions 12–20
Read “Saul, the Anointed One” through “The Man After God’s Own
Heart” (pp. 180–184)
2. The Conquest of Canaan and the Judges (pp. 174–179)
Write your own definition of the word freedom.
Did you define freedom in terms of doing as you please, a sort of license?
Another definition of freedom is “the capability one has over moral choices
for the purpose of accomplishing God’s will.”
Using freedom to commit sin is a misuse of freedom. In addition, sin is
habit-forming and actually takes away the freedom not to sin.
The Israelites continually fell into sin because they misused their freedom.
3. King Saul (pp. 180–184)
Recall details about modern-day coronations or inaugurations.
The essence of the coronation of the King of Israel was the pouring of oil
on the king’s head. This made the king anointed, the Hebrew word for
which is messiah, and the Greek christos.
3. King Saul (pp. 180–184)
Whom did God give to Israel to be king?
What were Saul’s sins, and what were their consequences?
Whom did God choose to be the next king?
God gave Israel the king they desired in the person of Saul. Samuel
anointed Saul, making him the messiah (“christ”) of Israel.
Saul offended God by not offering worship the way God wanted;
consequently, he lost his son’s right to rule after him. Saul next sinned by
not destroying everything in Amalek; consequently, Samuel told Saul his
kingship would be taken away.
God chose David, a man after his own heart, to be the next king, and
Samuel anointed him. David became Saul’s favorite.
3. King Saul (pp. 180–184)
Why did Saul appear kingly?
He was the most handsome man in Israel and a head taller than anyone
What is the significance of pouring oil over someone?
To anoint (pour oil on someone or something) is a sign of consecration or
setting it apart as sacred. The Hebrew word for this is messiah; the Greek,
Though Israel’s desire for a king was a rejection of God, how did he
God not only allowed Israel to have a king but also he chose who the king
would be through an anointing and a bestowal of prophetic power.
3. King Saul (pp. 180–184)
Conduct a think / pair / share using the following question:
What was Saul’s first big mistake as king?
3. King Saul (pp. 180–184)
What was Saul’s punishment for having taken worship into his own hands?
Samuel prophesied Saul’s descendants would not rule after him.
Why did God order Amalek be completely destroyed?
Samuel told Saul to destroy everything in Amalek for two reasons. First, the
Amalekites were evil. Second, this would take away Israel’s motivation to attack its
Extension: Besides being fought for self-preservation, wars are also undertaken
with the hope of robbing the enemy of valuables.
What did Saul do when he conquered Amalek?
He kept what he considered valuable and destroyed what he considered worthless.
3. King Saul (pp. 180–184)
What were Saul’s excuses for keeping the booty from Amalek?
Initially he said he wanted to spare the cattle so he could sacrifice them to the
Lord. Later he explained he feared his soldiers and thus did what they wanted.
How did Saul rip Samuel’s mantle?
Samuel refused to pardon Saul’s sin, and, as Samuel turned to walk away, Saul
grabbed Samuel’s mantle, which tore.
What did the torn garment signify?
Samuel interpreted it to mean God was going to rip Saul’s kingship from him.
3. King Saul (pp. 180–184)
Most have known the story of David and Goliath since a young age.
Read silently the biblical account (1 Sm 17). Then participate in a
discussion using the following question:
What surprised you or was different from what you had remembered
about the biblical narrative of David and Goliath?
3. King Saul (pp. 180–184)
Why did God choose David over his older brothers?
God saw what was in David’s heart and chose him for that reason.
Why did the Spirit of the Lord depart from Saul before coming
upon David?
There could only be one anointed (messiah) at a time.
How did David endear himself to Saul?
An evil spirit tormented Saul, and David played his lyre, which soothed
3. King Saul (pp. 180–184)
Have each student free write for five minutes about Saul as a tragic
3. King Saul (pp. 180–184)
Study Questions 13–17 (p. 187)
Practical Exercises 3–4 (p. 188)
Workbook Questions 21–33
3. King Saul (pp. 180–184)
A class discussion using the following question:
Based on Saul’s behavior in war and David’s behavior when fighting
Goliath, what did God mean when he said David was a man after his own
The End