Erikson`s Theory

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By Ibrahim Akbar, Dragana Bozic, Mitra
Bozic and Matthew Jacobs
Erik Erikson was the man who did a great deal
to explore the concept of how we view
ourselves based on inborn traits or other
characteristics. With the influence of Freud, he
believed that the ego exists from birth and that
behaviour is not totally defensive. He felt the
course of development is determined by the
interaction of the body, mind and cultural
influences. He was able to do this because of
his strong interest and compassion for people,
especially young people, and also because his
research was carried out among human
societies and not just the more inward-looking
world of a psychoanalyst's couch.
The first stage of Erik Erikson's theory is Infancy, which started from birth and
ranged all the way up to 18 months. This was named the Hope and Drive stage.
Erikson believed that during these years of a child's life, major emphasis was
on the nurturing ability of the mother and father and that the basic conflict is
trust between the child and its parents. Erikson believed that this stage was very
important for the trustworthy relationship to establish amongst the toddler and
the parents because if the child was able to go through this stage successfully
then he or she would be able to go through life with the basic confidence that is
needed to be successful.
If they do not experience trust he or she may develop insecurity, worthlessness
and mistrust for the world. Many studies of suicides and suicide attempts point
to the importance of the early years in developing the basic belief that the
world is trustworthy and that every individual has a right to be here.
The second stage of Erikson’s theory was early childhood which
ranged between 18 months to the age of 3. It is known as the
Willpower and Self-Control stage. The theory behind this part of the
child’s life was that the toddler is able to be more independent which
contributed to their sense of autonomy meaning to do things
independently so if the child is to be supported and encouraged in their
increased independence they become more confident and more secure
in their ability to survive. It is also a very vulnerable stage of the
child's life so if he or she is criticized or shamed in the process of
learning important skills they may feel great self-doubt and feel
inadequate in their ability to survive which would ultimately result in
low self-esteem and they would become to dependent on others.
Erikson wanted to show that this part of the child's life is very
important for them to feel a realisation of being independent.
Erikson’s third stage development theory is preschool, which is aged
from 3-5 years old. The life stage virtue is Purpose and Direction with
the basic conflict between child and parents.
During this period we experience the want to copy the adults around us
and take initiative in creating ‘play’ situations. We make up stories with
Barbie's and Ken's, toy phones and miniature cars’, playing out roles in
a trial universe and experimenting with what we think it means to be an
adult or grown up. If we're frustrated over natural desires and goals, we
may easily experience guilt.
Erikson’s fourth stage development theory is School age, where the age range is
from 6-12 years old. The basic conflict is making the transition from everything
depending on our parents to things depending also with school and the
neighbourhood. The life style virtue is Method and Competence.
During this stage, often called the Latency, we are capable of learning, creating
and accomplishing numerous new skills and knowledge, thus developing a sense
of industry. This is also a very social stage of development and if we experience
unresolved feelings of inadequacy and inferiority among our peers, we can have
serious problems in terms of competence and self-esteem. As the world expands
a bit, our most significant relationship is with the school and neighbourhood.
Parents are no longer the complete authorities they once were, although they are
still important.
Erikson's fifth stage of development is Adolescence, which ranges from 12-18
years. The life stage virtue is Devotion and Fidelity and the basic conflict is
having to figure out who we are, in society as well as for yourself.
Up to this stage, according to Erikson, development mostly depends upon
what is done to us. From here on out, development depends primarily upon
what we do. And while adolescence is a stage at which we are neither a child
nor an adult, life is definitely getting harder as we attempt to find our own
identity, struggle with social interactions, and come to grips with moral
issues. Our task is to find out who we are as individuals separate from our
family and as members of a wider society. Unfortunately for those around us,
in this process many of us go into a period of withdrawing from
responsibilities, which Erikson called a "moratorium." And if we are
unsuccessful in accomplishing this stage, we will experience role confusion.
Erikson’s sixth stage of development is young adulthood.
The life stage virtue of this is Affiliation and Love and the
basic conflict is isolation. People search for a love partner,
sometimes failing and sometimes accomplishing a
successful relationship. People try to find relationships that
satisfy their needs and help start a family to carry on the
next generation. People who lack intimacy can become
isolated and without satisfaction, resulting them to possibly
becoming elitists and feel superior to society. Significant
relationships are those with friends and spouses.
Erikson’s seventh stage of development is middle
adulthood and the age range for this is usually 3555/65. The life style virtue is Production and Care,
with the basic conflict of self-absorption/stagnation.
Most people focus on work, they have
responsibilities and need to take charge. Their
children eventually grow up and leave home and
most circumstances change. The “mid-life crisis”
may possibly occur and if people do not cope with it,
they become self-absorbed and stagnate. Significant
relationships are those with family and friends/coworkers.
Erikson’s last stage is maturity/late adulthood, with the
age range from 55/65 - death. The life virtue of this is
wisdom with the basic conflict as despair. People will
retire and reflect back on their entire lives. Some feel
they’ve contributed to society and are happy with what
they made of their life. They embrace the inevitable death
as life’s completion. Others feel they’ve done no good and
wonder if it was worth it and if they could have done
something different. Others still, feel that only they have
done good and show more elitists’ traits. Significant
relationships are with everyone.
Erik Erikson’s theory, unlike many other theories of development, describes changes
which take place across the entire lifespan from birth to older age. Erikson showed how
each stage of development could have a positive and negative outcome. This made his
theory more appealing to clinical psychologists and psychiatrists. However Erikson's
theory was different in the aspect that he emphasises on the role of the individual in
their own psychological development. One criticism on Erikson’s theory is that it lacks
experimental evidence to support it. Another criticism is that it did not consider the
way in which socio-cultural influences have different effects on males and females,
criticism was also made about more specific aspects of the theory such as the fact that
identity is found when you are in your adolescence stage. Although people tried to find
errors of Erikson’s theory they could not go past the fact that he had one of the best
theories in the psychological development of the human being.