Transcript Document

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This document was produced and distributed through an IDEA Mandated Activities Project for Michigan’s Assistive Technology
Resource awarded by the Michigan Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Early Intervention Services.
Michigan’s Assistive
Technology Resource
1. The overall purpose of MATR is to provide information
services, support materials, technical assistance, and training
to local and intermediate school districts in Michigan to
increase their capacity to address the assistive technology
needs of students with disabilities.
2. MATR’s website is:
3. Services to schools are FREE and include:
• Support to IEP team members during the process of
considering AT
• Equipment loan program for trials of AT to schools
• A software loan library for parents and school personnel
• Training - inservice workshops, intensive trainings, and
development of training materials
This document was produced and distributed through an IDEA Mandated Activities
Project for Michigan’s Assistive Technology Resource (MATR) awarded by the
Michigan Department of Education. The opinions expressed herein do not necessarily
reflect the position or policy of the Michigan Department of Education, the Michigan
State Board of Education, or the U.S. Department of Education, and no endorsement
is inferred. This document is in the public domain and may be copied for further
distribution when proper credit is given. For further information or inquiries about
this project, contact the Michigan Department of Education, Office of Special
Education and Early Intervention Services, P.O. Box 30008, Lansing, MI 48909.
The Michigan Department of Education complies with all Federal laws and regulations
prohibiting discrimination, and with all requirements of the U.S. Department of Education.
1023 South U.S. 27
St. Johns, MI 48879
Phone: 800.274.7426
Fax: 989.224.0330
TTY: 989.224.0246
[email protected]
Keys to Success:
Assistive Technology Overview
•Define assistive technology
•Identify indicators of appropriate assistive
technology consideration and documentation
•Gain knowledge of funding resources
•Gain awareness of assistive technology
continuum and tools
•Discuss available local, state and national
What is Assistive
The Individuals with Disabilities Education
Act IDEA ‘97 (Public Law 105-17) mandates
the provision of assistive technology and
offers clear definitions of assistive technology
devices and services.
Legal Definitions
Assistive Technology Devices
Any item, piece of equipment or product
system, whether acquired commercially
off the shelf, modified, or customized that
is used to increase, maintain, or improve
the functional capabilities of children with
disabilities. (Section 300.5)
Legal Definitions
Assistive Technology Services
Any service that directly assists an individual with a
disability in the selection, acquisition, or use of an
assistive technology device. (Section 300.5)
•Providing devices
•Selecting, Designing, Customizing
•Maintaining, Repairing
•Training/Technical Assistance –student, family and
school service providers
IDEA Facts
•Schools are required to provide AT at no cost to
the parents if it is needed for a student to receive a
free appropriate education.
•The IEP team is responsible for determining
whether a child requires assistive technology to
benefit from their educational program
•IDEA ‘97 requires IEP teams to consider the
assistive technology needs of students during the
development of an IEP
Assistive Technology Consideration
Where do we start?
A Team Approach
Multiple perspectives from a number of disciplines will
ensure that the needs of the student will be addressed
and services are provided across all environments.
Members may include: Student, Parent(s), Assistive
Technology Specialist, Special Education Teacher,
General Education Teacher, Occupational Therapist,
Speech and Language Pathologist, School Administrator,
Physical Therapist, School Psychologist, Para-Educator
The IEP team is responsible for determining whether a
student requires AT to achieve goals and objectives.
Assistive Technology Consideration
•Student centered focus
•Multidisciplinary team approach which
includes the student and family
•Provides information about the student from
multiple perspectives across all environments
•IEP team is empowered to make decisions
regarding AT devices and services
Consideration Process
Features of a consideration process:
Identifies area of concern
Identifies barriers to learning and participation
Explores potential solutions
Implements solutions
Gathers and documents information
Tracks and monitors progress and adjusts
plan as needed
The use of a decision making
framework is helpful in
determining a student’s
assistive technology needs.
SETT is one example of a
framework that assists teams
in the consideration process.
Example of a Framework for AT Consideration
Student Environment Tasks Tools
Joy Zabala
SETT is a framework that assists teams in the consideration
Critical elements of SETT:
•Multiple perspectives
•Pertinent information and resources
By Joy Zabala (1994)
What does the student need to be able to do
that is difficult or impossible to do
independently at this time?
What are the students special needs
and abilities?
What are the functional areas of concern?
What are the students current abilities?
Where will the student participate- classroom, home,
community, therapy?
What activities take place in the environment?
What materials, equipment,
supports, resources are available?
What specific tasks occur in the environments which
enable progress toward mastery of IEP goals and
Tools are devices and services- everything
that is needed to help the student succeed.
What is the physical arrangement?
What activities is the student
expected to do?
Tools must be student centered.
Describe tool features that are needed.
Tools are on a continuum
from no/low, mid, high.
Documenting Assistive Technology
IDEA regulations do not identify how or where to
address assistive technology in the IEP however
they do specify that “consideration” is
documented somewhere in the IEP
AT should be identified in the part or parts of the
IEP that best fit with the type of assistive
technology provided and correspond to the
areas addressed by IEP goals and objectives.
Describe the type of assistive technology,
include enough detail of features, and device
categories without specifying the brand name.
Data Collection and Documentation
Data collection and documentation is an ongoing
process that is used to review and revise a
student’s plan. This includes:
– Formal or informal assessment data identifies
baseline performance, specific needs, and initial
assistive technology implementation.
– Performance data supports or disproves solutions
tried (tool trials).
– Performance data evaluates outcomes and measures
student performance toward goals.
Local Sources
For small monetary requests (under approximately $2500)
•Service Organizations
•Local Businesses
•Community Foundations
Large Foundations
Additional funding for larger requests (Typically over $5000)
•Private Foundations
•Corporate Foundations
•Visit MATRs website for more resources
Assistive Technology Continuum
Assistive Technology is a continuum of
tools, strategies, and services that match
a student’s needs, abilities and tasks.
Explore possible solutions needed to meet goals
Low Tech Tools
Mid Tech Tools
High Tech Tools
Pencil grips
Color coding
Slanted surfaces
Reading and writing guides
Enlarged worksheets
Books on tape
Talking spell checker, dictionary
Word processor
Tape recorder
Adaptive eating utensils
Switch controlled toy, light, blender
Text readers
Voice recognition
Environmental control devices
Augmentative communication device
Software for manipulation of objects
Electronic books
Assistive technology can support access to the
curriculum in many ways.
 Early childhood issues (such as play, early literacy)
 Positioning
 Physical access for learning tools/computers
 Motor Aspect of Writing
 Composing Written Material
 Learning/Studying
 Organization
 Reading
 Math
 Communication
 Specific needs of students with sensory deficits such as hearing or vision
 Needs of Daily Living
Assistive Technology
Early Childhood
Early Positioning
Making Play Accessible
Early Literacy
Assistive Technology
for Positioning
Beyond Early Childhood
Positioning at a workstation
Supportive Positioning
Assistive Technology
Physical Access
Switches for Accessing
Learning Tools
Physical Access to Computers
When assessing a student’s need for computer
•Observe the student using standard equipment before
making any adaptations
•Make adjustments in small increments thus maintaining
the focus on “least restrictive”
•When an adaptation is made, a trial period of at least
six weeks to assess usefulness is recommended
Windows’ Accessibility Features
• Mouse: pointers, speed and trails
• Display: resolution settings, high contrast etc., Magnifier (XP)
• Cursor: repeat rate or delay and blink rate
• Keyboard options: sticky keys, filter keys and toggle keys, onscreen
keyboard (XP).
• SoundSentry: screen sounds for VI
Narrator-Screen Reader (XP)
• Accessibility Wizard Windows ME and above: for setting features in
control panel based on user need
Cursor Control
Switch Interfaces for Computers Access
Utility Scanners
Alternate Cursor Control
Accessing the Keyboard
Specialty keyboards
Onscreen Keyboards
Accessing the Keyboard Through Voice
Assistive Technology
Accessing the General Curriculum
Switch Based Adaptations for
Classroom Participation
Pouring Cup
from Ablenet
Adaptations for Classroom Participation
Low Tech Academic Support
Portable Learning Tools
Portable Word Processors
Software for Academic Support
Assistive Technology
for the
Needs of Daily Living
Low Tech Daily Living Devices
Talking Measuring Jug
High Tech Daily Living Devices
Assistive Technology for
Students with Visual Impairments
Access to Print Material
•Large print books
•Audio Books
•Desk top magnifiers
Access to Writing for Students
with Visual Impairments
Computer Access for Students
with Visual Impairments
•Lower screen resolution
•High contrast settings
•Screen magnification
•Screen reader software
•Scan and read software
•Refreshable Braille output
Assistive Technology for
Students with Hearing Impairments
Accessing Communication through
Augmentative and Alternative Communication
“Any device, system or method that
improves the ability of a child with
a communication impairment to
communicate effectively”
Light-Tech AAC Options
Mid-Tech AAC Devices
Mid-Tech AAC Tools
High-Tech Dedicated AAC Tools
High-Tech Non-Dedicated AAC Tools
Communication Software
How can I learn more about
Assistive Technology?
•AT Contact
MATR (Michigan’s Assistive Technology Resource)
TAM/CEC (Technology & Media Division of the Council for Exceptional Children)
MACUL (Michigan Association for Computer Users in Learning)
Closing The Gap
ATA (Alliance for Technology Access)
CSUN (California State University Northridge)
RESNA (Rehabilitation Engineering & Assistive Technology Society of North America)
WATI (Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative)
ASHA (American Speech Language Hearing Association)
AOTA (American Occupational Therapy Association)
UCP (United Cerebral Palsy Association)
AER (Association for Education and Rehabilitation for Blind and Visually Impaired)
Joy Zabala, Assistive Technology Consultant –
Assistive Technology – A LIFE TOOL!