Introduction To Time off manager (Tom)

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Transcript Introduction To Time off manager (Tom)

Login Page
To access the Time Off
Manager System, you will
need to go to the following
web address:
To request time off
you will always
need to start from
this login page; it
may be helpful to
bookmark the
address in your
web browser.
Login Credentials
The Company
ID will always
be MO24601.
You will then
enter your
Username and
(these should
be provided to
you via email).
Be certain to
store your
Password and
Username in a
safe place!
Home Screen
Once logged in
you will see this,
your home
This is where you
will initiate future
time-off requests,
check request
statuses, and see
your time off
In the following
slides you will be
shown the
process with
which you initiate
new requests for
time off.
New Requests
To start your new
request, you will
click the New
Request drop
down button
from the top
Click on “TimeOff Request”
Requests Page
You will
now see a
page that
will allow
you to
make your
This page
You have the option to request a Full Day off, a Partial Day off, or
Multiple Days off depending on your needs.
Full Day Requests
For requesting full days off,
make sure that you first
select the appropriate button
under item 1.
Under item number 2
you will select the
calendar day for your
time off.
Full Day Requests Continued..
In item 3 you will
have the option
to choose which
type of time-off
you will be using.
Most times you will
use your PTO (paid
time off). This is the
time off that you will
accrue every pay day.
The other types
of time-off will
be explained in
detail in later
Full Day Requests Continued..
Item 4 asks you how many
hours should be assigned
to the day off. The default
is set for 8 hours.
If your full day is less or more than the
default (part-time employee or summer
schedule), change the number of hours
assigned to the full day to reflect the
correct number.
Partial Day Requests
Select the Partial Day button to request
only part of one day off.
You will select your day off as
usual then, you will select the
specific times that you need off.
Partial Day Requests Continued..
You have the option to include
your lunch time as part of the
time you will be taking off
during your partial day.
specify the
length of
your lunch
time and it
will be
from the
time you
off to
you do not
PTO for
your lunch
Multiple Day Requests
To request
multiple full
days off,
click the
Days off
You will then be prompted to enter the
consecutive days that you need off;
this works in essentially the same way
as the Full Day request process.
Once complete,
click on the
Submit Request
Once you click the
Submit button at the
bottom off your request
you will then be
prompted for more
information before your
final request is sent.
Submitting Your Request
This page will outline the details of your
request and, before submission, you can
also provide details of the purpose
behind your request if you desire.
Viewing Pending Requests
After confirming your request, you
will be taken back to your home
page with the pending request
shown on the calendar with a red
question mark next to it..
Your request has
now been
submitted to your
supervisor for
Viewing Pending Requests Continued…
If you click on
the request
within your
calendar you will
be able to view
the details and
status of your
If your request
was made in
error you have
the option to
cancel it if
Approved Time Off Requests
When your request has
been approved by your
supervisor, you will see a
blue checkmark next to
your request.
An email will also be sent to
your email
account when your request
review has been completed.
“My Profile” Tab
From your
screen you
may also
access your
My Profile
tab at the
top menu
From this
tab you can
view your
name, and
position info.
You must contact Human
Resources if you need to
change any of this information
aside from your password.
“My Summary” Tab
You can also view
the total amounts
of time taken off
thus far.
the My
tab at the
top menu
you can
access a
of your
time off
Types of Time Off (PTO)
New employees will begin accrual of PTO from
their first date of work, and will have full access to
this benefit after an initial 3-month probationary
period. A maximum number of hours per year is
allowed. This maximum number increases over
time based on the employee's length of service
with MCC (see the following link for more detailed
information on PTO:
PTO is automatically
provided to College staff
so that you may have the
opportunity to take time
away from work without
loss of compensation; biweekly additions will be
made to this account.
Types of Time Off (Catastrophic Leave)
Catastrophic Leave is
for circumstances
under which a nonjob related serious
health condition might
cause an employee to
exhaust accrued PTO
leave and be without
Catastrophic Leave is
a benefit that is
meant to serve as an
emergency resource.
For further
information on
Catastrophic Leave,
please refer to the
following information:
Types of Time Off (Comp Time)
In the event that an employee may have to work a day that has
been designated by the College as a paid holiday, they will be
reimbursed the respective number of hours worked through their
Comp Time category in TOM.
Types of Time Off (Lifetime Accumulation)
Your Lifetime
category represents
hours that have gone
unused and have
been put in this
category at the
beginning of each
fiscal year. This
category serves as a
time off savings
account of sorts.
Accumulation is used
in the same manner
as your PTO time off.
Other Types of Time Off
This table gives you a guide to the different colors that will appear on
your calendar requests based on the type of leave you have
The types of leave that have not yet been addressed in this demo are
Bereavement Leave, Sick Leave Reserve, Faculty Leave, Professional
Leave, Leave Without Pay, and Jury Duty.
Bereavement Leave is granted to an employee should they need to
take time off for the death of an immediate family member. Full details
can be viewed here:
Faculty Leave is specific to Resident Faculty in the College. It works the same as PTO time off. More information can be
found here:
Professional Leave is used when an employee is out of the office for out-of-town meetings, conferences, etc. This does not
deduct any hours from the individual’s PTO or Lifetime Accumulation.
Leave Without Pay is used in the event that an absence is not backed by PTO or any other time off type.
Jury Duty time off is used in the event that an employee is called to
serve as a potential juror. More information can be found here:
Last Updated 05.03.2012 JT
You are now ready to use Time Off
Manager! If you have any questions
regarding T.O.M. then please contact the
Human Resources office at 928-681-5645
or extension #1274.